Status: This fanfic is completed. I highly doubt that there will be a sequel.

Stand A Little Too Tall, Say A Little Too Much

Part 9.

It was the morning after and I remember dreaming about Alex as per but it had a slight twist to it this time round. In last night’s dream, everything about it with Alex was normal except that the surroundings were different and there was another figure that was clutching around Alex’s waist. The figure kept kissing Alex’s neck and shoulder blade and then they walked into the distance and I was crying. I finally focused in on my surroundings in my bedroom and once my eyes had woken up, I had to close them immediately. They felt so sore like someone was rubbing sand paper on my eyeballs. I moved my legs in a 90-degree turn so they were hanging over my bed and I attempted to get up. I opened my eyes again and they felt a bit better now but the sand paper feeling was still there lingering in the back of my eyes. I went over to the mirror expecting some sort of bruise from last night but found nothing. I grabbed my school clothes and headed for the bathroom.

As I got changed I checked myself over and made sure there was no marks to remind me of last night. I didn’t want to see Josh ever again and sometimes I wish I’d smashed his head against the wall so he’d see sense. Obviously, Josh wasn’t going to get sense in his head any time soon.

I finished getting changed in the bathroom, deposited my dirty clothes in the wash bin and went into Mum’s room.

“Mum?” I whispered, my voice shaking.
“Yes honey?” She replied in a sleepy tone.
“It’s quart to 8, Mum.”
“Oh, but I never heard my alarm go off at 7! Suppose your bloody screaming last night didn’t help.”
“I’m sorry.” my voice grew shakier as I replayed what happened last night in my head again. A tear fell down my face and Mum turned over in her bed to see it just in time before it dropped onto the floor.
“What’s wrong, Justine?” her tone of voice changed into a serious one.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” I said harshly and went to walk out the door.
“Justine. Get back here now.”
I did as I was told and walked slowly back into the room.
“What?” I asked looking down at the bedroom floor.
“What happened last night?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened, Justine.”
“I. Don’t. Want. Any. Help.”
“Justine,” she paused for a few seconds, “I’m worried about you. Ever since that Josh guy has been in your life you’ve been a mess."
“That’s what you think.” I thought to myself. “Honestly. I’m fine. I’m going to school now. Bye.”
I walked out of the room and I heard Mum’s pacing footsteps getting closer and closer. Just as I turned for the staircase she grabbed my arm.
“Justine. What’s happened? You can tell me anything.”
I shrugged her arm off and said nothing for a few minutes. She sighed and moved round nearer to the staircase and I knew she was trying to get me away from the stairs. She went to grab my shoulders and I rushed down the stairs avoiding her clasp but not quite avoiding the step in front of me causing me to forward roll down the stairs and bash my face quite hard in the process. I landed on my back at the bottom of the stairs and Mum’s face was priceless. She went to run down the stairs but I got up and ran towards the door before she could try and get me. I yanked the door open and slammed it behind me. I ran through the front garden and she opened the door and yelled, “JUSTINE. GET BACK HERE NOW.” But I ignored her and carried on running.

I arrived at the school grounds and collapsed against the school wall due to the lack of oxygen. A few people turned, looked at me and started whispering to their friends. I saw a teacher running over to me and Alex passed by coincidently, smiled and then realised what’d happened and ran over.

