Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 43.

Justine’s piercing screams rippled through the building. She was secluded in a small room with Josh and noone could help her even if they wanted to.

The screams had woken Megan up and she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed. She knew exactly what was happening. Megan had warned Justine that Josh would get her but did she listen? No. Megan headed out of the room and walked over to the closed door where the screams were coming from. She peered through the door window and could see tears streaming down Justine’s face as kicks and punches flew into her lower body. There were cuts all over her arms and a few on her face. Megan could see from Josh’s rage that he wasn’t gonna give up anytime soon. She pulled herself away from the window and headed into an office a few floors below. Megan hoped the person she was looking for was in the building today. To her delight, Leah was running around the office filing a few bits of paperwork. She paused when she saw Megan standing at the door.
“Hey, what’s up?” she spoke softly.
A tear fell out of Megan’s eye. “I want him to stop, I can’t stand it anymore.”
“I know how you feel,” Leah walked over to Megan and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sick of it all too.”
“Can’t you go up there and stop it?”
“Hmm, I can only try. Go on back to your room and I’ll see what I can do. Remember, none of this happened, alright?”
“Thankyou.” She headed back up to her room and heard Leah’s footsteps follow behind her.

Truth was, Leah had helped Megan and a few other victims behind Josh’s back. Leah didn’t like the so-called business that Josh ran and whenever Josh finished beating each victim, Leah would sneak into their room when Josh wasn’t around and comfort them. The only reason she hadn’t called the police or disobeyed Josh was because she knew he’d have her pinned down within seconds. No matter how much he said he loved her she’d still be beaten like the victims if she objected to any of Josh’s orders.

Leah knocked on the door and the lashings soon stopped. Josh approached the door and smiled at Leah. “Hey sweetcheeks. What’s up?”
“Can you stop, please? I’m trying to concentrate and I can’t.” Leah stared into Josh’s eyes.
Josh stepped outside, closed the door and moved closer towards Leah. He let his hands run wild and pressed her body gently against the wall.
“Just for you baby.” His hot breath ran down Leah’s spine causing her to shiver. Her arms wrapped around Josh’s neck and he smashed their lips together. Leah reluctantly responded and to her relief, Josh pulled away after a few seconds. “Now, back to work. Maybe I’ll reward you with a bit more later tonight.” He winked and then walked back into the room where Justine was. Moments later, Josh dragged Justine out of the room and chucked her back into Megan’s room. He swung his head round the door. “That’s what you get for trying to runaway!” he hissed.


Jack was cooking dinner when Chloe walked through the door. He peered down the hallway and saw her headed towards the kitchen. As soon as she entered, she wrapped her arms around Jack’s waist. “Hey.” She spoke softly.
“Hey Chlobear.” Jack pulled Chloe into a hug and ruffled her hair.
“Any news on the parents thing?”
“Yeah. Alex called his parents earlier and invited them round. He said they’re gonna be here in about an hour or so.”
“I’ll call Justine’s mum and Layna if you want?”
“Okay. I’m gonna finish cooking up dinner and then I’ll go and get changed.”
“You don’t have to, you look fine.”
“Mhm, you’ve still not convinced me.”
Chloe smiled and pressed her lips gently against Jack’s. Jack wrapped his arms around Chloe’s waist and bit down gently on her lip. Chloe made a trail with her finger down Jack’s spine and he moaned quietly. “You know what that spot is.” He whispered into her ear.
“Indeed I do.” Chloe kissed Jack’s neck and pressed her hips against Jack slightly.
Jack connected their lips once again and Chloe pulled back slightly.
“Now, are you convinced?” She winked and walked into the living room.
Jack finished cooking dinner and dished it out onto 3 plates. He placed the dinner down on the living room table and Chloe picked up her knife and fork.
Jack finally sat down to the table and shouted upstairs. “Alex, dinner!”
“Jack, you do know this is my favourite meal right?”
“Why yes, I do.”
“Are you trying to hint at something?” She laughed.
“Maybe.” He winked back and laughed.
“Maybe you’ll score for once.” Chloe joked.
“Fuck you!”
“Maybe later.” She winked and then gestured towards the door where Alex was standing.
“I can just take my dinner upstairs if you guys are-” Alex shook his head at the thought.
“No,” Jack cut off Alex, “it’s okay. Come sit down.” Jack smiled at Alex. Alex smiled weakly and joined the pair at the table.

After they’d all eaten dinner they prepared themselves for the dreaded visit from Layna, Alex’s parents and Justine’s mum. Alex was fidgeting on the living room sofa, filled with nerves. Chloe had just nipped to the shops and Jack was in the kitchen on the phone to his cousin, Rachel.

