Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 34


I awoke from my sleep pretty early in the morning. I sat up on the bed and noticed that my body didn’t feel as weak as it did last night, it felt slightly stronger. I noticed the figure next to me in the dark and started to panic but suddenly remembered that it was Alex, not some total creep.

Alex was totally cute asleep. His bottom lip was slightly ajar and he snored light, cute snores. He looked absolutely shattered to say the least. The most recent events can’t have been easy on him, especially with everything just collapsing in on us both all at once.

Once I’d thought a while about what had happened over these past few days, I decided to go back to sleep. I was still tired and Alex wouldn’t be awake for quite a few hours. I lay my head back down onto his chest and almost immediately unconsciousness hit me like a tonne of bricks.


A stir from Alex made me awaken from my slumber. I slowly lifted my head from Alex and looked up at him. He yawned and then realized where he was. He looked straight down at me and smiled weakly.
“Hey baby,” He rested his head onto mine, “how’re you feeling?”
I sighed. “Tired, hungry. Most of all, I just want to get out of this place.”
“It won’t be long honey,” Alex pressed a kiss to the top of my head, “I suppose the doctors just wanna know you’ll be okay.”
“I’ll be okay now…now I’m in your arms.” I rested my head on his chest again and listened to his heartbeat. His beating was fast.
I looked back at Alex, giggling to myself and he raised his eyebrows. “Whatcha laughing at?”
“Nothing. Well, you. I’m so lucky to have you. Y’know that right?” This was it. I had to tell him what I’d been dying to tell him last night before he told me to go to sleep.
“I know baby, you've told me quite a few times and actually, I’m the lucky one. I don’t deserve someone like you.”
“No, don’t you dare say that.”
“Anyway,” he tried to change the subject, “I keep having thoughts.”
“What about?” I raised my eyebrows and started to panic. No, no… he couldn’t be thinking of that? He was everything I needed… not now.
“About last night… you said something about giving into the light?”
My worry was put to rest, thankfully. “Oh, that.”
“Mhm… I’m just curious as to what you meant.”
“Mm,” I cleared my throat trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. I bit down on my lip quite hard. “You saved my life.”
“What did I do?”
“I-I.. was walking towards the light and each step I took on this path, I started to consider options and then I’d step forward again and think of all the bad consequences that had happened recently and it caused me to walk forward once more.”
Alex squeezed my hand gently.
“I was so close. My foot was half a step from the light and then you turned up out of nowhere.”
“What happened?”
“You came over to me and started talking to me about how much you missed me and little things about me. You said the doctors were talking me in for a scan to find out what was wrong with me. You also said that if I could give you a signal, maybe give you some hope that I’d come round…” A tear rolled down my face from the memory. My voice started to shake, my bottom lip trembling as I spoke. “The second I heard your voice I realized how scared you were. I knew I couldn’t leave you like that; I couldn’t inflict any pain on you even if I wanted to. I tried so hard to fight against the barrier that was stopping my body from moving and I tried so fucking hard. I was about ready to give in trying to give you something but then my hand moved and I was relieved. I wanted to give you a signal, something you could hold onto for a while whilst I was still out cold.”
Alex’s voice broke as he spoke. “So, the movement…it was you?”
“Yeah.” I spoke softly and moved into a slight sitting position.
“I’m glad. I ended up shouting at Ellie over that, y’know? She was all like, ‘it probably wasn’t even her’ and shit. I yelled at her and Layna took her out. I don’t like her to be honest. I feel deep in my gut that she’s serious trouble.”
“She won’t tear us apart Alex. Chloe would go fucking ape-shit at her, we both know that.”
“Hm, true.” Alex sighed.
“What time is it anyway? I feel like such a slob.”
Alex pulled out his phone from his pocket. “It’s only 9am.”
“Urgh. Can’t I go home already?”
“Do you want me to go get a doctor? See if they’re discharging you today?”
“If you don’t mind, please.”
“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute.” He brushed his lips on mine and my hands wrapped round his neck. I attempted to connect our lips but he pulled back.
“Tease.” I laughed.
“Gimme a second, then we can continue.” He swung his legs over mine and placed himself firmly on the floor. He walked over to the door and gently opened it. Within seconds, the door was closed and Alex was gone. The atmosphere of the room had gone grey. It was always like this when Alex wasn’t here in situations like this.

It wasn’t long before Alex returned to the room with a nurse. She had a clipboard in her hand and a pen in the other.
“Hiya Justine, are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah, definitely a lot better than before.”
“Right, well we’ve prescribed you with two weeks of antibiotics. You need to take one a day and it should clear up the reaction. We just need your signature here,” she pointed to the blank white box on the sheet, “and then you’re free to go.”
I signed the sheet pretty quickly and handed the clipboard and pen back to the nurse.
“Alright. Let me just go get your prescription and then you can be discharged.” The nurse vanished out the door and Alex practically jumped on the bed.
“So, where were we?” Alex coughed.
“Mm, I think we were here.” I pulled the collar of his t-shirt closer, the beating of my heart gradually increasing.
He pressed our lips together and my emotions ran sky high. I’d missed this so much since my recent incident.
Once Alex had broke away, my lungs ached. Alex always without a doubt left me speechless and definitely breathless.
“I can’t wait to get out of here.” I sighed as I regained my oxygen back.
“Me neither. I just want you back in my arms again knowing that you’re safe.”
“Same here. Safe in your arms.”
Alex started to gather all the bits left in the hospital room. He picked up his bag and packed all of the crossword puzzle books inside. Alex then came back over to me and helped me off of the hospital bed. I changed into the spare clothes Alex had brought and it felt better being in my own clothes once again. Those hospital gowns were irritating against my skin the whole time I had it on. The nurse flung open the door and handed me my antibiotics.
“Here we go. Now, take it easy and take those pills and we’ll see you in two weeks alright?” She smiled.
“Yeah, thanks.” I smiled back.
She waved and then rushed off to another patient who was currently throwing up into a cardboard bowl.
“Come on then, let’s get you home, safe and sound.” Alex wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested my head on his chest as we walked out of the hospital.

Never again was I going to consider my life not being worthy and from now on I was going to be careful in everything I did. No strangers were going to buy me drinks and no-one was going to mess with my relationship with Alex. I vowed this to myself. Alex had saved my life and this little incident had definitely pulled us closer and made me realize how much I loved Alex.