Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 38

“That bitch!” I started to shake. What the fuck was she playing at? She was meant to be one of my best friends. What an amazing best friend she was.
“Justine, are you okay?” May looked at me, face full of confusion.
“That… text… was sent by one of my supposed best friends. I’m gonna fucking kill her.” I started to get out of the bed and immediately felt an arm pull me back.
“I wouldn’t suggest you do that, Justine.”
I sighed and banged my head against the wall. I could feel tears coming to my eyes. May put her arm around me and I put my arms around her back. Tears were starting to pour out.
“I-I just don’t understand…” I stammered.
“It’s normal honey. I don’t know why Alex is being so stubborn about the text.”
“It’s not just that. I-just everything has been gradually building up,” I sniffled and tried once again to hold back my tears. “I want to go and visit my Mum but I know Alex would worry to death about me going back because of Josh and just everything. I mean, I can do hardly anything just incase Josh turns up. I went to a dance audition and he ended up being one of the staff, like the manager or something. I ran out of the room and he followed me.”
“I remember Alex telling me about how pale you looked when you ran past.”
“I wish he’d leave me alone. He’s making my life hell.”
“Soon enough he’ll realize that what he’s doing is wrong hopefully.” She patted my back.
“I hope so. Now I have Ellie trying to break my relationship with Alex up and I just don’t know. I trusted her. She was meant to be a best friend.”
“I’ve been in that situation when I was your age. Teenage girls can be such bitches at times.”
“What happened to you?”
“I was dating this really cute guy and this girl called Mandy was meant to be one of my close friends and she got really jealous. She tried everything and I mean everything. She tried to take advantage of him when he was drunk, tried to force him into stuff.”
“What did you do when you found out?”
“I went absolutely mad. I raced over to her house and argued with her on the doorstep. I ended up breaking her jaw.”
“Remind me not to get in your bad books!” I laughed.
“Haha, don’t worry, I wouldn’t do anything to you. Alex would kill me.”
“I’m not the type of girl who cheats on anyone anyway. I wouldn’t be able to deal with the guilt.”
“Know the feeling. Anyway, you said about visiting your Mum. Maybe you should give her a visit whilst Alex is asleep or something?”
“But then if he wakes up and finds out I’ve gone, he’ll worry.”
“Leave a note?”
“Hmm, I could do.”
“I’ll leave that up to you anyway. Right, I’ve gotta go out anyway. Cheer up soon sweetie, things will get better.” She smiled and pulled me into a hug.
“I hope things do.”
“If you need me, give me a call, here’s my number.” She passed a piece of paper to me.
“Thanks May.”
“It’s no problem. See you later, honey. Chin up!” She smiled once again and headed for the door. Once she’d gone downstairs, I burst into tears. Why was life so complicated? I grabbed my phone and text Chloe.

‘I need to talk to you. J x’
Within a few seconds, my phone vibrated. A new SMS from Chloe.
‘What’s up? Xxx’
‘It’s Alex. When I got home from shopping with Tom yesterday, he was on the sofa. I felt that something wasn’t right. He told me to read a text he’d received a few minutes previous. It said basically that I was cheating on Alex. The text also said that I’d been all over Tom. I kissed him on the cheek as a goodbye gesture, it didn’t mean anything. Alex hasn’t spoken to me since. I think he believes it y’know. :/ Xxx’
‘Oh crikey. Do you know who sent it? He shouldn’t be acting like that, you wouldn’t cheat on him! Urgh, boys. Xxx’
‘He didn’t have the number saved in his contacts but I dialled the number and the name came up on my screen. Xxx’
‘Who was it? Xxx’
‘Ellie. Xxx’
‘What the fuck is she playing at?! Meet me in 15 minutes outside Jerry’s café. We’re going to that bitch’s house! Xxx’
‘Alright. Xxx’

I grabbed my phone, keys and some other items and shoved them in my bag. I pulled on my hoodie and headed downstairs. I walked into the living room and found Alex still slumped on the sofa fast asleep. I left him sleeping, it’s not like he’d speak to me if I woke him up. I grabbed a pen and some scrap paper and wrote, ‘Gone out for a bit. Found out who sent you the text. If you need me, ring me or something. I honestly didn’t do anything with Tom, I swear on my own life. I wish you wouldn’t act like this. I wish you’d realize that I actually love you a lot more than you probably think. I wouldn’t ever even think of being unfaithful to you. You saved my life remember? Anyway, see you later. <3’

I headed out the door and began to walk to Jerry’s. It was only 10 minutes down the road.


