Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 12.

We moved back to the bench and sat kissing for a while. I was glad he hadn't broken the kiss but at the same time I didn't know if he was just kissing me because he was sympathising with me or because he actually had feelings. I knew which opinion I preferred. We broke away and I sat in his lap cuddled up to his chest. Alex pressed his nose to mine and I scrunched my face and pressed my nose back harder. We were now in a game of who could press the hardest. I let Alex win and he did a little victory hand gesture.

"Fine, you win." I smiled at him.
"Pssh, I could have easily let you have won easily." He winked.
"Should have let me." I winked back.
He made an O shaped expression with his face in a playful shocking expression. "I could have but I didn't. And I won." He smirked and looked pleased with himself.
"Um, so what exactly happened back then?"
"You kissed me durh." He smiled.
"You don't say," and I winked, "but I mean, did you actually mean it?"
He cupped his hands round my chin and kissed my bruises.
"I love spending every moment with you. You know that?"
"Course I do, Alex. I do as well. You're like the guy I've always dreamt about."
He giggled and then continued on speaking, "What Josh did to you, it really made me angry inside. Which is why I had to leave, a) to calm myself down and b) to go to Josh and tell him to back off."
"You didn't did you?" I didn't want Alex to get hurt by Josh, that's the last thing that I wanted.
"I tried to refrain but I was so mad. I didn't physically do anything to him so don't worry."
"You know that he might get you for it?"
"He won't. If he does, I'll smash his face in."
I put my head back into his chest and smiled to myself. "He does care. He really does." I thought to myself.

After a few moments of silence, Alex piped up.
"I will make him pay for what he did to you."
"No, Alex. Don't. It may make things worse."
"I don't care if I get hurt. I want him to know exactly what he did was wrong and that he won't get away with it."
"Alex, I-"
He pressed his finger to my lips and then kissed me.
"I have some phone calls to make and I need to speak to my mom. I'll be back soon. You gonna be okay?"
"Yeah," I sighed, "I'll be right here. How long you gonna be?"
"About half hour. I'll try and be as quick as I can."
He went to leave, got to the exit of our secret place then stopped and ran back.
"I almost forgot," he kissed my bruises over twice, "I'll make it up to you when I get back. Promise." He smiled and then left.
I smiled to myself. I didn't know quite what he meant but I guess I'd find out later. I love that boy. He was definitely my one in a million.