Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 24

I definitely didn't know what to do. A thousand different things were running through my head. I wanted to run as far away as possibly from my house but the only thing that was stopping me was Alex. I quit the SMS screen and dialled in Alex’s number. It rang for a few seconds and then a connection tone was heard.
“Baby, are you okay? I can explain-”
“Alex, right now I don’t care why you went out, I need you to come back home now immediately, it’s urgent. We need to get out of here. I fear something bad is going to happen.”
His tone quickly changed. “Are you okay?! Justine? I’m coming straight home now. I’ll be home within 10 minutes.”
I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. “Alex, please don’t be long… I’m so scared. I feel like someone is gonna break in any second.”
“I’m on my way now. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
“Please hurry…” was all I could manage to say. A teardrop fell from my eye.
“I’m gonna have to go, but I won’t be long. I’ll race home. Start packing your things, we’ll leave as soon as you’ve got your stuff ready.”
“Okay, I’ll get everything together now. Please don’t be long.”
“I won’t be. I’m just at my car now. I’ll be home in 5 minutes baby. I need to go now; I’ll see you in a minute. I’ve got a house key so don’t worry about letting me in.”
“Bye. I’ll be ready by the time you get back.” I hung up.
I panicked. I was shaking all over and I just wanted to get away from this town. I wish I’d never met Josh. He was a fucking lunatic and it was clear he was coming after me. I pulled out the big travelling bag from under my bed and opened my wardrobe doors. I didn’t have time to pick out outfits so I just threw them all into the bag. I emptied my underwear drawer into my bag and then moved onto my make-up. I tipped that all in my bag as well. Once I’d gone round my room and had packed what I had needed, I checked my phone. 1 new message. It was from unknown.
“Yo slut. You gonna answer me or what? You scared? Good because you should be. Oh, I’ve got £50 if you’re available too. I’ll pay you hourly. I mean, I’m sure you could do with the money, prostitute.”
I ignored the text and tried to carry on packing. I ran into the bathroom and collected a few more bits. I took my bag downstairs and started to pack some food when I heard a key turn in the lock. I instantly hid behind the wall, not knowing whether it was Josh or if it was Alex.
“Justine?” I relaxed. I recognised that voice. It was Alex.
“Where are you?”
I carried on packing the food into a few empty containers. I placed them on the counter. Alex walked through the living room towards the kitchen and as soon as he saw me, he raised his eyebrows.
“What’s going on?”
I passed him my phone and showed him the 2 messages from the unknown recipient, although I could gather it was Josh.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
I grabbed his arm. “Alex. We need to get out of here. His Mum’s house is literally across the street. I’ve packed my bags and I’ve packed us some food. Go grab your stuff whilst I sort the washing out.”
“Okay. Do you need any help once I’ve got my stuff?”
“No, I’ll be done by then. Just go quick and grab your bags. I want to get away from here as soon as possible.”
Alex ran upstairs and I headed over to the washing machine. I grabbed the washing basket and emptied the clothes out. I put the basket on top of the dryer and began to load the second lot of washing into the washing machine. As soon as I’d done, Alex had just plonked his bag on top of mine and ran into the kitchen.
“Right, we’re going now.” He announced.
“I’ll grab the food and my bags and we’ll go. Get your stuff. Do you want me to put it all in the boot?”
“Put your bag in the boot and leave the food on the back seat. I’ll put my bag in the boot as well.”
I grabbed the food containers, passed Alex in the hallway and picked up my bags. Alex soon followed and slung his bag over his shoulder. We made our way outside and Alex unlocked the car. I started to load my bags into the boot whilst Alex locked up. Alex dashed over once he’d done and laid his bag down in the boot. He literally ran to the car door and jumped inside. I did the same and once I’d got in, I place the food containers on the back seat. There was a black bag behind Alex’s seat but before I could even think about what it may be, he interrupted my thoughts.
“Ready?” He looked at me and I could see how painful this was for him, knowing that Josh was aiming to hurt me.
“Let’s go.”
Alex pulled off the driveway and headed onto the main road. I didn’t know where we were going to go but I didn’t care, as long as we were away from my house, that’s all that mattered right now.
“Justine, I’m sorry for leaving you back then.”
“It’s fine. I’m sure you didn’t intend for this to happen.”
“Obviously not. I only went out to get a few bits.”
“What like?”
“You’ll see in a bit.”
“Where are we going?”
“My sister’s house. She’s got a spare room we can stay in. I spoke to her whilst I was packing my bag upstairs. She said that we could stay there for a while.”
“Are you sure she’ll be fine with it?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool. I’m sure you’ll get along with her easily.”
“Cool. Give me 2 minutes, I need to ring my Mum.”
I picked up my phone and began to dial in Mum’s number. I pressed the green dial key and it began to ring. After a few moments, Mum’s voice could be heard.
“Hello? Justine?”
“Are you okay?”
“Kind of. I need to explain something quick though.”
“Go ahead…”
“I’ve done the washing but you’re not gonna see me for a few days.”
“What’s happened, Justine?”
“You remember that Josh guy right?”
Alex winced at the name. I carried on my conversation and tried to avoid using his name again.
“I went to my audition today and it turns out he’s the manager. I ran out the room as soon as he said that he had to confirm some details with a few people and he followed me out. Alex and I only just got away in time.”
“So, why’ve you left home? Wouldn’t it be safer to stay there?”
“He knows where I live Mum. Remember, he stayed over the night, well nearly did. He’s sent some pretty nasty texts and Alex and myself were going to be risking everything if we stayed at home.”
“Well, take as much time as you need. Just keep in contact with me okay?”
“I will don’t worry. I’m not sure where we’re going, we could be leaving the town possibly so I don’t know when I’ll see you next.”
“Just, be careful sweetie.”
“I will.”
“Could you put Alex on for a second please?”
“Sure.” I passed my phone over to Alex. “She wants to speak with you.”
He put the phone to his ear. “Hello, Mrs Ellward. What can I do for you?”
“Make sure you protect my baby girl. If anything happens, just give me a call and I’ll be straight there, no matter what time.”
“I will do. She’s my main concern right now.”
“Mine too. You be careful too Alex, Josh doesn’t seem like a very nice guy so stay away from him. Don’t go and fight with him, just stay away.”
“Thankyou, Mrs Ellward. I’ll be sure to stay out the way. He’s not a very pleasant guy at all.”
“Thanks Alex. I appreciate it. Anyway, I need to go now. Could you pass me back to Justine for a second please?”
“Sure.” Alex passed me back the phone. “She wants to speak to you again.”
“Hello? Mum?”
“Justine. Just one quick thing. Be careful and keep yourself out of trouble. If you need anything, just give me a call and I’ll be straight there, okay?”
“I will do Mum.”
“Thankyou darling. I need to dash now because I’ve got a business meeting soon. Let me know when you’re safe.”
“Will do Mum. Bye.”
“Bye sweetie.”
“Gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. I love you.”
“I love you too Mum. Bye.”
“Bye, Justine.” She hung up but I was left staring into space with the phone still to my ear.
It wasn’t long before Alex noticed and he tried to get my attention.
“Justine. We’re here now.”
Alex pulled up beside a white garage and took the keys out of the ignition. We grabbed all of our stuff and headed to the front door. May greeted us with open arms and after that Alex and I headed up to the spare room. We set our stuff out in the right places. I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. Alex joined me soon after. He cuddled up beside me and I snuggled up against him.
“Night Alex.”
“Night baby.”
I planted a kiss on his lips and then placed my head against his chest. I was so shattered and it wasn’t surprising that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I started to drift off to sleep.