Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 22

“Justine! Justine!” someone shook me in an attempt to wake me up.
I slowly awoke from my sleep. My eyes felt like sand but I dared to open them. Everything started to focus in and the figure above me turned into Alex.
“Hey.” I managed to say, groggily.
“Come on, you need to get up now!” I could hear the alarm in Alex’s voice. I immediately slammed my eyes open.
“Alex, what’s wrong?”
He sat down on my bed and sighed in relief. “Thank goodness you’re awake. I thought I was never gonna wake you up.”
“What’s happened?” I sat up and watched Alex’s facial expressions. He was staring down at the floor with a hint of sadness in his face. Eventually, he looked over at me and raised his eyebrows.
“I don’t know. I woke up and went downstairs to fetch my drink from last night and when I returned a few minutes later you were tossing and turning and screaming ‘stop please, don’t do this to me’ and then you started crying. I just didn’t know what else to do.” He looked back at the floor and I just wanted to go over to him, hug him, and tell him everything was okay and that nothing was the matter. I couldn’t even remember my dream last night.
“Alex…I-I… don’t even remember anything from my sleep last night at all. All I can remember is falling asleep in your arms.”
“How strange. Anyway, it’s 8:40am baby and your dance audition is at 9:30am. I’ll go and make us some breakfast while you get ready or whatever.” He smiled and we both got up from my bed. He held my hands for a few seconds and then proceeded towards the bedroom door.
“Okay, thankyou…” I gulped and took a deep breath. “Alex?”
“Yeah?” He stopped and turned around.
“Sometimes I might not appear to care but I do really appreciate it honestly.” A sneaky teardrop fell out of my eye and down my cheek. I looked down at the floor, I didn’t know where else to look. Alex made his way over to where I was standing.
“Baby, don’t cry,” he cupped his hands around my cheeks and wiped away the teardrop, “why are you crying?” He pulled me into a gentle hug.
“I don’t know,” I sniffled, “I just want you to know how much I care about you.”
He kissed the top of my head and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. I looked into his eyes and leaned forward towards his lips. Alex looked back into my eyes and I pressed my lips onto his. I stayed clutching to his body while we stood there kissing for a few minutes. I eventually broke away and Alex smiled at me.
“Alex Gaskarth, I love you.”
“Aw baby. I know you do and I love you too.”
I smiled and another tear fell down my cheek.
“Now, go on and get ready or we’ll never make it on time.” Alex turned and started to walk down the stairs. Before I had chance to move anywhere, Alex ran back up the stairs and poked his head round the doorframe.
“Does eggs, sausages, bacon and beans sound good?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Fry-up it is then.”
I smiled. Sometimes I felt like I should do more for Alex, more for us, but I definitely wasn’t going to voice that opinion.

I started to get ready and as soon as I’d done sorting myself out, I headed downstairs. Alex had literally just put our breakfast on the table.
“Mr Gaskarth at your service.” Alex spoke in a posh voice.
I laughed. I was seriously the luckiest girl alive.

We sat and ate breakfast whilst the radio was playing in the background. The presenter announced that they had some important news to announce in a few minutes time. I finished the last bacon slice on my plate and licked my lips.
“Well, Mr Gaskarth. After this I have changed my mind.”
He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows. “What about?”
“What I said last night about marrying you. You’d be a good housewife.” I winked.
Alex chuckled to himself and then put the last spoonful of beans in his mouth.
“Well, don’t get used to it. I don’t cook very often. Only for special people.” He winked.
“And I only cook for special people too.”
“Oh, and who are those special people may I ask?”
“My mum, my brother and Chloe.”
“Oh, not me then?” He smiled and I giggled. I loved teasing him.
“Gaskarth, I said special people. You didn’t ask me to name the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, did you?”
His eyes lit up. “You’re too cute.”
“Nope. That’s still you.” I smiled.
“I’m not arguing but you’re still wrong. Grab your things whilst I get the keys to my car and we’ll head off to your audition.”
“Since when did you learn to drive?”
“Since ages ago. Slow one.”
“Get you! I can’t wait to drive.”
“Trust me, it’ll burn a hole in your piggy bank.”
“True that,” I grabbed my things from the side and placed both our plates in the sink. “I’m ready.”
“Let’s go then.” He smiled and whipped out his car keys.

