Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 30

Alex drove us both back to May’s house. As soon as we got into the house, Alex slammed the door shut and came onto me. It was breath taking how much energy he suddenly had.

After we stood there kissing for ages, Alex gradually slowed his pace and broke away from my mouth.
“Fucking hell Alex.” I was physically speechless.
He grinned. “I love you.”
“And you know I do too.” Once I’d caught my breath I was able to move from the wall and dive onto the living room sofa.
“Want a cuppa?”
“Yes please, if you’re offering.”
“Okay dokies.”
As soon as Alex had walked into the kitchen, my phone vibrated. It was from Chloe.
‘Hey girl! You coming to the party tonight? Xxx’
‘Where? When? Xxx’
‘It’s at Envy. 7pm. Let me know when you’re about to arrive and I’ll come find you. Xxx’
‘Alright. Xxx’

“Hey, Alex?” I shouted.
“Wanna go to a party tonight?”
“Can do if you want? What time is it?”
“7pm at Envy.”
“Ooh, sure.” He paused for a few minutes. “Wait, shit, what day is it?”
“What’s up?” I raised my eyebrows.
“I’m working tonight.”
“Oh right. Maybe we won’t go then.”
He walked back into the living room with 2 cuppas and sat down on the sofa next to me.
“You can go if you want, just because I’m working doesn’t mean you can’t have a social life.”
“No buts. Go, have fun with your friends. I’m sure you’ve got loads to tell them considering you haven’t seen them in a while.”
“That is true.”
“Exactly, so go and have fun. I’ll pick you up after work.”
“You sure?”
“Well I’m sure you've not planned anything yet, right?”
“What time does it finish?”
“Probably around midnight-ish.”
“I finish at 1am so I’ll ask the boss if I can finish a bit earlier and then come pick you up, is that alright?”
“Yeah that’s fine.”
“Alrighty then.”
“What should we have for dinner?” I smiled. Alex was playing with his hair and it in turn made my insides explode.
“Alex, you’re cute.”
“I know.”
“Pssh, self-centred bastard.”
“Love you too.”
“Infact, I do love you.”
“Aw, you’re adorable.”
“Let’s not start this again.”
“Only speaking the truth.” He raised his hands to his sides and scrunched up his face.
“Anyway, dinner?”
“Pizza?” Alex suggested.
“Egg and soldiers?”
“I’ve not had that for years.”
“Me neither. I think that’s what we should have.”
“Yes, yes, lets.”
“Right, it’s gonna take about half hour to cook so if you wanna get ready for the party considering it’s 6pm now.”
“Cheers darlin’.”
“It’s okay.” He smiled.
I got up from the sofa and just before I left, I caught Alex by surprise and kissed him on the lips.
“Tease.” He replied.
“You love it.” I winked and left the living room. I ran upstairs and grabbed my towel. I quickly jumped in the shower.

After a few singsongs that Alex may tease me about later, I finally turned off the shower and ran back into our room. I looked at the clock. 6:15pm. I needed to get a shift on. I started to apply my makeup and once I was happy with my face I checked the clock once again. 6:25pm. I was nearly done, I just needed to find an outfit.

I rapidly searched my wardrobe and found a black sparkly dress. It wasn’t too short or too long, wasn’t too dull or too bright: it was perfect. I loved that dress so much. I put the dress on, grabbed my cardigan and handbag and headed for the kitchen.

Alex was just serving up our dinner when I walked downstairs. He wolf whistled.
“Oh, you’re pretty fine girl!” he placed both the plates down on the table.
“Thanks,” I winked, “you’re not that bad yourself.”
“Oh I know. I’m lucky to have you actually.”
“Er no, Gaskarth, that would be me. I am the luckiest girl alive, with a boyfriend like you.” I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He pressed his nose against mine and I pressed back. I decided to let Alex win and placed a kiss to his soft lips.
“Would you care for dinner, Miss Ellward?”
“Yes, that would be dashing, Mr Gaskarth.” I imitated in a posh voice.
Once I’d finished eating, I took Alex’s plate and my own to the kitchen sink and started to wash up. Alex soon followed me, protesting about me doing the washing up.
“It’s no big deal Alex.” I smiled.
“Go on, leave the washing. You ready to go partying?”
“But it’s only-” I checked the clock. 6:55pm. “Shit, okay, let’s go.”
Alex grabbed his car keys and I head for the door. I got into his car once he’d locked up the house and unlocked his car. He drove me there as quickly but carefully as he could. Once we arrived outside Envy, Alex stopped the car.
“Don’t get too hammered.”
“I won’t.”
“I’ll pick you up at half 12, alright?”
“Okay,” I smiled, “I love you Alex. Never forget that.”
“I don’t forget it. I never ever will.”
“See you later.”
“Bye, have fun!” he waved and I smiled.

I walked inside and found Chloe immediately by the bar. I didn’t bother to text her when I was outside; it was easier just to find her inside the club considering it wasn’t that packed yet. I caught her glance and she looked at me in shock.
“Well, hello beautiful!” Chloe exclaimed.
“Oh thanks.” I blushed.
“You look amazing!” She gushed.
“Aw thankyou, you look pretty gorgeous yourself!”
She blushed.
“Just waiting on Ellie and Layna now.”
“Alright,” I replied, “gonna order me a drink then?”
“Ha, you can do that yourself!” she teased.
“Pssh, you’ll be so good with rounds.”
“Indeed I will.”
Just as I placed my order a tall lanky guy stood beside me.
“Drinking tonight?”
“Erm, just a coke please.” I shifted uncomfortably.
Whilst he ordered my drink, I turned back towards Chloe.
“Here they come!” She shouted.
Ellie and Layna had just walked in and were heading towards Chloe and I. They smiled and waved and then embraced us both in a big group hug. I started to zone out once again and nearly jumped out of my skin when the lanky guy handed me my drink. We talked for a bit then he pointed over at his friends. I politely told him I was staying with Chloe and he nodded and walked off.
“Strange.” I thought to myself. I started drinking my glass of Coke and after about an hour of talking gossip with the girls, everything started to go dizzy. I tried to stand up but failed miserably and fell to the floor. My vision was as blurry as anything and I could make out the lanky guy hovering over me. I remember him picking me up and taking me somewhere private. I tried to protest with all my strength but in the current state I was in, that wasn’t enough to stop his hands from groping places he shouldn't.