“I’ve got his number Rach. Would you be able to track it for me?”
“I don’t know Jack, it’s against the police rules.”
“Yeah but Rach, Justine could be 5 minutes from here and we wouldn’t know a thing. Alex’s screams wake me up in the night and I wake up in the morning to Chloe’s tears. There’s gotta be something you can do.”
“I’ll try my best Jack, alright? Give me 10 minutes or so and I’ll attempt to track his number.”
“I’ll text you the location alright?”
“Right, I’ve gotta go now anyway. Bye Jack.”
“Bye Rach.”
Jack hung up and headed back into the living room just as the doorbell rang. Jack answered the door to the guests and showed them to the living room. Alex’s parents gave Alex a comforting hug and then sat on the sofa opposite. Justine’s mum followed suite and Layna followed behind. As if on cue, Chloe arrived back at Jack’s house and placed the bags in the hallway before sitting down next to Jack. Jack, Chloe and Alex looked at each other waiting for someone to speak. Chloe quickly spoke up.
“Um so, you’ve probably noticed that we’re missing someone.” Her voice began to shake. Jack squeezed Chloe’s hand and smiled weakly at her. “Justine isn’t… here.”
Justine’s mum spoke up almost immediately. “Where is she?” She raised her eyebrows at Alex who cowered into the sofa trying to avoid her gaze.
“She, um…she was kidnapped by Josh.”
Alex winced at the name and got up from the sofa. Jack raised his eyebrows at Alex. A tear fell down Alex’s cheek and he quickly ran upstairs.
“Where’s he going?” Alex’s dad glared angrily at both Jack and Chloe.
Jack spoke up this time. “Hang on, this isn’t Alex’s fault. As much as you think it is, you don’t know half the story.”
“Are you telling me I don’t know my own son?!” Alex’s dad rose from the sofa, fists clenched. Alex’s mum whispered into his ear and he slowly sat back down again.
“I’m not saying that at all. It’s been hard on Alex the most. Justine was at her house when she received a text from an unknown number, presumably Josh. She called Alex but a white van arrived at Justine’s house first. Alex pulled up in his car soon after and just as Alex and Justine ran to Alex’s car, two men grabbed Justine and took her away. Alex tried to fight back against the men that were holding him back but they were too strong for him. They beat him up to the point where he couldn’t even get up off the drive. So before you tell me it’s not hard on Alex, find out the truth first. You try waking up to Alex’s screams in the night. It’s heartbreaking.” Chloe squeezed Jack’s hand and rested her head on his shoulder. Noone knew what to say. Layna was on the brink of tears, Alex’s parents didn’t know where to look and Justine’s mum was trying to figure out what she’d just been told. Jack’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out. Rachel had provided Jack with the location of Josh’s phone. Jack turned to Chloe and kissed her forehead.
“Baby, I’m just nipping out okay?”
“Where are you-”
“Chloe. Trust me on this one. I won’t be long, I promise.”
“No buts. I really need to go.”
She threw down her arms in frustration and pulled her knees up to her chest. Jack grabbed both her hands and looked her in the eyes.
“I can’t tell you but if everything goes to plan, things are going to get so much better here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just trust me okay?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He kissed Chloe and then grabbed his coat and ran out the door. Jack started up the engine and headed out to the location he’d been provided with.


A figure emerged into the room and Justine didn’t bother to see who it was. Her body was too weak to comply anyway.
“Justine?” The figure whispered.
“What?” She whispered, her voice almost non-existent.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
Justine heard footsteps coming closer.
“Josh’s behaviour. Megan came down to me and asked me to stop it.”
Justine didn’t respond. This was most likely a set up Josh had planned.
“What do you want?”
“Look, my name’s Leah. I’m Josh’s girlfriend unfortunately but I’m nothing like him. Ask Megan if you don’t believe me.”
“Why are you here?”
“Turn around and you’ll find out why.”
Justine groaned but slowly turned her battered body towards the figure. She saw a bucket and a rag next to Leah.
“What’s that for?” she looked towards the items.
“Show me your injuries.”
Justine pulled up her jumper and watched as Leah soaked the rag and gently washed over the skin. Once Leah had washed all Justine’s visible injuries, Leah smiled at her.
“You want to get out of here right?” Leah whispered into Justine’s ear.
Justine nodded.
“Get all your stuff together.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I help every victim Josh brings back. I’ve helped Megan since day one. She’s told me that you tried to escape but Josh found you. If you want a chance of getting out, just follow me okay?” She smiled and Justine picked herself up and followed Leah out of the building.
Leah patted Justine’s shoulder and pointed to a road in the distance.
“Head for that place, it’s a market and there’s lots of people around. If Josh comes after you, you’ll have a chance.”
“Thankyou so much Leah.”
“It’s alright, now get going before he finds out what’s happened.”
Justine ran down the footpath once again and headed down the other alleyway towards the market. She was glad when more people were walking about on the streets and retreated to walking. Relief washed over Justine’s body and she smiled. She pulled out her phone and went to ring Alex when she heard someone yelling behind her. She turned around to see Josh running at full pelt at her. Justine ran further into the market and got stares from most people around.
“I’M GONNA GET YOU.” He yelled.
Tears started to stream down Justine’s face and she looked back to see Josh was a few feet away from her. He reached his hand out to grab hold of her shoulder but just before he could Justine tripped and tumbled to the ground.
“HELP, HELP!” She shouted, bawling her eyes out.
Josh slowly approached Justine and kicked her legs.
“Did you not learn from last time!?” He spat. People in the market started to gather round. Justine dragged herself up from the floor and began to back away. Josh grabbed her hand before she could make another getaway and swung his fist into her jaw.

