Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 21

“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Although it’s a hellhole, I need to get all my coursework done. Can’t be doing with working in McDonald’s now can I?” I winked.
“Oh, I wouldn’t care! Lots of discounts for me!” he winked back, “I could always get the school to send it home?”
“We’re not allowed it at home, but it’ll be nice to see our form tutor again.”
“Hmm, that’s true. But only if you’re 100% totally sure baby.”
“I’m sure Alex. Plus, I can’t have you constantly missing out on lessons too.”
“Always thinking of others, aren’t you?” he lay back down onto my shoulder and I kissed the top of his head. Alex could be so adorable when he wanted to be.
"Yeah, I don't want you to fuck up your school life because of me."
"Hey! I won't!" He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Trust me, everything will be fine."
"Hehe. So, Mister Gaskarth, what would you like for tea?"
"Well, I was thinking we watch a movie and order in a pizza?"
"Sounds good to me, let me just go get the Domino's menu."
"No need to, I have their number in my phone."
"Get you!"
"Haha. What pizza do you want?"
"Erm, Texas BBQ please."
"Okay. We'll do half and half on a medium pizza yeah?"
Alex pulled out his phone from his pocket and started to dial in a few digits. He placed the phone next to his ear and after a few seconds of ringing, a muffled voice could be heard. Alex ordered the pizza and they told him it'd take about 45 minutes. He thanked the person on the other end of the line and smiled at me.
"How much?"
"Wow, really? Mum said she left £40 so we've got £20 spare. Hmm."
"Rent a movie?"
”Can't be bothered, we've got loads upstairs."
"Ooh, nice. I'll go pick one yeah?"
Alex slowly lifted himself up off the sofa and stretched his arms out. He walked up the stairs and within minutes later he returned to the living room.
"What did you pick?"
"Harry Potter."
"You're such a child."
"Hey, don't diss! I love the Harry Potter series!" He moved towards the DVD player and inserted the disc.
"I didn't say I didn't! They're pretty amazing. I remember going round to this girl's house when I was younger and dressing up as Hermione and waiting on the train, A.K.A her bed."
"You're cute."
"Nope. You're cuter."
"Er no. You're much more cuter with your little freckles."
"Nope. Your dimples win me over."
"You generally altogether win me over."
"Now you're making me cringe."
"I'll pick you up again!"
"Then you'll get no kisses, simple!"
"Psssh. You love my kisses."
"Maybe so but if you pick me up you're not having any of mine."
Alex started walking back to the sofa and clambered on top of me. He leant in, rested his forehead on mine and pressed his lips softly onto mine. Alex didn’t intend on moving after a few minutes and I was perfectly fine about it. I just loved being in his arms. He slowly removed his lips and started to bite gently on my neck. Alex moved his hands round my back and started to cuddle me. It was unreal how cute Alex was.
“Now who’s the cute one?” I raised my eyebrows and giggled.
“Still you!” he giggled.
“Er, nope. It’s definitely you.”
“Nope. You’re blatantly the cute one.”
“Shush. You’re the cute and adorable one and I love you.”
“I love you too baby. One day, you’ll be Mrs Gaskarth and we’ll have mini-Gaskarth’s running around, tehe.”
“See, told you. You’re the adorable one.” I beamed. I could feel my cheeks burning.
“I’m not going to argue with you, but you’ve got it totally wrong.”
“Nope. Do you want another drink?”
“I’m cool. I’m starving though.”
“Me too.”
“Also, these DVD beginning credits are doing my head in, shall we start watching?”
“Can do if you want.”
“Okay.” He smiled at me. His smile was so perfect, his dimples were so cute and he was just perfect. I was so lucky to have a guy like Alex in my life. A knock disturbed my thoughts and food immediately entered my head.
“Pizza guy by any chance?” I glanced at Alex and he walked over to the window.
“Yep. I think so. Do you want me to go pay for it?”
“S’up to you. I’ll get up if you want me to do it.”
“Nah, don’t worry. I’ll do it. Is the money on the side?”
“Yeah.” He quickly ran over to the sofa, gently kissed me on the cheek, carried on running into the kitchen and then grabbed the money from the side. He zoomed past me again and finally opened the door to an impatient pizza deliveryman. I could only make out a few words and it sounded like Alex had paid and the deliveryman was just about to leave. Alex thanked the guy and then returned to the living room with the pizza.
“Smells delicious… just like you.”
“Stop it! You’re so amazing.”
“Not as amazing as you, Mrs Gaskarth.”
“I don’t necessarily agree Mr Gaskarth.”
“You don’t have to but I’m just letting you know my opinion.”
“You tell me quite a lot.” I winked.
“Well, doesn’t a girl always like to be complimented?” he smiled back.
“Oh shush you. Come and sit down before I starve and eat you instead, hehe.”
“Oh no you didn’t.”
“Oh yes I did!”
Alex dashed over, put the pizzas on the table and then started to tickle me.
“Oh that’s it, you’re in for it girl!”
I cleared my throat. “No more kisses, remember?”
“That’s what I thought.” I pressed my nose against his and pushed back.

After a nose war, Alex got up and pressed ‘play’ on the DVD remote and the film started to play. Alex was such a kid when it came to films, not that it bothered me because I loved Harry Potter probably just as much as he did. After eating our pizza, I snuggled up to Alex on the sofa and he put his arms around me. I tucked my head into his chest. Alex was quite warm and I was so glad because I was absolutely freezing. I’d forgotten to put the heating on before Mum left. I was such a fool.

I could feel myself drifting off into unconsciousness and I wasn’t really surprised considering that I was in Alex’s arms; the most caring and loving guy I’d ever been with. Alex was definitely different to the guys I had dated in the past. It made me shiver just thinking about them. I finally managed to relax and clear my head when Alex decided to pop into my thoughts. We were skipping up and down a long path, which lead off into the distance. The sky was a dazzling orange colour and the horizon was an amazing sight to picture. Alex picked me up in his arms and carried me for most of the journey. That’s all I could remember.