“Baby, are you okay?” no matter how much pain I was in, I loved the fact he called me ‘baby’.
I didn’t respond back verbally but put my head into my heads and burst into tears.
Alex grabbed my arms, pulled me up from the floor, grabbed my bag and hung it from his shoulder and put his hand around my waist. He gave the teacher a nod to say he had the situation under control and pushed me forwards. He surprised me when he grabbed my legs and back and carried me away from the school building. I kept my head buried in Alex’s chest and after while, he came to a stop and moved some bush branches out the way and slung my bag down on the grass. He carefully sat down with me still in his arms and kissed my hair gently.
“Are you okay, babe?”
I sniffled and shook my head and my buried my head in Alex’s chest again. The tears burst out my eyes again and he heard me sniffling into his shirt. I tried not to get them on his top but he pressed me further against him giving me no choice.
“What’s wrong, Justine?”
“I-I,” I stuttered, “I don’t want to s-say.”
He hugged me closer and then put his hand under my chin and lifted it up.
He studied my bruised lip and battered face and then kissed my cheek.
I winced at the pain but I didn’t care. All I cared about is the fact that I was here in this quiet place with Alex.
“What happened to your face?”
I dared to look up at his face and he looked really concerned.
“I fell down the stairs when Mum tried to grab me.”
“Why did she go to grab you?”
“She saw me crying and wanted to know what was up. I avoided her hands but fell down the stairs at the same time.”
“Aw baby,” he kissed my face again, “Why were you crying?”
“I met a guy called Josh the other day in the park with Chloe. Just after you left me, he came running up to my door and said his mother had been taken into hospital.”
“Oh god. Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to him since…” my voice trailed off.
“Since when?”
“Since…” I whispered it out hoping he wouldn't catch on, “the incident.” Turns out I was wrong.
“What incident? Did he hurt you?”
“I-I don’t want to speak about it.” Tears came flooding out of my eyes and I put my head back against Alex’s chest and he hugged me tight again. My heart tightened and I struggled to breathe for a few seconds. I gasped for air and Alex loosened his grip.
“Oh god. Sorry! Did I hug you too tight?” guilt spread across his face.
“No, no. I-it’s the tears…”
“Hey. I don’t like seeing you in this state so if there’s any way I can help you, let me know, okay?”
“I promise.”
Nothing was said for a few minutes and then Alex rested his head on top of mine. I decided to tell him a bit about what happened but I didn’t want to go into full details.
“Josh. Josh is the reason for all of this. All my tears and everything…” I finally choked out.
“What’s his last name?”
Alex sat up a bit and pulled me closer to him once again.
He whispered in my ear, “I want you to stay here, okay? I’ll let you into a secret,” I looked up at him, nodded and tugged my head back into his chest, “This is my secret place. Whenever I feel like I need to have a good old cry about something or I’ve got a lot of my mind, I come here. No-one knows about this place except you and me.”
“Can I use it too? That way teachers won’t find me and try asking repetitive questions about me.”
“Sure you can,” He smiled at me and then continued, “I’m going to be back in about half hour. You’ll stay here? Promise?”
“Okay. Don’t move. I’ll be back soon.”
He got up with me still in his arms and put me on the bench. He grabbed my school bag and laid it beside me. Alex started to make his way out of his secret place and I ran over to him and grabbed his arm. It felt warm and I didn’t want to let go.
He turned around. “Yes?”
“I don’t want you to go, Alex.” My voice started to grow shakily again. I looked down at the ground, my hand still in contact with Alex’s.
He took his hand out of mine and cupped them around my chin.
“I won’t be long, promise. Just stay here and I’ll call you as soon as I can.”
“But what if-”
“Hey. Nothing is going to happen to you, alright? I wouldn’t let that happen. You’re my Justine and no-one is going to hurt you.”
I smiled and a tear fell down my face. Alex saw it, wiped it away and smiled at me. He brought me into his chest and I wanted to stay like this for the rest of eternity. He kissed my cheek a bit longer than usual, hugged me and then left his quiet place.
I wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do but I knew he wouldn’t be long and then I could be back in his warm arms again. I walked back to the bench and pulled out some late homework and tried to concentrate on finishing that. I started to get chilly and wished Alex hadn’t of left. I wanted to run out of his place and run back to him but I didn’t have the strength. I felt tears coming back to my eyes and placed my head in my knees. I really hoped Alex wasn’t long because truthfully I missed him. I missed him cuddling me in his arms, no matter how much pain he inflicted on my bruises.