Status: Ongoing

The Seer of the Truth

Chapter 1 - Monsters

I sit upon a branch, watching as the future flows through my mind and passes by my opaque eyes. I feel the wind blow through my snow white feathers, moving them uncomfortably out of place. I spread my wings and give my body a small shake, ruffling my feathers so they may fall back properly.
I look at my surroundings, inspecting, seeing. Watching the circle of life happen before my eyes. A worm being picked from the dirt by a bird. A fox stalking a small rabbit. These things are all a part of life. Though most predators here have long ago learned not to attack me in my sometimes seemingly unguarded state. There are still few that like to test their skill, and their luck. Thankfully, they appear to have more important things to do today.

Though I will not attack unless unavoidable, and I will not kill unless absolutely necessary… By definition, I am still a Monster. I can still cause much harm. As can any living being in this world. For the creatures like me, are not the only Monsters that roam this land… We are just the only ones who have been branded with such a name.
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Ooooh! The second short as heck chapter!! Yay! :P
Oh, and you? Yeah, you! Thank you for reading my story :) I very much appreciate you :)