Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 15.

I grabbed my phone out my pocket and in amongst of tears I dialled 999. It rang a few times and it felt like a few years had passed when the call finally connected.
“Hello, which service do you require?”
“P-police and a-ambulance please…” I tried to calm down but the more I tried to, I got into a worse state. “Where are you?”
“Kirkland’s Avenue… o-outside K-Kirkland’s College.”
“Thankyou. Police and ambulance are on their way now.”
I hung up immediately. I needed to get over to Alex.
“They better hurry up,” I thought to myself. If they didn’t I could sense that serious danger could approach the situation.

I started running up to Alex and burst out crying as I made my way. A girl was with him and when I arrived I dropped down to my knees and floods of tears started to stream down my face.
“A-a-alex?” I stammered.
A few moments passed and he finally said, “Justine?” He looked up whilst lying in the recovery position and attempted to smile at me. I cupped my hands around his chin and put my lips to his. He responded weakly and I could see how much pain he was in. I stopped and just locked my hand into his.
“I love you. I’m gonna kill him.” I whispered and then glared at where Josh was.
He puts his free hand up to my chin and put one finger against my mouth.
“I don’t want you to. He could do a lot worse to you.” He whispered.
“He won’t get away with this. He stabbed you, Alex!”
He squeezed my hand and I kissed his forehead.
“I’m so sorry for causing all of this.”
“No, baby. It’s not your fault. I was stupid enough to think I’d beat the daylights out of him. Now I’m gonna be left with a scar on my back for life.”
“You don’t know that. It’s not that deep is it?”
“It feels it. It feels as if he’s impaled me with that… knife.” He forced the last word out.
I glared over at Josh and if looks could kill, he’d have been dead on the floor by now. He couldn’t look me in the eyes. He knew exactly what I could do to him.
I looked back at Alex and I could see that the pain was getting worse as time went on. I just wanted to take all the pain away from him. I hated seeing him in pain. I looked at Layna who had kept her distance and she didn’t know where to look or what to say. I looked back at Alex and saw a tear fall down his face. I felt my heart break a little. I wiped the tear away and tried to speak but no words were coming out of my mouth. The lump in the back of my throat decided to show it’s presence and more tears flowed out my eyes. I heard sirens go off and I felt really dizzy. I didn’t want to leave Alex but I feared I might end up falling on him. I moved away a little and he looked at me with a confused face. I whispered the words “feel dizzy” to him and he nodded.

I looked to my left and the blue flashing lights on both vehicles were enough to blind me for a few seconds. The ambulance crew jumped out immediately and 2 of them brought a stretcher.
“Hiya. What’s happened here then?”
I looked at Alex, squeezed his hand and then explained. “That guy over there stabbed Alex in the back.”
“Right okay. We need to get him to hospital as soon as possible considering he’s bleeding quite a lot.”
“Is he gonna be okay?” more tears came to my eyes.
“We won’t know for certain until we get him into hospital. It doesn’t look lethal so he should be fine.”
Relief hit me and I felt a little bit better. “I’m coming with you to hospital baby. No matter what.” I directed at Alex.
The ambulance crew member instantly replied, “are you close family or friends?” and looked at both the girl and myself.
“I’m his girlfriend. I’m not sure about the other girl.”
“I’m just a friend. It’s okay, you can go with him.”
“Come on then, let’s get him loaded up into the ambulance.”
They told us both to step back and wait whilst they put him on a stretcher and carried him into the ambulance.

I turned towards Josh. My anger built up and I couldn’t refrain from marching over there.
“What the hell have you done?!” I screamed at him. I could hear footsteps running behind me.
“Justine, I’m sorr-”
“No. You’re not. If you were so sorry you wouldn’t have stabbed him. If you were so sorry you wouldn’t have attempted to rape me.”
I closed in on him and I clenched my fists.
“Look, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stab him. It was an instant reactio-”
“Say whatever you want. I’ll make sure you get done for this.”
I ran over and went to punch his jaw. Unfortunately, I felt someone behind me grab both my arms and pull me away from him.
“Come on. We’ll have to arrest you if you don’t come with us now.”
I gave up trying to free my wrists and turned around. The tears that flowed out of my eyes now burned and I needed to get out of here.
“What’s your name?” I saw the policeman and realised he’d stopped me from swinging at Josh.
“Okay. Justine, I think it would be best if you went with your boyfriend to hospital. Don’t you think?”
I shrugged off the policeman’s arms and headed for the ambulance. I saw Alex lying there alone with a crew member and I climbed up through the back doors and rushed up to him. I locked my hand into his tender hands and kissed him on the lips.
“You’re gonna be okay. I know it.”
Alex tried to smile and then squeezed my hand. I kissed his forehead and sat next to him. This was going to be a long night.