Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 33

Alex was still in shock. The doctors had eventually come in, growing very impatient and helped him sit down on the spare seat in Justine’s room. He couldn’t say anything and his mouth was still shaped like a perfect O.
“Layna, do you think maybe we should talk to him?” Alex heard Layna and Ellie’s voices whispering back and forward to each other outside the room and looked up when he saw them sitting across the room from him.
“Hey Alex?” Layna spoke softly, careful not to pull any threads.
“Alex, come on, snap out of it.” Ellie said with a sharp tone to her voice.
Immediately, Alex had thoughts, feelings and emotions back inside of himself and he raised his eyebrows.
“What?!” he exclaimed.
“Look, there’s no need to be shocked over a hand movement. Maybe she didn’t actually do it herself if you get me.” Ellie replied.
“What the fuck are you talking to me about Ellie? For one, shut your mouth before I come over there and fucking punch you straight in your big gob, and for another, you don’t even REALIZE how much hope this has fucking given me. She’s my girlfriend for Pete’s sake and I thought she was going to fucking die, alright?”
“I have a big gob? Look at the one who’s fucking yelling!” Layna pulled on Ellie’s arm and gave her a deadly serious look.
“You really don’t know anything, so shut the fuck up.”
“Actually, who was the one to witness the guy taking Justine away? Oh yeah, that was me, wasn’t it?” she smirked.
“I don’t give two shits if it was you. You could have stopped it in that case, but did you, oh no! Maybe she’d be alright now if you’d have gone and fucking helped!”
“Oh I’m sorry for my lack of helping out Justine. Y’know what? You’re such a fucking idiot. Maybe if you’d have come with us nothing would have happened!”
“Hang on, I had work to go to! How the fuck do you expect me to go to EVERYTHING Justine goes to? She’d be suspicious of why I’m going everywhere with her, plus maybe it’s good for her to have some freedom and not to have a clingy boyfriend.”
“Could have cancelled.”
“No thanks. I work cos I need the money and quite frankly, sometimes I wish I had cancelled going to work but it’s good for her to have a social life without me as well.”
“Whatever Alex.”
“That’s what I thought.” He huffed to himself.
Layna cut into the awkward silence that followed. “Guys, er, do you want a coffee or anything?”
“No, I’m fine thanks.” Alex replied.
“Yeah please. I’ll come with you. Get away from this arsehole.”
Layna elbowed Ellie and she shut up. They both got up from their seats and left the room.
Alex had some time to calm down and think clearly about what was going on. Ellie hadn’t made a good first impression on him at all. She seemed like a bitch and he didn’t have a good feeling about her at all.
As if on cue to break the silence, doctors flew the door open and wheeled the hospital bed back into place. Alex got up and to his disappointment, Justine was still lifeless.
“Hiya, you’re Alex right?” one of the doctors came over to him and sat him down.
“Yeah, is she gonna be okay?”
“From the test results, it could be a while before she recovers fully but she’s definitely not going anywhere soon.” She smiled.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“We did a scan and it showed that her liver had an allergic reaction to whatever was put into her drink.”
“Is it serious? Like fatal?”
“It’s mildly serious, we’ve prescribed her with some antibiotics to take over the next two weeks. The allergic reaction has definitely calmed down now all it needs is something to kill it off. It won’t be long before Justine wakes up, but her body will be feeling very weak so try not too push her into saying a lot.” The doctor warned him and patted his shoulder.
“Anyway, if you need anything just use the button attached to Justine’s bed or just give us a shout, we’ll be around reception.”
“Cheers.” Alex replied.
As soon as the doctors had sorted out all the wires and machines and they’d left, Alex went over to Justine’s bedside. He placed his hand carefully on her arm and smiled when he felt the warmth of her skin. It was better than her being cold like she was before.
“Hey baby girl,” he placed a kiss to Justine’s forehead. “I knew you’d be okay.” He chuckled to himself. “I can’t wait for you to wake up. I promise, I’m going to spoil you rotten just because I can.” Alex started to get teary eyed again. “Y’know you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life and I’m not just saying that. You felt so cold earlier and now look at you. You’re all warm again. No matter what I’m gonna support you through thick and thin. I’m not gonna let anything come between us, honest.” He let go of Justine’s hand for a moment and pulled the chair up beside the bed. “Now I’m gonna rest for a bit, if you need me, I’ll be right here.” Alex placed his hand back on Justine’s and pulled his knees up onto the seat. He rested his head on his knees and rather quickly snoozed off into his sleep. He was shattered.


A hand was pulling lightly against his own which in turn woke him up.
“A..Alex…” Her voice croaked.
Realisation punched Alex in the face and he rushed up to her side.
“Justine? Are you…”
She smiled, a very weak one at that but at least she smiled.
“Alive? Y-yes, thanks to you.” She moved her head forward and looked over at Alex. Alex was still in shock. She laid her head back onto the pillow.
“I’m so t-tired.”
“I know. Me too.”
“Hey,” Justine waited for a few seconds before smiling to herself. “You’re not the one who’s been fighting off an allergic reaction.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“I nearly gave up the fight, y’know.”
“Hm?” Alex raised his eyebrows and stood up.
“I nearly gave into the light if you get me.” Justine yawned.
Alex held onto the sidebar and leaned over to grab Justine’s free hand.
“Maybe it would be a good idea to rest for a few hours baby. You’ve just fought an allergic reaction that nearly shut down the whole of your body.”
“Maybe you’re right..” she trailed off, eyelids slowly drooping.
“Hey, come here.” Alex climbed up onto the bed and left enough distance between the pair, just in case she didn’t want him up on the bed.

Justine didn’t move for a few minutes. Alex heard light snores coming from Justine and he smiled to himself. She was so adorable and she didn’t even have to try. Alex quietly moved closer to Justine and wrapped his arm around her. She shuddered a bit before wrapping her arm around Alex’s neck and placing her head on his chest. Once again he heard cute, quiet snores from the girl in his arms below. He wasn’t bothered if she was to snore really loud, Alex was just glad that Justine was finally on the road to recovery.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things get better from here, honest :)