We arrived at the dance studio. It was quite posh considering it was based in a rough estate. Alex got out the car and cleared his throat.
Alex dipped his head back into the car. “I know you’re in total awe, but we need to hurry or you’ll be late.”
“Sorry. I’m done now.” I got up out the car and shut the door. I walked over to Alex and locked my hand in his. We started to make our way towards the building.
“Alex, I’m scared.”
He squeezed my hand. “Don’t be scared baby. You’re gonna do well. Just believe in yourself.”
“But, it’s not that. I’m just scared of messing everything up. What if I can’t remember the dance routine?”
“Hey, you’ll do fine. Just pretend you’re in your room practicing. Pretend that noone is there.”
“You’re gonna be there right?”
“Yes, of course I am.” He squeezed my hand a bit tighter.
“Good ‘cos you’re my lucky charm.”
I could see his cheeks burning red. It made me laugh inside when he blushed.

We approached the dancing studio and Alex open the door and gestured me to go inside.
“Ladies first!”
“Why thankyou.”
“It’s quite alright.”
Alex and I sat down on the chairs in the reception and waited to be served. Finally, after a few minutes the woman behind the desk beckoned us forward.
“Hiya, are you both here for the dancing auditions?”
“Ah no. Just me.” I spoke up.
“And what is your name please?”
“Justine Ellward.”
“Thankyou. You may go through. The auditions are being held at room 14. They’re due to start in 5 minutes.”
Alex grabbed my hand and we made our way to the audition. I could feel last minute jitters.
“Justine? Are you okay? You’re shaking a lot.” Alex placed his arm around my shoulder.
“I’ve just got last minute nerves.”
“You’re gonna do good. Just try your best.”
“I’ll try.”
Before we could continue our conversation, a skinny blonde haired guy interrupted us.
“Hiya. Are you here for the auditions? If so, they’re just about to start and we need you in there now.”
“Erm, yeah. Okay, we’re going there now.”
“Cheers guys.” He ran off towards reception.

We got to room 14 and a middle-aged woman told Alex that he wouldn’t be able to go in with me to the audition room and that he’d have to stay in the waiting room. He gave me one of his bracelets before I went in and wished me luck. I was going to need it.

I entered the room and everyone looked round and stared at me. I took my place on the empty seat and waited for the older man in the middle of the room to speak.
“Right, we’re all here now. You’re all here for the dance auditions right? Good. Let’s get started.”
Each individual was called up and it was creeping closer to my name. I was so nervous and my skin was starting to prickle with goosebumps. After a few minutes, one of the judges at the far table shouted out my name and I made my way to the dancing floor. I got ready in my starting position.

