Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 40

Justine looked round at the bed in shock.
“W-who are y-you?” She stuttered.
The voice didn't’t say anything. Justine heard some shuffling and a figure emerged from the sheets in the corner. The figure stepped into the light and looked over at Justine. Justine gasped in shock. The girl’s body was covered in purple bruises left, right and center.
“I-Your bod-”
“Stare all you want. I’m used to it.”
“Did he- wait, what?”
“You’re used to it?! This isn't’t right.”
“Yup. I’m his ‘slave’ you could say. I have to face the public looking like this. It’s horrible.”
“Bloody hell. What do they say to you?”
“The majority have a good stare and then act like nothing happened. I had this girl come up to me once and ask how I’d got the bruises.”
“What did you say?”
“Josh said to me that if I didn't’t make up a gullible lie that could fool anyone, he’d give me more abuse so I came up with the ‘I was in a horrible accident a few weeks ago’ excuse.”
“That’s fucking terrible. How long have you been…here?”
“A few months. Maybe a year. I don’t know.”
“Oh god. So I’m gonna be stuck in here? No, no…”
The girl walked closer and sat on the floor a few meters away from Justine. Justine sat down opposite her and twirled her hair in her fingers.
“What’s your name?” The girl questioned.
“Justine. What’s yours?”
“Um, it doesn't’t matter.” She paused. “Can I tell you something?”
The girl moved closer towards my ear and whispered, “If you ever have the chance, get out of here. Run away as fast as you can. Any chance you have, go without a second thought, you hear me?”
“Okay? But what if they catch me?”
“I’ve been here long enough to know what to do and what not to do.”
“Hmm, true.”
“But yeah, if you ever have that chance, take it or you’ll end up in the situation I’m in.”
“What’s happened to you?”
“It’s kind of a long story…” she trailed off and picked at her nails.
“Well, it seems like I’m here for a while so.”
“It’s not that. I don’t know who to trust anymore. If some information gets out to the wrong people, I will be in some serious trouble.”
“Honestly, I can keep a secret. I have a few. Especially with…him.” Justine stared at the wall.
“Hmmm.” A few moments of silence passed before she spoke again. “I’ve been here for ages. Stuck here. I can’t actually escape from here because they’ve tagged me up so they know where I am 24/7. When Josh goes back to his hometown, he normally stays there for a few days and then returns back. He acts like he’s upset at times about different things. Me being one of them.”
“What does he do?”
“Has he ever told you a story of the ‘missing girl’?”
“Yeah, he told me that when he walked me home…”
“Um. Yeah, uh, that’s me. I’m Megan.”


Jack woke up and slammed his eyes open immediately. He unwrapped Chloe’s arms from around his waist and climbed out of the bed. Slowly, he sneaked out his bedroom and crossed the hallway over to the bedroom where Alex was staying. Jack pressed his ear to the door and heard piercing screams travel through his eardrums. Jack opened the door, quickly walked into the room and shut it behind him. He scurried over to the bed where Alex was tossing, turning and screaming. Jack gently shook Alex and his screams slowly stopped and he opened his eyes.
“J-Jack?” Alex started to shake.
“Hey,” Jack climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around Alex. “Are you alright? You’ve been screaming for a while.”
“I-I don’t k-know. She’s c-constantly on my fucking m-mind. Everywhere.”
“That’s natural I suppose, Alex. A fucking idiot turns up and kidnaps your girlfriend, of course she’s gonna be on your mind. You aren't’t the only one. I keep waking up in the night and then seeing Chloe with tears streaming down her face but she’s not actually awake.”
Alex wiped his eyes and then sat up a little in bed. “What am I supposed to do Jack? I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t think straight.”
“We can only hope. I contacted the police earlier and they said they’ll send an officer in the morning to take some details and stuff.”
“Hmm.” Alex lay back down on the pillows and faced towards Jack whose head was only a few inches away.
Jack played with Alex’s hair and moved it out of his eyes.
“Thanks for this, y’know? I really appreciate it.” Alex attempted to smile.
“It’s alright honestly. Anything to help a friend.”
Alex smiled and rested his head against Jack’s chest. Jack kissed his head and whispered, “night Alex.” He heard a subtle, “night Jack” before snores were heard. It wasn't’t long before Jack nodded off.


The next day wasn't’t particularly productive. Alex and Jack stayed in Alex’s room and watched several DVD’s and played a few video games. Chloe had gone out to her Mum’s house for a few hours.

Jack had cooked breakfast for them both and they sat at the kitchen table and talked about recent events regarding the hospital visit and what they planned to do next. They went back upstairs and played more video games to take both of their minds out of reality for a while.

A few hours passed and Chloe had arrived back from her Mum’s house. She had puffy eyes and her eyes looked red raw. She cooked up a stir-fry for Jack, Alex and herself and ate it in silence. After she’d finished, she told Jack that she was gonna go to bed and try to get some sleep. Jack gave her a hug, kissed her cheek and then returned back to the kitchen table. Alex took both of their plates and placed them in the sink.
“I’m gonna go to bed as well. It’s getting kind of late.” Alex said.
“Me too. Is it okay if I join you in yours? I don’t wanna disturb Chloe.”
“Yeah that’s fine.”
Alex and Jack made their way upstairs and climbed into bed.
“Thankyou honestly.”
“As I said yesterday, it’s fine.”
“I just feel as if I’m just moping around y’know?”
“Nah, you’re not. Gives me a bit of company anyway.”
“Hmm true.”
Jack ruffled Alex’s hair and he smiled.
“Thanks.” Alex laughed.
“It’s no problem.”

Alex stared into Jack’s eyes and edged forward. As soon as Jack realized what was about to happen, he backed off.
“Alex, dude, what’re you doing?”
Alex quickly jumped up out of the bed and grabbed his coat. Jack heard his loud footsteps as he ran down the stairs and slammed the front door behind him.
What the fuck had just happened?