I arrived at Jerry’s and I saw Chloe sitting at one of the tables outside of the café. As soon as she noticed me, she jumped up from her seat and came running over.
“Are you alright?” She looked at my face and I smiled.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I left Alex a note. Hopefully he’ll have thought things through when I return.”
“I hope so. Right, let’s go. This is going to be solved once and for all.”

Chloe and I headed down a few blocks and then walked down an alleyway. We were a few blocks after from Ellie’s house now.
“She won’t realize what’s hit her when we get there.”
“Chloe, what exactly are we gonna do?”
“I don’t know but shit will kick off. I don’t care if anyone gets in the way. They’ll get hurt too.”
“She’s gonna pay.”
Chloe grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
“Things will get better, no matter what it takes.”

Chloe and I arrived at Ellie’s house and we both marched up the pathway to her doorstep. Chloe knocked quite loudly, practically banging the door down.
“One second!” was heard from inside of the house.

After a few minutes, Ellie opened the door and didn’t even have time to say anything before Chloe’s fist connected to her jaw. Chloe threw more punches at Ellie’s face causing Ellie to fall backwards. I followed Chloe into the house and closed the door behind me.
“This is what you get for fucking messing with MY best friend!” Chloe threw one more punch and it smashed into Ellie’s side.
“I-I don’t k-know what you’re t-talking about…” she trailed off, trying to block Chloe’s fists.
My blood started to boil. How the fuck did she not know what she was talking about. Without thinking, I picked Ellie up off the floor and put her up against the wall by the collar of her t-shirt.
“What do you mean you don’t know?! OF COURSE YOU DO. YOU KNOW FULL FUCKING WELL WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!”
She smirked at me. “HA, get the fuck out of my house.”
“No. This is gonna be solved. You don’t mess with me, or Alex for that matter. You’re a self-centred bitch and you should really grow the fuck up!” I tightened my grip around her throat.
“Haha, me? Self-centred? Says the one who always cries onto Alex or Chloe’s shoulder when everything in life goes wrong. Attention seeking much. You’ve got nothing on me.”
I slammed her head against the wall again. “I don’t think you’re quite getting the message here. You don’t fucking mess with someone’s relationship and expect them not to do anything about it!”
Ellie started to choke and tried to gasp for breath. She attempted to move my hands from her throat but failed.
“You won’t be getting off this so easily.” I spat. I raised my fist and swung at Ellie’s nose. I heard a crank and saw blood trickling out of her nose.
“You deserve everything you fucking get.” Chloe came over and whispered into her ear.
Chloe slammed a punch into Ellie’s stomach and ended up winding her. I threw Ellie to the floor and she frantically gasped for air.
“If you do this again, we won’t be so nice about it. Think yourself lucky I haven’t put you in hospital myself.” Chloe spat and then turned towards me. “Let’s go. I think a lesson has been learnt here.”

Chloe opened the front door and started to walk down the pathway. I followed behind her and slammed the door shut. Chloe’s pace picked up and as soon as we reached the alleyway she slowed down.
“If she ever messes with you again, I will probably end up doing something I regret. I don’t give a shit though, no-one messes with you.”
“You really don’t have to, Chloe! Aw, same back to you.”
“I will do because you’re my best friend and no-one will change that.”
I put my arm around Chloe’s waist and pulled her into a hug.
“It means a lot seriously.” I smiled.
“It’s no problem,” she patted my back and then broke away from the hug. She paused. “One second, I’ve got a text.”
She pulled out her phone, checked the message and then focused her attention back on me.
“I’ve gotta go now but I’ll speak to you later yeah?”
“Alright, see you!”
Chloe pulled me into a hug and then smiled at me before running down the road. I checked my phone and had a text from my Mum.

‘Hey darling. Do you wanna catch up? I’m free for an hour or so. Mum. X’
‘Sure thing. See you in a bit. J. X’

I walked past the new block of flats and headed down another alleyway. It wouldn’t take me long to get home.


I arrived at home and grabbed my keys from my bag. I unlocked the door and shut it quietly behind me.
“Mum?” I shouted. No response.
“Mum?” I shouted louder. Still no response.

I checked the living, kitchen and hallway but there was nothing. I climbed up the stairs and checked the bathroom, my mum’s room and my room. Still, there was nothing. I was in the house alone.