Once I finished my routine, everybody started to clap, even some of the judges. I was totally surprised, thanked the judges and hurried back to my seat. A girl who was sat in the chair next to me turned round and smiled at me.
“Hey, my name’s Hannah. That was really good!”
I smiled. “Thankyou. I was so scared.”
“Aw, Howcome?”
“Just nerves. I don’t have much confidence with doing things like this.”
“You shouldn’t worry, you were brilliant! Trust me, none of the judges ever clap.”
“Have you been here before then?”
“Yeah I came here last time to audition but didn’t get through. Noone clapped at my audition.”
“Good luck for this time then.”
“Thankyou, I’m gonna need it.”
A judge called out Hannah’s name and she gracefully walked onto the dancing floor. She got into her starting position and started her routine. It was graceful, her arms weren’t too sloppy or too sharp and her movements all linked in together. She finished her routine and was rewarded a few claps from the contestants. I clapped a bit louder than others and she smiled at me as she headed back to her seat.
“How was that?” she asked.
“That was really good. You were very… graceful.”
“Thankyou,” she blushed, “still doesn’t beat yours.”
“Haha. What happens once we’re done here?”
“You’re called back into a room and then they call out your name and tell you if you got through.”
“Are you on your own or are all the other contestants there too?”
“The contestants are there too.”
“Oh great.”
“I know. It’s not a pleasant experience if it goes wrong.”
“I can imagine.”
The 3 judges left the room and the older man walked back into the middle of the floor and started to speak.
“Contestants, we’re now going to take you into the judging room and you’ll find out whether you get through or not. Follow me.”
Hannah and I tried to stay close together as we walked from the audition room to the judging room. We took our seats and they started calling names up to the stage. It wasn’t long before Hannah’s name was called out. She made her way to the stage and stood on the X.
“Hannah Smith. All of us three judges have agreed on our final decision.” There was a big pause before they started to speak again. “You’re through, congratulations.” Hannah thanked the judges and jogged back to her seat.
“Congratulations!” I smiled at her.
“Thankyou! I’m sure you’ll get through too!”
Time passed by as each contestants name was called out. I was the last person to be called out. I made my way towards the stage and copied Hannah’s actions by standing on the black X.
“Justine Ellward. Us three judges have agreed on our final decision.” Once again, there was a big pause before they continued to speak. “You’re through. Congratulations.” I heard a few claps from the audience and I returned to my seat.
“See, told you. Well done!” She hugged me and caught me off guard. I smiled and she raised her eyebrows.
“Sorry. I didn’t expect that.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“No it’s fine. I’m just not very good at meeting new people haha.”
“Ah I see. I know that feeling.”
“Do you wanna hang out sometime?”
“Sure thing. I’ll give you my number when we get out of here.”
“Just write it down on a piece of paper quickly.”
“Alright.” She wiped out a pen, grabbed my hand and wrote her number down.
“Cheers. I’ll drop you a text when I get home.”
“Okay,” she smiled. “Anyway, this is the part where all the successful contestants go through to a room and they give out details on what will happen next.”
“Oh okay, let’s go.”
We made our way towards the exit and headed towards another room down the corridor. I held onto Hannah and we sat down quickly on the 2 spare seats.
“Congratulations, contestants. You have got through to the next stage. You need to prepare 2 dance routines for next Thursday. They both need to be different types. We’ll meet in the same room next week at the same time. Just before you go, the manager has got a few words for you all.”
One of the judges signalled to a young lady hanging by the door and she gestured for the manager to go in. He wore a black cap that covered his face.
As soon as he began to speak, I immediately recognised his voice and my body filled with fear.
“Welcome contestants. My name is Josh. I’m the manager here. Well done on getting through, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you all next Thursday.” He took off his cap and looked directly at me. I didn’t know where to look. His eyes were cold and my instincts told me to run.
“I’ll definitely be sure to see some contestants beforehand to confirm certain… details.” His stone cold eyes were still looking at me. I dashed out of my seat and legged it out of the door. I ran down the corridor and heard footsteps behind me. Adrenaline ran through me and I began to run faster. I approached reception and smashed the reception door open.
“ALEX. GET UP. WE’RE GOING NOW!” I grabbed his hand as I ran past and he nearly dropped his phone on the floor.
“Justine, what’s wrong?!”
“Get your car keys out now, we need to get out of here immediately!” I hissed as we ran towards the exit. Alex pulled his car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car. He jumped in and slammed the door shut, jamming the keys in the ignition. I frantically pulled the passenger door open and flung myself into the seat and slammed the door shut.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on? What’s happened?”
I looked back and saw Josh heading towards the car. Tears started streaming out of my eyes.
He turned the car keys in the ignition but nothing happened.
“Justine! It’s not working! The car won’t start!”
“Please start, please start, please start,” I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and hoped that the car would start. I opened my eyes up again and saw that Josh was around 20 metres from the car. He was getting closer and his stride began to tense up. His stern, cold facial expression didn’t change as he approached closer and closer. I could feel all the adrenaline running through my veins and more tears flowed out of my eyes.
Josh was nearly within reaching distance. He was getting closer and closer by the second and I didn’t like where this was going. Josh reached out his hand to grab the boot handle when suddenly the car roared into action and Alex pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator. The car wheels spun and the car threw us forward. Josh’s hand was ripped out from the boot handle and I curled up into a ball in the passenger seat. I’d never felt so scared in my life. Alex soon drove onto the main road and I relaxed a little.
“Justine…” he gulped, “what happened back there? Are you okay?” Fear was written all over his face.