Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 14.

Josh shoved Alex off him and Alex was ready to rip his throat out.
“What do you want? Jealous of me? Haha!” Josh smirked.
Alex threw a punch to Josh’s jaw and Josh winced a little. Alex’s adrenaline levels were high and he felt as if he could pound the living daylights out of Josh.

Josh tried to punch him back but Alex had him up against the wall again. Josh’s head was bashed repeatedly against the brick wall and blood started trickling down the side of Josh’s head.
“Ha, think you’re so hard don’t you?” Josh sneered.
“You deserve to die for what you did to Justine, you sick bastard.”
“Na thanks mate. Cheers for the offer though.”
Alex threw Josh to the floor and started to kick his legs and back. He wanted to see the pain on Josh’s face.
Alex lowered down to Josh on the floor and threw a few powerful punches at his legs and stomach. Nicole smacked a few punches round his jaw and kicked him a few times at his back. Alex and Nicole could see Josh wincing at every punch and kick, and a few seconds after Alex gave Nicole the all clear look and slammed one last punch round Josh’s jaw causing a pool of blood to flow out of his mouth. Alex had decided enough was enough and he’d definitely got the message across that no one messes with him or his girl. Alex got up and started to walk away when he felt a stabbing pain in his back. Alex spun around and saw Josh standing before him with Nicole behind Josh and she whispered the words subtly, “knife”.


After speaking to Alex on the phone, I decided to call Layna. I hadn't spoken to her in ages and we needed a catch up badly.
I scrolled down my contacts and dialled Layna's mobile. I heard a few rings and then the call connected.
"Hello, Layna?"
"Hiya, who's speaking?"
"Justine, haha!"
"Ah, I haven't got your number saved! How's it going?"
"I'm okay thanks, yourself?"
"Yeah I'm good thankyou. So, what's up?"
"Do you wanna hang out for a bit? I've got loads to tell you!"
"Sure! Meet me at Highlands Park in 10?"
"Okay! See ya!"
I hung up and grabbed my bag. I needed to go to a toilet and check how I looked.
I left the secret place and hurriedly walked to town. I went into Baker's Oven and headed straight for the bathroom. I got a few dodgy looks and I instantly knew I didn't look okay.
I ran over to the mirror and saw a massive red bruise on my face. Clearly I'd forgotten about this mornings encounter.
I cleaned my makeup so I looked at least half decent, bought an icing cake and went out of Baker's Oven. I arrived at Highlands Park a few minutes later than planned and saw Layna leaning against the wall texting. She was probably about to text me asking where I was.
"Layna!" I shouted.
She looked up, "hey!" and then put her phone in her pocket. My assumption must have been correct.
She ran over and opened my cake box.
"Ooh. 2 here? One for me?" She smiled.
"Of course!"
I'd forgotten how much Layna had changed since I'd seen her last and how much my life had changed since we'd gone our separate ways.
We sat down on a bench and I pulled my knees into my chest, facing Layna.
"How's things in Kirkland's then?"
"Alright I suppose. Yourself?"
"Boring. The work is quite easy to be fair."
"Lucky for some!" We both gigged in unison.
"So, how's the love life going?" I asked.
"I can't be bothered with boys. They seem all idiots at Kirkland's. Yours?"
"Mine's good. I'm with a guy called Alex.."
"Aw, well I'm happy for you." She smiled at me.
"Speaking of Alex, where is he?"
"No idea. Try ringing him?"
"Hm. He said he was just down town for some bits for his Mom. One sec, I'll ring him."

I got my phone out of my pocket and dialled in Alex's number. Straight to answer phone.
"Typical answer phone."
"Did he say anything else about where he was gonna be?"
"He said he was going to make this guy pay for what he did..." I trailed off.
"Justine?", I looked over at her with fear in my eyes, "you've gone as white as a ghost..?"
"Layna. Let's go. Take me to Kirkland's now."
"Is something wron-"
"We need to go. This is serious." I panicked.
"Right. Okay, this way..."
Layna lead me along a big long path and we eventually got to the main road that leaded to Kirkland's Avenue. I power walked rapidly to the corner and dared myself to look down the street.
I closed my eyes, turned towards the avenue and the college and opened my eyes.

My fears had been confirmed and I felt light-headed. I dashed down the street towards Kirkland's college and prayed that the scene a few hundred yards away from me was not what I thought it was. As I approached, I froze in pure terror.