I went into my room and looked around. My room had pretty much stayed the same ever since I left that day with Alex. My mum had possibly hovered but nothing had been moved. I walked over to my dresser and saw a necklace lying there. It read, “Justine” on it. I picked the necklace up and wiped the dust off of it. This necklace was giving to me on my 12th birthday as a gift from my Nanna. It meant a lot to me. The necklace glinted in the sun and I smiled. I placed the necklace back on the drawer and sat on my bed.

As soon as I sat down, my phone started to vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and found out I had a new SMS. I checked it and my body went cold. This couldn’t be happening. Not again.

I dialled in Alex’s number. I prayed he was awake because he was my only hope right now. If he didn’t pick up, I wouldn't have a chance of getting out of here.

The ringtone dialled and dialled and I nearly pressed the red button when suddenly a voice spoke, “what’s up?”
“Alex. I-I…I don’t even know how to d-describe this but if you don’t get here soon something bad is going to happen.”
“Justine? What’s wrong?”
“It’s h-him. He’s just sent me a text,” I began to tremble. “it said that h-he was coming for me.”
“What?! Where are you?” I could hear the fear in his voice.
“I’m at my Mum’s…”
“What? What are you doing there?”
“I’ll explain later but there’s not much t-time. Just get here before he does. Please Alex…” Tears started to fall out of my eyes.
“I’m on my way now. I won’t be long promise.”
I hung up. My hands were shaking violently. This wasn't real. This had to be a dream. I pinched my skin. The pain rippled through me. No. This was definitely real.

I dashed to the window and observed the driveway. There was noone here yet.
“Come on Alex, fucking hurry up.” I put my head in my hands. Josh was a fucking idiot. I knew he wasn’t kidding. He wouldn’t be kidding. He was after me after since that night and I couldn’t understand why. He turned up almost everywhere I went. Why wouldn’t he leave me alone?

I heard a car pull up on the drive. I looked at the drive. It wasn’t Alex’s car. It was a van. A white van. Two men got out of the front and I didn’t know what to do. They weren’t anyone I recognized. Where they the men that Josh were referring to? My eyes widened. No. No. No! My legs gave way. Alex needed to get here before Josh. Or was Josh in that van? More tears started pouring out of my eyes.

I heard another car pull onto the drive and the car door slam shut. Within seconds, I heard frantic bangs on the door. I looked out the window. It was Alex. He was here.

I ran downstairs, grabbed my bag and fled out of the door. Alex took my hand and pulled me towards the car. Before we could get any closer to the car, two guys in black t-shirts and masks came from behind me and pulled my arms back to prevent me from getting any closer to the car. I tried to kick at them but they dodged every attempted shot. Two more guys in black t-shirts and masks came from behind Alex.
“ALEX. BEHIND YOU.” I felt one of the guys hands wrap around my mouth. It muffled my shouting.
The guys near Alex pulled his arms back and he lost his grip on my hand. I tried to fight back from the guys but it wasn’t working, they were a lot stronger than me. Alex did the same and tried to reach back out for my hand but it was no use. The four guys held us back from each other. My body shook violently and more tears poured out of my eyes. They stung so badly.

As soon as they’d got us apart, the two guys holding me pulled me towards the van. I tried to bite their hands but nothing worked. Another attempt to kick them failed and I could feel myself losing.
“GET OFF ME.” My shouting was still muffled. I screamed as loud as I could to try and get anyone’s attention. Alex was still battling off the other guys but they were stronger than Alex. They pulled me closer to the van and the van doors opened. The men picked me up and I kicked my feet in protest. They weren’t going to take me. They weren’t. I tried hard to stop they from shoving me into the van. I screamed once more and saw fear in Alex’s eyes. Tears were streaming down Alex’s face. One of the guys kicked Alex in the shins and he fell to his knees. He screamed my name as I was pushed further into the van and someone inside the van grabbed hold of me. I screamed Alex’s name as loud as I could. My voice started to hurt but I didn’t care. I carried on screaming but then the doors were slammed shut and the last thing I could see was Alex being beaten up. I punched the van’s door and cracked my knuckles in doing so. My knees gave in and my blood began to heat up. I felt something stab into my arm and my body instantly started to go numb. My body slumped onto the floor of the van and I saw someone’s face emerge from the darkness.
“We meet again, slut.” Josh spat.
♠ ♠ ♠
If anyone cries at this or anything, I'm really sorry! I don't want people to cry! :(
Anyway, thoughts on this part? It took me about 2-3 hours to write because I kept having to rewrite paragraphs. Hope you like it!