Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 10.

N.B: Just before you read on and get confused, the point of view has changed into 3rd person for this part.

Alex had left the school grounds determined to find Josh and hear what he had to say about what had happened between him and Justine last night. Alex took out his phone from his pocket and punched in a few digits. He pressed the phone to his ear and there was a load of muttering from the voice on the other end. A few moments passed and then Alex whispered Josh’s full name down the phone and after some more muttering from the other end Alex whispered a quiet “thankyou”.

Alex could have just asked Justine the information he needed but he knew she’d get suspicious and stop him from going anywhere near Josh.

Alex started making his way down town. He caught the 11 bus from near the school field and impatiently tapped his fingers on his leg throughout the bus journey. The minutes seemed to pass by like years and then the bus stopped at the last bus shelter on Kirkland Avenue. He walked off casually off the bus and headed towards Kirkland College. Once he got there, Alex leant on the railings and checked his phone for the time. It would only be a few minutes before Josh would show his face.

Suddenly, a few doors were slammed and the college gates opened. Alex recognised Josh and started to make his way towards him. Josh was with 3 other guys; the one to the left of him was quite tall and tanned, the one in the middle was very pale with brown shaggy hair and the other guy had blonde curly hair and looked quite chubby. Josh and the 3 lads went to move out of the way when Alex headed towards them. He abruptly blocked them from passing and confusion spread across all 4 of their faces. Josh frowned at the 3 lads and then turned his attention back on Alex.

“Excuse me?” Josh said.
Alex eyed up the 3 lads and then focused back on Josh. “The 3 guys can go. I’d like a word with you. Josh.”
“Ha. Okay. Whatever. Sure, you guys go on ahead.” Josh whispered to the lads and they laughed and walked on.
“So. What’s YOUR problem?” Josh said to Alex with a sly tone.
“What did you do to Justine, ay?”
“Ha. Wouldn’t you like to know? Go ask her for yourself. She said she enjoyed every minute of it.” he smirked.
“I would except the fact she’s not saying anything about it. So it must be pretty bad,” he stepped closer to Josh, “so I’m gonna ask you again and you’ll tell me straight what happened.” He grabbed Josh’s collar and pulled it closer towards him.
“Ha, as I said. Wouldn’t you like to know? Well mate, you ain’t gonna get no story from me, but she was real good. A star.” Josh pushed Alex off him and started to walk past.
“Story? Ha, this isn’t some story. I think you’re living in a fantasy mate. You can’t go round disrespecting people. Especially her.”
“Why? Why do you even care? Oh, are you her boyfriend?” he said in a spiteful tone, “tell you what. Go get screwed mate.” He paused. “Oh wait, I’m sure Justine’s waiting right in bed for you now.” He winked, spat on the floor in front of Alex, turned around and headed towards his ‘gang’. They all sniggered and shot glares at Alex. Once they’d turned the corner, Alex felt rage building up inside of him. He could have punched his lights out right there and then but no, he didn’t. He had no choice but to calm down and remind himself of the fact that violence doesn’t get you anywhere, it only gets people into deeper trouble.

After a few minutes of intense relaxing, Alex went over to the bus shelter and caught the 11 bus back to the school field. He walked past the school and went back to his secret place hoping that Justine was still there and was okay. He wish he hadn’t of left her considering that trip was a waste of his time and breath.

He went through the back way to his secret place and stopped at the bushes. He peeked through the holes between the flowers and branches and saw Justine still sitting in exactly the same place he’d put her down earlier except she looked like she had her head in her lap. He could hear light snores from near the bench and recognised immediately that they were coming from her and he thought they were pretty cute snores, not too loud or quiet. Alex crept quietly over to the bench where Justine was and sat down next to her. He wasn’t sure whether to wake her up, especially after the morning she’d had. Alex decided to leave her sleeping but gently moved her closer to him so that her neck was resting on his chest. He slowly took hold of her hand and locked them together then kissed her hair. Although she may think she looks absolutely atrocious and might possibly kill Alex for thinking this, he thought she looked perfect. Perfect for him. He chuckled to himself quietly and then laid his head on top of Justine’s. He closed his eyes and remembered how they’d met in a classroom and how he thought they were in trouble for talking. He remembered being in at the lake with her, watching the sunset go down and how he felt a connection between them that night but thought it was too soon to say anything. Next minute he knew, Alex was taking a journey into dream world.