Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 20

“I love you too.” I pressed our lips together and we both moved in sync.
After a few moments, Alex pulled away and smiled at me. I couldn’t help but just melt into his gorgeous eyes.
Alex obviously caught me and joked, “you’re so cute.” I laughed and he let go of my hands, picked up his bag and grabbed a few things off the counter.
“Come on. Your Mum is probably going nuts.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.” I smiled as he took my hand and led me out into his front garden. He twisted the key in the lock again and it jammed.
“I hate this door.”
“I’m sure it has mutual feelings for you too, Alex.” I chuckled.
“Shush you.” The key finally turned in the lock and he slid the key into his pocket. As soon as he’d put his key in his pocket, he turned his head and jogged towards me. He extended his arms towards me and started to tickle me near my stomach.
I screamed and he put his head under my arm and picked me up.
“Alex!” I cried out with laugher.
“Put me down!”
“Let me think about it.”
“Put me down or I won’t kiss you ever again.”
“Hmm. Big risk there.”
“Yes it is. So put me down or no more kisses.” I smiled.
There was a few seconds silence and then suddenly Alex swung me round from his back so I was hanging onto his chest.
“Does this count as putting you down?” He winked.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Does this mean I get kisses?” He smiled and his dimples made me melt inside.
I leaned forward and brushed my lips across his. Alex attempted to connect our lips but I pulled back. He raised his eyebrows and his mouth shaped into a perfect O.
“Come on, Mum’s gonna go mental.”
“You’re a tease.”
“I know.” I chuckled.
Alex lowered me onto the ground and tangled his fingers in mine. I looked up and smiled at him and he nuzzled his face into the crook in my neck. We left Alex’s front garden and turned the corner where Mum’s car was waiting. She’d turned her engine off. Once we’d arrived at the car Alex, like a total gentleman, opened the car door for me and I shuffled into the middle seat. He clambered in soon after and placed his bag on the empty seat. Mum started up the car and set off towards home.

After 15 minutes or so, Mum pulled up onto our drive and stopped the car. I went to open the door but just as my hand touched the handle, Mum’s voice arose.
“Justine, can I talk to you when we get inside?”
I continued to open the door and Alex got out. I shuffled over and grabbed his bag from the seat. I slung it over my arms and Alex grabbed my hands and helped me out of the car. He closed the car door and placed his arm round my waist.
“Is everything seriously okay? I can go if you want me t-” he whispered into my ear.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. You don’t need to go. She’ll get over it.”
He pressed his nose onto mine and pulled me into a hug.
“You’re so cute Alex.”
“And you’re amazing. You’re my everything literally.”
I couldn’t help but cringe and I dug my head into Alex’s chest.
“Come on, we better get in, it’s gonna rain.”
We walked into the house holding hands and Mum looked at me with a slight smile.
“Hey, urm, Justine? Can I have a word please?”
“Sure,” I turned to Alex, “Have a seat in the living room. I’ll be in when I’ve done. Do you want a drink?”
“No it’s fine.” He smiled and plonked himself on the sofa in the living room. I strolled into the kitchen where Mum was and she attempted to smile at me.
“Justine, about Ale-”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to accept him but-”
“Wait. Shush a second. I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier. I’ve had a really rubbish day and it was unfair to take it out on you and I’m sorry. Alex can stay, I don’t mind. I just overreacted and I’m sorry.”
“Really? Thanks Mum. It’s okay, don’t worry about it. What’s for dinner?”
“Well, I’m going out for a bit so I’ll leave you some money and you can order a Chinese or a pizza or something.”
“Where you going?” I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Dr Pepper.
“Out with a few friends. It’s Karen’s hen night so we’re going for a meal and then for a few drinks at the pub.”
“Okay dokey. Don’t get too hammered, will you?” I laughed.
“I’ll get hammered all I like, missy! Oh, you’ve got an audition tomorrow for that dancing class tomorrow.”
“Oh shi-”
“I’ve left a piece of paper with all the information on upstairs on your dresser. Don’t forget!”
“I won’t.”
“Right, I’m gonna go and get ready. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
She ran off upstairs and I headed towards the living room. As soon as Alex saw me he jumped up and literally ran at me.
“Is everything okay? What did she say?”
“She just said she was sorry for earlier and that she’s going out so she’s gonna leave us some money to order some food or whatever.”
“Aw, cool.”
“Do you want a drink?”
“Um, what do you have?”
“Name what you want. I’m sure we’ll have it.”
“Tango Apple?”
“Yeah I think we have it. Come.” I gestured out my hand to him and instead of grabbing my hand and coming with me to the kitchen like any other normal human being would do, he pulled me down onto the sofa into his arms causing me to about spill Dr Pepper all over him.
“You are so not normal, Alex.”
“I know, not that you care though.”
“Maybe I don’t, but still. You aren’t a normal human being Alex.”
He giggled. “And you’re so normal yourself? Sure sure.” He beamed at me.
“Oh shut it Gaskarth. I mean, what kind of last name is that? Gaskarth? Sounds like a plane to me.”
“Pssh. Your last name isn’t any better though. Is it?”
“Oh shush! I’ll just change my name to Gaskarth. Justine Gaskarth…”
“It has a ring to it.” he winked at me.
“Pssh. As if I’m marrying you. You’re so not normal enough!” I joked.
“Fine fine. I don’t want to marry you either.” He turned away from me and I laughed. I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Of course I want to marry you silly. Obviously not yet though.”
He moved my arms from around his waist and turned back around to face me and then placed his arms around my neck. He leaned in and laid his head on my shoulder and we ended up cuddling on the sofa.
“Alex, can we just stay like this for a bit? I mean, you’re so warm and I’m freezing!”
“Sure. I must be a human radiator or something. I’m boiling!”
“Hmmm, can we swap? I’d rather be boiling than freezing cold!”
“If you really want to, haha!”
“Hey Alex?”
“You know everything that’s gone on?”
“I’m probably being a bit too pushy but I’d like to go back-”
At that moment, Mum walked into the room and interrupted our potentially important conversation.
“Hey you two, I’m off out now. I’ve left £40 on the side for your dinner. Erm, enjoy! I’m off now!”
“Cheers Mum, see ya in a bit!”
“Thanks Justine’s mom.”
“You can call me Elena, Alex.” She smiled. “Now make sure you behave yourselves. And remember that dancing class tomorrow, Justine.”
“See you Elena!”
“Bye Mum!”
She slammed the door shut and I could hear her highs clomping as she ran to the car waiting outside. I continued to watch the front door when Alex suddenly interrupted me.
“So, what were you on about before we were… interrupted?”
“You’re going to think I’m crazy.”
“No I won’t. Go on?” he looked concerned.
“Just…” I paused. “I don’t know.”
“What’s up?” he moved from cuddling me and sat legs crossed in front of me on the sofa.
“I want to go back to school.”