Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 35

As soon as Alex drove up May’s drive, Chloe and Jack were outside the front door cuddling together as it was pouring it down with rain. Alex parked the car outside the garage door and then looked over at me.
“Yeah?” I faced towards Alex.
“Honestly, if you ever need anything ever, you know I’m here right? Even if we were to argue and rip at each other’s throats, I’ll still be here at the end of the day. Y’know that right?”
“Aw baby,” I leaned over and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Exactly the same back to you, mister.”
“I love you, no matter what.”
“Me too, Alex, me too.” I kissed the tip of his nose and Alex connected our lips. We shared a moment or two and then broke apart.
“We should head over to them pair of tits cuddling in this downpour.” Alex laughed.
“Yeah, we should. Chloe’s probably going mad about how wet her hair is.”
“That is true but then again, you probably would considering you’re a typical woman.”
“Psssh, whatever you say. I’m your typical woman anyway.”
“That is also true.” He kissed my forehead and then proceeded to get out of the car. I swung my legs over and quickly opened the car door, ran out and slammed it shut. I ran to the door in hope that Alex had opened the door already. Unfortunately he hadn’t and was fumbling with his keys in the door. I decided to continually tickle his sides until he managed to open the door.

I skipped past Chloe and Jack as soon as Alex opened the door, flung off my shoes and dived on the sofa. It wasn't long before Alex flung off his shoes too and followed suite. Although he didn’t jump on the sofa, he decided to climb on top of me instead.
“You fat lump.” I smirked.
“Shut it you. I won’t make you anything anymore. I won’t be your amazing chef-boyfriend who cooks you breakfast every morning. Nope, I’ll just cook my own and you can just poison yourself with your own bad cooking.”
“Fine, I’ll go choke on my own poisonous cooking because, well, my evil boyfriend refuses to make me breakfast.”
He sighed and gave in. “Ah can’t be bothered to argue with your cute little self but you know I’d make you breakfast anytime.”
“Of course I do.” I pressed my lips onto Alex’s and then looked over at the doorway to the living room where Chloe and Jack were standing.

“Sorry,” I pushed Alex onto the floor and clambered up from the sofa. I made my way over to the door. “Are you guys alright?”
“Yeah,” Chloe replied, “Didn’t want to intrude your little encounter there.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. Come in.”
Jack and Chloe walked over to the other sofa and plonked themselves down. They sunk into the sofa and then Chloe placed her hand in Jack’s. I looked over at Alex and raised my eyebrows. There was a deadly silence.
“So, this is kinda awkward?” Alex blurted out.
“Anyone want a drink?” I added.
“I’ll have a tea with 2 sugars please,” Jack replied.
I looked at Chloe and she stared back at me. I raised my eyebrows and she finally spoke.
“I’ll have orange juice. I’ll come help you.”
“Alright,” I smiled, “Alex?”
“Do you want a drink, muppet?”
“Usual please.” He winked.
“Okay.” I smiled back.
Chloe and I headed into the kitchen. She didn’t seem herself, there was obviously something going on. Especially when she put her hand in Jack’s.

I filled the kettle up, placed it back onto the stand and then pressed the button to boil the water.
“You alright?” I focused my attention back on Chloe. She was biting her nails; a sign that there was definitely something up.
“Uh, yeah…”
“You don’t seem it?”
“With everything that’s gone on I didn’t want to put this on you or anything, not that it would effect you really.”
I raised my eyebrows. Was she on about Jack?
“Basically I’m dating Jack.”
It took a moment to settle in, even though I could tell what was coming. I came out of my trance and shook it off. “Oh silly! Why would that affect me?” I smiled.
“I don’t know. I just thought because of you just coming out of hospital and…”
“You’re a fool.”
“I know,” she laughed, “but yeah, there you have it.”
“Aw. Do tell me how it happened.” The kettle finished boiling and I placed 4 cups out on the counter. I placed a teabag in 3 of the cups and poured orange cordial into the 4th one.
“Remember when we were all at the lake? Well, it all started from there. We sat talking for a bit and then after that day we started to hang out a bit more each day. And then we were at his house one day and it just happened, we just kissed. It felt right.”
“Aww. Well, I’m happy for you.” I grinned and Chloe wrapped me into a hug.
“Thanks.” She blushed.
“Let’s head back anyway. If we take too long I’ll have Alex on my case, haha.”
I carried the tray of drinks into the living room and then sat back down on the sofa with my drink.
“Call me lazy but you can all get your own drinks. I think I’ve done enough today.” I curled up on Alex.
“Oh, that’s something I’d like to believe.” Alex chuckled.
“Shut it Gaskarth.” I nudged his arm and he nudged me back.
“Do you guys wanna watch a film or something?”
“Yeah alright,” Chloe replied, “what d’ya have?”
“There’s quite a few, they’re in the cupboard over there,” Alex pointed, “Pick whatever.”
I snuggled closer up to Alex and he put his arm around my waist. Chloe pulled out a DVD titled, “Shutter Island”. Chloe put it in the DVD player, pressed play and then cuddled up to Jack. Jack pressed a kiss to Chloe’s head and she smiled.
“Told you so.” I whispered in Alex’s ear.
Alex kissed the top of my head and then pulled me in closer to his chest. I loved being in Alex’s arms; I felt so safe like nothing in the world could break us apart.

Shutter Island began by showing some car travelling along a dirt track and then when a passenger attempted to have a picture with the important looking person (he was dressed in a suit and looking very smart at that), a bomb blew up in front of the car. My eyes started to droop and I could feel myself falling asleep. I didn’t want to fall asleep just yet but I was tired and I’m sure Jack, Chloe and Alex would understand. I kissed Alex’s cheek and whispered, “night.” He cupped his hands under my chin and kissed my lips and whispered, “goodnight sweetheart” back. As I lay my head back onto Alex’s chest, my vision gradually went black. At least tonight I was going to get a good nights kip.