Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 19.

Alex squeezed my hand as we approached the hospital door. As we walked out of the door and towards Mum’s car, I decided not to let go of Alex’s hand. Instead I squeezed it and placed my head in Alex’s chest and it fit perfectly like two correct jigsaw puzzle pieces.
“I’d pick you up and sling you round my back but you know the situation.” Alex quickly responded.
“I don’t care about you picking me up right now, I just care about you.” I blushed and tried to act casual as I approached my mother.
“Hi Mum. This is Chloe,” I pointed towards Chloe who smiled at my Mum and then looked back at me, “and this is Alex.” He also smiled and then looked back at me as if he wanted to introduce himself properly.
“Hiya. I assume you’re both Justine’s friends?”
I didn’t know what to say but Chloe soon spoke up and cut off the awkward silence. “Yes, I’ve known Justine for quite a long time… do you remember me?”
I could see Mum was thinking and suddenly her eyes lit up. “Ah yes, I do remember you! You both used to run around singing the teletubbies theme tune.”
I didn’t dare look up at Alex and instead buried my head into his chest and felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. After a few seconds of silence, I realised Mum was staring at me and I could see her judging the situation with Alex and me in her head.
“Mum, could you possibly drop Chloe off at home and then wait outside Alex’s whilst he grabs some stuff please?”
“Sure. Where am I taking Alex after?”
She shook her head at me and then looked at both Alex and Chloe. “Alex, Chloe, can you excuse us for a minute and get in the car?”
“Sure.” Alex said, looked at me and then whispered in my ear, “is everything okay?” and I nodded in response.
Chloe opened the car door and threw her legs over to the other side and Alex followed after her but left a gap between them both. He shut the door and then smiled reassuringly at me.
I looked back at Mum and she was still shaking her head. “Justine, if you think Alex is staying over you’ve got another thing co-”
“Mum, he’s staying at home. Our home.”
“I barely even know him, Justine. Maybe so if it was Chloe or Layna, but I don’t even know that guy.”
“The only reason you won’t let him is because he’s a boy right? And it just so happens to be that we’re dating?”
“I think if you were in my position you’d understan-”
“What is there to understand, Mum? Do you really think we’re gonna do that sort of thing with what’s just happened?” I hissed. I couldn’t believe that she was even thinking that we’d do anything of the sort.
“Stop with the attitude now, Justine! I’ve had enough of it! You’re driving me up the walls with your behaviour recently!”
“Oh I’m sorry for the fact I was nearly raped. I’m sorry for the fact that Josh called me a slut. I’m sorry for the fact that my boyfriend got stabbed in the fucking back!” I walked away and headed for the car. I opened the door and Alex looked at me with confusion written all over his face.
“Justine? Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Could you move up, please?”
He moved up, patted the space next to him and as I sat down he put his arm around me and cradled me in his arms as a tear rolled down my face.
“Hey, what’s up?” he said as he wiped away my tear with his jacket sleeve.
“My Mum doesn’t like the idea of you staying round and thinks that we’d get up to… things.” I dug my head further into Alex’s chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Things? Like what?”
“Alex, don’t play dumb. You know exactly what.”
After a few seconds of silence he replied, “Oh. Them sort of things? After everything that’s just happened? Hmm.”
“That’s exactly what I said to her but with a bit more spite. She’s probably on the phone to my Dad right now.”
“We could always stay at mine, you know, if it’s causing problems with your Mum.”
“I thought maybe we could introduce ourselves properly to my family a bit. I know we’ve not exactly been together that long but-” Alex put a finger to my lips and cut me off.
“No, that’s a great idea. I told my Mom she’d be meeting you soon anyway.”
“Yeah, I phoned her up earlier and she kinda guessed there was a girl involved but it’s up to you if you wanna meet her or not. She’s pretty cool.”
“I don’t mind. It’s up to you if you want to introduce me to her.” I smiled at Alex.
“Do you want to though?”
“I said it’s up to you, didn’t I? Now you decide, it’s your Mum.” I couldn’t help smile at the fact that Alex nor I could decide whether I was allowed to meet his Mum or not.
“But it’s up to you though. It’s your decision whether you wanna meet her or not.”
“I already said it’s up to you-”
“Guys! Although it’s kinda cute, would you please make up your mind?” Chloe smirked.
“Fine. I’ll meet your Mum. There – sorted!” I smiled at Alex and Chloe and turned round to clip in my seatbelt. I soon heard a slam of the car door and the roar of the car engine.

Once we’d got to Chloe’s, I shot out the car and gave her a big hug.
“I’m sorry about Mum’s crazy driving. She’s pretty pissed off with me at the moment. I can expect a big argument soon with my Dad.” I sighed.
“Things will be fine,” she smiled at me, “just do some kissing ass, that’s what I do.”
“Aha, I shall try. Or I could just argue the situation out although I’ll end up feeling like shit after. Ah well.”
“Go on, you’ll be fine. I’ll call you tomorrow if you wanna meet up still?”
“Sure, I’ll let you know later on. See ya.”
“Bye Justine.”
I walked back to the car and huddled back up in Alex’s arms.
“So, Alex, where do you live?” Mum said.
“Uppingham Street, the end near the block of flats.”
Silence rippled through the car. Mum seriously knew how to be considerably grumpy and make a car journey completely unbearable.
“I’m coming in with you when you grab some stuff from yours. I’m not staying in a car of silence.” I whispered in Alex’s ear.
“Okay, that’s fine baby.” He pulled his arms back around me and squeezed my hand.

We arrived outside Alex’s house and I quickly shuffled out the car and Alex followed close behind.
“Are you sure I can stay? Your Mum doesn’t seem too pleased.”
“It’s fine. Trust me, she’ll get over it.”
“Yeah, I’m positive.” I sighed.
Alex grabbed my hand and locked it in his just as he put his key in the front door. He turned the key in the lock and the door fell open.
“Come on. I only need to grab a few bits.” He pulled me inside and shut the door. Alex removed his grip from my hand and started to make his way upstairs. As much as I knew this wasn’t the right time, I just wanted a little moment to ourselves.
“Alex?” He turned around and made his way back to me.
“Yeah?” He cupped his hands around my chin.
I didn’t bother to say anything else and instead moved my lips up onto his. After a few minutes, Alex pulled away and wrapped me in his arms. He was such a good kisser!
“I promise things will be better from here on.”
“You can’t promise that, Alex. Noone can.”
“Well, I’m gonna do my very best to protect you.”
“You can’t do that all the time either, Alex,” I laughed, “Then again I just love being with you, every minute of the time we have together. I feel so safe in your arms.”
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know. I’m glad to call you mine and whatever is facing us, we’re gonna fight through it together, you hear me?”
I felt my eyes well up with tears on the brink of flowing out of my eyes. Alex definitely knew how to pick words that made me so emotional. Alex looked down at me and saw the tear that had fallen straight down my face.
“Hey, now what’s the crying for?”
“You’re just so good at choosing words that make me cry.” I pressed my head into his chest. After a few seconds, he grabbed me by my shoulders, bent down so he was the same height as me and looked straight into my eyes. I could feel my legs going all jelloid again as I stared back into his chocolate brown eyes.
There was a moments silence before he finally spoke.
“I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This took forever to write because I came back off holiday and started on writing Part 19 and then went on another holiday the weekend after! Sorry for the long wait for all the chapters!