Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 37

Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.
“You really fucking believe this?” I gasped.
“I don’t know what to believe, I mean you said you’d be alright going downtown on your own or whatever. You were just trying to get me away, weren’t you?”
I stared at Alex with complete shock. “Do you really think I’d do that?! After everything that’s just fucking happened, you REALLY think I’d go and fucking make-out with another guy? Are you stupid!?”
Alex voice started to rise. “I don’t know Justine! I really don’t know. People can change and feelings can disappear.”
Was he out of his mind? “Alex, I don’t know what’s wrong, but why the fuck would I do that to you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Exactly. So what, Tom gave me a lift back here because I had a tonne of shopping bags? Oh wow.”
“Oh so you have been with a guy?”
“Yeah I have. I met him before you though when I first met Josh…” I shuddered.
“Even more reason.”
“Look Alex, I did NOTHING with him, can’t you see that?”
“No, clearly, I wasn’t there.”
“Fuck sake. I didn’t do anything with him. I only gave him a kiss on the cheek as a-”
“You what?” his voice suddenly hit a high-pitched note.
“Let me finish!” I threw my arms down by my side. “I kissed him on the cheek as a goodbye gesture. It was nothing more, nothing less. Now chill the fuck out.”
“Whatever.” He threw himself back on the sofa. I could feel my heart ripping by the minute.
I headed back towards the front door and collected my shopping bags and proceeded to Alex’s bedroom and mine. I threw the bags over to the wardrobe and fell back onto the bed. I faced the ceiling and began to think things through. What was going on? Why was Alex acting like a total idiot? We’d never argued before. Maybe that was the reason for Alex’s actions. I couldn’t figure out that boy sometimes.

After a while of trying to think up reasons for Alex’s anger, I gave up. I really didn’t know where it was all sparking from, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like arguing with Alex or him curling up into a ball on the sofa refusing to speak to me. It was times like this when I wish I was back at home, where I could cry into my Mum’s arms and not have to worry about a thing until it came back round again, but after moving out there was no way that was going to happen. Unless I nipped back home for a few hours…

I got under the covers of the bed and rested my head on the pillow. My head was so full of thoughts, feelings and mixed emotions right now and I needed to go to sleep and clear my head. After 10 minutes or so, I started to drift off and let my body go. I hoped my head would be clearer when I woke up.


I felt an arm shake me awake. I prayed that it was Alex and that he was gonna apologise for his actions earlier and then things would be alright between us. I didn’t like sleeping alone in a cold bed with no-one to wrap my arms around, with no-one to warm me up with their body heat.

When I managed to open my eyes and everything started to focus in, it didn’t surprised me that it wasn’t Alex. It was May, his sister, instead.
She smiled and then climbed onto the bed and sat beside me.
“Hey, sorry to wake you up. I came in from work and saw Alex lying on the sofa with red raw eyes but when I asked him what was wrong he wouldn’t say a word. I came up here to go to bed but heard some shouting in here and you were yelling at someone in your dream or something.”
A tear rolled down my face and my voice began to shake.
“I-I just want t-things to be o-okay…” I blurted out.
“Aw come here sweetie,” she gently pulled me into a hug. “What’s happened?”
I pulled myself together and told myself to be strong.
“I went downtown today without Alex but didn’t tell him I was meeting Tom, an old friend I haven’t seen for ages. I came back and someone had text Alex saying that I was cheating on him and that I’d been making out with Tom or something.”
“What did happened then?”
“I started to shout at Alex in disbelief. I didn’t know how he could believe such a thing. I wouldn’t do anything of the sort to Alex and with recent events, I would have thought he’d have taken things into consideration.”
“Do you know who it was?”
“I don’t know. There was a number but it wasn’t saved in his contacts.”
“Would it be anyone you know?”
“I’m not sure until I have the number.”
“Give me two seconds, I’ll go get it for you.”
“You don’t have-”
“Don’t worry, we’ll get this sorted out and we will find out who did it.”
May dashed downstairs and within minutes, she was back in the room again.
“Here you go.” She handed me Alex’s phone. I went into the SMS inbox and dialled the number into my phone. I pressed the green button and dialled the number. Immediately I pressed the red button and checked the call log. To my surprise, the name popped up on my screen.

♠ ♠ ♠
Short but very important to the next part!