Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 31

Everything in my head was black and I didn’t have a clue what was going on. A few voices started to emerge into my head.
“Justine? Justine?” I heard a high-pitched voice squeal.
My vision started to focus in from being blurry and I could see Chloe and Layna hovering above me.
“W-where am I?” I croaked out. My throat felt as sore as sand paper.
“We’re in an ambulance,” Chloe replied, “The paramedics are about to climb back in but I promise I’ll fully explain when we get to the hospital.”
“Where’s Alex?” I didn’t care about myself; he was the main priority on my mind right now.
“He’s on his way now. He’s heading for the hospital so he’ll be there just after we arrive.”
I didn’t bother to speak anymore considering I felt so weak. I wanted this shitty feeling to leave me right now, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen soon enough. I just wanted the world to swallow me up whole and get rid of the pain inside my body. I didn’t even know what was wrong with me. All I remember was some guy buying me a drink and then being pushed into a corner of some sort.
Chloe interrupted my thoughts. “We’ll be at the hospital soon and they’ll be able to pump out whatever was in your drink. If I see that bastard again I will fucking knock his lights out.”
Before Chloe could continue, the paramedic climbed into the back of the ambulance and walked over to my side.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Tired and weak,” my eyes lolled back into my head as unconsciousness started to kick in.
“Justine?” she shook me a little. “Justine, you’ve gotta stay with us until we get you to hospital. Don’t give in.” she took my hand and squeezed it.
I vaguely smiled and opened my eyelids once again.
“I..I.. pain go…away.” I managed to choke out. I was starting to lack oxygen in my lungs and my body felt like it was breaking apart from me.
Chloe must have noticed me struggling for air and yelled, “SHE CAN’T BREATHE, CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?!”
The beeps that started to ring slowly faded out and my vision went black. The world felt as if it was closing in on me as I tried to gasp for air. I continued to choke for a few seconds longer and then everything phased out… including my gagging from the lack of oxygen in my body.



As soon as Alex stopped the car, he legged it into the hospital. He didn’t know if Justine was stable or not. Chloe’s last text to Alex didn’t make the situation sound any better either.
‘We don’t know what’s happened; she just struggled to breathe and went into unconsciousness. Even the paramedics are baffled.’
He sprinted all the way up the flight of stairs and by the time he’d reached the sixth floor, he was about ready to collapse on the floor. He didn’t stop though and rushed through to reception.
“Justine Ellward’s room please.” He panted heavily.
The nurse led him in the direction he’d just run from and down the corridor to ward 32.
“She’s in room 28. Just on your right.”
“Thankyou!” He ran towards the door and had a near miss account with a patient.
He practically ripped the door off it’s hinges when he burst into room 28 and 3 heads turned their heads around to face him. He looked over at Justine in the hospital bed with wires attached to her everywhere. He started to hyperventilate.
“No, no… this can’t be…” he stuttered.
Chloe stood up quickly and rushed to Alex’s side. She led him just outside of the room.
“Alex, fucking breathe.”
“I-I.. she…” he exhaled and inhaled immediately after.
Chloe shook Alex by the shoulders, “ALEX. BREATHE RIGHT NOW. In through your nose, out of your mouth. Do it. NOW.”
Alex did as he was told and his rapid breathing slowed down back to a normal pace.
“How is she?” was all he could manage to say out loud.
“The doctors won’t tell us anything yet. They might tell you but I’m not sure. She’s been out cold for half hour now.”
“It doesn’t sound good at all.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill the guy who did this to her.”
“What happened?” he gasped and his eyes started to bulge with anger.
“A guy bought her a drink and he tried to take her off to his friends. She told him that she didn't want to join them and he left her alone. About an hour later, she got up and fell to the floor. The guy told us he’d sort her out. I went to get up but his friends came over and sat at the ends of the table preventing us from getting out. Ellie was the only one that hadn’t sat with us as she was at the bar and she looked over and followed the guy to wherever he went. The guys didn’t notice, they just thought she was some girl going to the bathroom.”
“What the…”
“Once the lanky dude came out, Ellie snuck into the place where he’d just been and then came out with a emotionless face. She got out her phone and dialled 999 for an ambulance.”
“And that’s when you phoned me?” his eyes darted from the room Justine was in and back to Chloe. He repeated this movement over a few times.
“Yeah. We got into the ambulance and the paramedic examined her. She was half conscious at this point but I don’t think she can recall that moment. The paramedics were baffled as to what was wrong with her. They went from alcohol poisoning to liver damage to allsorts. She kept asking for you.”
Alex started to experience pain in his lungs, like someone had just knocked all of the air out of his windpipes. He started to go dizzy and sat down quickly on a hospital chair. Chloe joined his side and linked her arm in his.
“I really hope she is gonna be okay.”
“I-I shouldn’t h-have let her g-go.” Alex stammered, tears threatened to disperse from his eyes.
“It’s not your fault Alex,” Chloe shook him, “noone could have predicted this.”
“I-I…” he gave up. He couldn’t choose his words to form a sentence. Everything was getting on top of him. He should have gone with Justine. He should have cancelled going to work. He could have prevented all of this. Alex put his head in his hands. Tears were starting to stream down his face. Suddenly, the sound of a continuous beeping sound came from Justine’s room. Chloe took Alex’s hand and yanked him back into the room.
“NURSE PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP!!!” she screamed.
Layna, Ellie, Chloe and Alex all gathered round Justine’s bed, faces full of mixed emotions, mainly shock.
As the doctors came running through the door and pushed the four of them back from the bed, Alex tried to push back to her side. Layna and Ellie sat down on the 2 spare chairs, Ellie comforting Layna who had tears rolling down her faces. Chloe pushed Alex with all her strength back towards the chairs and attempted to sit him down. Tears streamed down his face as doctors brought in a resuscitating machine and placed pads on Justine’s chest. Alex gave up and sunk into his chair, tears pouring out directly from his heart. This wasn’t good. At all.