Unaware of the two police officers approaching behind him, Josh continually threw punches at Justine’s face. Justine fell to the ground again and cried out once more. She then saw the police running towards Josh and began to scramble to her feet. The police officers started to shout at Josh and he turned around. The policeman cuffed Josh’s hands up before he could react and pulled him away from the scene. Justine ran towards the exit of the market and people started to make way for her.

Jack pulled up to the scene and recognized Justine’s face immediately. He ran towards the crowd and saw Justine running in his direction. Jack ran towards Justine and hoped that she noticed him. Justine lifted her head and Jack could see a flow of tears streaming down her face and filling up her eyes. She looked over at Jack and headed towards him. Jack lowered himself down as Justine jumped into Jack’s arms. As soon as he had a firm hold of Justine, he ran towards his car and yanked open the back door. Justine clambered in and collapsed on the seat. Jack ran to the driver’s seat and started up the car. The engine fired up and he pressed down hard on the accelerator. As soon as Jack got onto the main road again, he checked the back seat to find that Justine was curled up in a ball and light snores were coming from her. He dialled in Chloe’s number and within a few seconds, she answered.
“Jack? What’s up?”
“I’ll be home in 15 minutes. I need you to evict the guests, as nasty as it sounds.”
“What’s happened?”
“I can’t tell you just yet but when I arrive home you’ll find out. I need all the guests gone, except you and Alex.”
“No buts Chloe just show them out or something. This is important. Mega important.”
“Alright. This better be good.”
“See you soon.”
Jack hung up and looked at Justine again. She hadn’t moved an inch. Jack rode over a bump and her sleeve rolled up slightly. He caught glimpse of a few purple marks on her arms and gasped. Jack turned his head back round to the road and decided to concentrate on that.

As soon as he arrived at home, he saw the doors open and Chloe ran out to the car. Jack wound down the window. “CHLOE, GET ALEX!”
She ran back inside and minutes later she was yanking Alex out of the door and towards the car. Jack ran round the car to the back doors and started to open them.
“Alex come here. Be prepared.”
Alex made his way over to the car and peered into the car. He walked closer and saw Justine’s body in the car.
“Jack-I-how?” Tears started to pour out of Alex’s eyes and he stared at Jack.
“I’ll explain in the morning. Take her upstairs straight to bed, I’m not sure if she’ll wake up just yet.” Jack whispered into Alex’s ear.
Alex stared at Jack for a few seconds before quickly kissing Jack on the lips. Chloe raised her eyebrows and Jack laughed.
“I don’t care how you managed it but I’m glad she’s back here. Thankyou so fucking much.”
“It’s okay.”
Alex clambered into the car slightly and put his arms under Justine’s body and lifted her out from the car. He gently backed away out of the car door and pulled Justine tight to his chest. He was speechless. He could feel tears coming back to his eyes again. Chloe stared over at Alex and quickly slammed her hand against her mouth. Jack ran over to Chloe wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight into his chest. Jack never wanted to let go. He could hear Chloe starting to sob into his chest.
“We need to get inside.”
She nodded and Jack picked her up and kicked the car door shut. He headed towards the house and locked the door as soon as he got in.

Alex carried Justine up to his bed and lay her down underneath the covers. He didn’t bother with getting changed but instead got into bed and wrapped his arms back around Justine. He wasn’t going to let go. Alex kissed Justine’s lips softly before resting his head against the pillow and slowly his vision blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
1-2 more parts and then this fanfic is over! Thanks to all my lovely readers!
If you wish to leave a comment or whatever, tweet me! @teamatlfosho (: