Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 44

Alex was woken by a few shuffles from the girl beside him. He slowly opened his eyes to see that Justine was starting to toss and turn. He shook Justine gently in an attempt to wake her up.
“Baby, baby. Wake up.” Alex shook Justine firmer this time. The tossing and turning slowly stopped and she began to open her eyes. Alex watched in shock as she pushed her hair back and started to groan. Eventually, Justine opened her eyes fully and stared at Alex above.
“A-Alex?” She looked bewildered.
“Baby, it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
“Is this…is this real?”
Justine clambered on top of Alex and stared into his eyes. “Pinch me. Pinch me now!”
As much as Alex didn’t want to, he pinched her skin and her face lit up.
“Alex. This, this is real. I-I…”
Alex pressed his finger to her lips and edged closer. Justine wrapped her arms around the back of Alex’s neck and almost yanked him forward. She pressed their lips together and both of their bodies relaxed. Alex rolled Justine over and placed himself over her without breaking the kiss. After rolling over each other a few times, Justine stopped and smiled down at Alex. She kissed his lips once more before biting lightly on Alex’s neck.
“Oh my…” Alex trailed off and dug his fingers into the bed sheets as Justine gently nipped a line all the way down past his navel and stopped just above his pelvis. “What’s got into you lately, Madame?”
“I’ve just been thinking how much you mean to me and well, I didn’t really plan on this but it feels right, y’know?”
Alex slowly moved his upper body towards Justine so that they were inches away from each other’s mouths. They both smiled at each other and Justine bit down on her lip. Alex couldn’t resist anymore. He placed his hands around the back of Justine’s neck and pulled her closer. They kissed and Alex slowly fell back down onto the bed with Justine still attached. Alex’s hands began to run wild over Justine’s body and it wasn’t long before his hips started to rock against Justine’s.


Justine was sat on Alex’s lap at the kitchen table. Alex hadn’t let Justine go out of his sight for most of the morning and Justine didn’t mind at all. It was quite amusing. Justine turned around to face Alex and kissed him softly on the lips. Alex responded and Justine ran her fingers through Alex’s hair. Alex’s hands found themselves wound round Justine’s chest and he bit down gently on Justine’s lip. Justine slowed the kisses down to a big long one. A cough from someone at the kitchen door startled them both and they broke away. “No sex on the kitchen top please guys.” Jack laughed. Alex and Justine smiled at each other and then carried on with their little session.
“Seriously guys, get a room! I know you’ve not been together for a while but c’mon!”
“Haha, you love it really Jack.” Alex responded.
“It’s cute yes, I’ll agree with you there but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be over each other whilst I’m near.”
Alex laughed and he jabbed Justine in the side.
“Missus, we have to do some visits today.” Alex smiled at Justine.
“Mhm, okay. I’ll go get ready now.” She smiled back, quickly pecked Alex’s lips and then bounced up the stairs to their room.

10 minutes or so later, Justine headed back to the kitchen where Alex was still sitting.
“You okay baby?” Justine raised her eyebrows.
Alex came out of his trance and shook his head. “Yeah, yeah just thinking stuff through.”
Justine placed herself on Alex’s lap and rested her head against his chest. Alex instinctively wrapped his arms around Justine’s upper body and pulled her close to his chest.
“Are you okay?” Justine’s hand softly trailed down Alex’s front.
“Mhm, I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You worry me sometimes.”
Alex kissed Justine’s forehead and sighed. “I’m just playing scenarios in my head with visiting both my mom and yours.”
“Aw baby, don’t worry about it. I’m sure my mum will be fine-”
Alex pressed a finger to her lips. “Shhh.”

After a few minutes, Alex kissed Justine’s head and smiled to himself. Justine turned around and smiled back, placing her lips on Alex’s.
“What was that about?” she questioned.
“The peace and quietness of you being in my arms. I’ve missed that so much.”
“Oh baby.” Justine wrapped her arms back around Alex and a sneaky teardrop fell out of her eye. She went to wipe away the tear but Alex beat her to it. He kissed her lips once again and then lifted himself off the chair, carrying Justine with him.
“We need to set off baby.” Alex whispered into her ear.
“Okay, let’s go.” She smiled, still holding onto Alex.

Alex carried Justine to the passenger door and slowly dropped her to the ground. As Alex ran round to the drivers seat, she climbed in. Alex started up the engine and pulled onto the road.


Jack slowly awoke from his slumber and immediately searched the room for Chloe. To his surprise, she was still fast asleep. No tears, no red puffy eyes at all. Jack was glad; he didn’t like seeing Chloe upset. Jack gently stroked Chloe’s face and smiled to himself. Soon after, Chloe began her waking up routine. She yawned and stretched her arms out above her head and let them lie for a few minutes before slowly opening her eyes. Chloe looked over at Jack and smiled.
“Morning sleepy.” Jack kissed Chloe’s forehead and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Morning.” She whispered, still in a sleepy state.
“You okay?”
“Yeah not too bad, just tired.” Chloe yawned.
“Yes, you are.” Jack smiled.
“No. I am not.” Chloe faced the other way, with her back to Jack.
“Yes, yes you are.” Jack started to tickle Chloe and she soon gave in.
“Okay! Okay! I’m lazy! There I admitted it now stop!” She giggled.
Jack carried on tickling Chloe for a while and then slowly stopped.
“I love you Jack.”
“I love you too Chlobear.” Jack wrapped his arms around Chloe’s neck and kissed her softly on the cheek. Chloe smiled and pressed her lips to Jack’s nose.
“You’re cute.” Jack whispered.
“Erm, yes. You are.”
“No I am not. You’re cute actually.”
“No, that’s you. And you’re lazy.”
“Fuck you! I am not laz-”
“Whoa, slow down!” Jack laughed.
“Gonna cook me some breakfast?” Chloe laughed.
“No, pssh. Make it yourself!”
“I can’t be bothered Jack. Plus, your cooking is a lot better than mine. At least you don’t burn the house down.”
“Hm, I kind of noticed that…”
Chloe playfully punched Jack on the shoulder and he whined like a little girl.
“Ow! That hurt!”
“I give up.”
“So you should.”
“Hm, maybe.”
“Please?” Chloe gave Jack her puppy dog eyes.
“Fine.” He kissed Chloe on the lips, pulled on his dressing gown and headed downstairs.


Alex pulled onto his parents’ driveway and smiled over at Justine before speaking.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just nervous to how they’re gonna react about me being alive y’know.”
“Hmm, they’ll soon calm themselves down.” He leaned over and kissed Justine’s cheek before getting out of the car. They walked hand in hand towards Alex’s parents’ front door and before Alex had even managed to knock, Alex’s mum was already at the door.
“J-Justine? You’re alive?”
“Mom, go inside.” Alex said and she did so. Alex pulled Justine in behind him and closed the door.
Alex’s mom re-emerged and shot both Alex and Justine a look.
“Living room sofa now.”

After 15 minutes or so of Alex’s parents playing 21 questions with Justine, Alex gestured towards his dad to follow him out of the room. Alex closed the door and Alex’s dad raised his eyebrows.
“You alright son?”
“Yeah. Um, I know it might be too soon...” Alex trailed off.
“What’s up?”
“When Justine went missing, it made me realize that there is no-one else who could make me feel so complete inside.” He paused for a few seconds. “Dad, I really think she’s that girl.”
“Well, only if you’re sure son.”
“Completely. Do you have the r-”
“Yeah, let me go get it.”

A few minutes later, Alex’s dad returned with a jewellery case and handed it over to Alex. Alex placed it in his pocket and smiled.
“Thanks dad.”
“It’s alright son.” He hugged Alex and patted his back.

They both returned to the living room and Justine raised her eyebrows at Alex.
“Right, we’re gonna go now.” Alex announced.
Justine placed her hand in Alex’s and laced her fingers in his.
“But you’ve not been here long.” Alex’s mum protested.
“We’ve got to go mom, you’re not the only ones to visit, there’s Justine’s mom too.” Alex squeezed Justine’s hand and smiled down at her.
“Yeah, it’s best they get off now love.” Alex’s dad gestured towards Alex to go.
Alex stood up and guided Justine to the front door.
“Bye mom! Bye dad!”
“Bye son!”

Alex unlocked the car and jumped in. Justine followed suite and as soon as Alex started the engine up, Justine spoke.
“Where we going now?”
“You’ll see.”
Alex drove onto the main road and turned onto a dirt track. It wasn’t long before he stopped the car and looked over at Justine.
“You make a head-start. Remember the lake we spent the night at, yeah?”
“Head there. I’ll be behind you in a few minutes.”
Justine headed towards the hill and disappeared into the distance. Alex grabbed the hamper basket from his boot and pulled the jewellery box out of his pocket. When he arrived at the lake, Justine was lying down on the floor staring at the stars. Alex quietly approached and laid the hamper basket down and opened the box.
“Come here for a second, would you? Also, close your eyes.”
Justine turned around and started to make her way towards Alex. Alex stopped her with his hand when she’d reached him. He got down on one knee and held the box out to Justine.
Justine opened her eyes and looked at Alex, bewildered.
“Justine Elizabeth Ellward. Will you marry me?”
It took Justine a few minutes before tears fell down her eyes and she smiled at Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more part and then this fanfic is over! thanks for reading guys! <3