Status: Short Story

The First One Is The Worst One

"It Doesn't Feel Right"

“Hi, Princess!” Patrick yelled at me as I walked in to the dressing room. I could see the rest of the band laughed at how Patrick yelled at me.


“Chill, buddy!”

“Yeah you seem will never stop calling me Princess, won’t you?”

Before Patrick could reply, our tour manager, Greg, walked in and said that our fans outside were really wild, like WILD! They wanted us to come out and hang outside for a moment before the show started. Honestly, I’ve never expected that! I didn’t think we already had lots of fans! I meant, my band, Amely, was a new band. We even just had an EP. Well, God is good.

“So?” Greg asked.

“So we should come outside then” Nate said as he stood up from his seat. Greg just nooded, agreeing with what Nate said.

We all followed Nate and Greg to go outside and meet the kids. When we were outside, our fans started to come at us. They’re asking for pictures, signs, hugs, and kisses? Well I only gave those girls who asked for kisses a kiss on the check.

Have I mentioned where our first tour begins? Yeah, it was California and damn, I gotta admit it, California girls were hella fine! But only this beautiful girl that caught my eyes. She got long blonde wavy hair, perfect blue eyes, and perfect smile! She just stood there and watched us talking to our fans. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her! This was unnormal. She easily caught my attention already. I was about to come over her when Greg suddenly asked us to get into backstage and get ready for the show. He asked us 15 minutes before the show because we already had done a sound check before.

When we’re already in backstage, my thoughts were still on her. That girl I saw outside. Corny, I know. But what could I do? It’s like she had a magic spell or something.

“Dude!” Brandon called me as he patted my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, totally!” I gave him a little laugh.

“Good.” He smiled.

“Hi I-“

“What now Patrick?” I shouted at him as I grabbed my guitar before Patrick finished what he wanted to say.

“Why are you being such a butthurt?”

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to, buddy”

“Well I saw you paid attention on this random girl. Do you know her?”

“What? What girl?” I pretended that I had no idea what he’s saying. Once again, before he could answer, Greg came and gave us a sign that the show was about to start. Yeah, GOD IS GOOD!

“WHAT’S UP, CALIFORNIA?!?!?!?!” I shouted through my mic as my band started playing On My Own. I could feel the enthusiastic of the crowd which was awesome!

Take me home
I'm so sick of everyone
There's nothing for me here but all
The ones who don't

I could see everyone’s jumping after I sang the first verse so I gave my band buddies a sign to stop the music so we all could hear the crowd sing it together.

Care at all
About where I needed to go
This ship has been sinking from
The day we chose

They sounded really beautiful! Then my band continued to play and I continued to sing as well. After we finished the first song, we continued it with Sing To You.

“Alright everyone, here’s our new song from our new EP Hello World!!!”

The crowd screamed louder! That’s amazeballs, seeing lots of people support Amely.

“and this song goes a lot like this” then my band started playing again.

Do you ever feel like you're dying?
Got the same dream on repeat
It's like a song you can't rewind,
And though you try it only makes you see

These are the chords that you have chosen
This is your favorite melody
And even though you're all alone
I've got a way of changing everything

So go it alone or stand by your side
At least you can say I've tried
To throw it all away or keep you locked inside

When we’re about to hit the chorus, the crowd screamed even louder and louder. Some of girls screamed out of their lungs! CRAZY! In a good way.

When you're standing in the rain
And you see me standing by you
When nothing goes your way
You feel me right behind you
I will take away your pain
You know I'll make it better when I
Sing to you

I continued to sing the second verse as this girl I saw earlier showed herself again. She stood in the back of the venue but I still could see her. I froze for a moment then the crowd screaming punched me and took me back to reality, made me realize that I was still on stage. Thanked God the kids knew the lyrics and they still kept singing to the song so I didn’t lose it.

When we’re back to the chorus, I looked at Patrick and he looked at me in confusion. I kept singing, though!

There it came the high notes

Girl this is the reason
And even though I'm leaving
I won't ever be too far
Turn on the radio
You'll hear in stereo
You will always be my star, star, star
Star, star

I could reach them all because I’m awesome like that. Reminds me of a fan who said that I’m the male version of Mariah Carey. What.

“WOOHOOOO are you guys having a good time?”


“Good, cause so are we!! Now, is anyone here a fan of Boys Like Girls?”

“I AM!”




Yeah I heard all of those answers from the crowd.

“So we’re, Amely, gonna cover this song called Thunder by Boys Like Girls. Are you guys still with us?”


“If you know the words, help me out, alright?” after I changed my guitar into the acoustic one, I started streaming Thunder’s intro then I and the crowd started singing. I gave Patrick and Brandon a sign to join me and the crowd.

Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried

I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out

Then the chorus. The high notes. Again. But I still could reach it anyway.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

After we finished the song, the crowds were cheering and clapping their hands. Glad to know that they’re totally amazed by my acoustic performance. That’s a bonus.
Then we closed the show with Hello World.

Hello world,
have you even missed me

I sounded really tired at the end of the song. But the kids still like it so yeah.
Before we left the stage, Nate threw his drum sticks to the crowd. They tried their hardest to get them. As I walked out of stage, I took a look to the back of venue and that girl was no longer there. I sighed.
After we finished showering, we got out to the merch tent and met our fans. After some of fans asked for autographs, the venue seemed so quiet. The kids went home already so there were only left less than 20 kids. I think.

This girl showed up again, at the corner of that place. I wish I had never saw her. I didn’t want to lose a chance so I followed her. She headed somewhere I didn’t know. She walked faster then I ran. I approached her, I patted her shoulder then she turned back. What a good view! She’s...perfect. Wait, nobody’s perfect but whatever, she’s just indescribable. I had never felt that way for a girl. Damn it California girl, damn it. She wore a white v-neck, shorts, and cute boots. Cute I said.

I froze. Again. Then she waved her right hand in front of my face.


“H-h-hi” I replied after I heard her lovely voice. Sex voice. I was totally sexually frustration.

“Well uhm, I saw you earlier today”

“Yeah, me too. Your band is amazing”

“Why thank you” I gave her a little laugh then smiled. God, I wanted her already.

Then we did a little chit chat. She told me that she just accompanied her friends to watch my band. Friends? Well I didn’t see her with other people since I saw her, but who cares.
We sat at the edge of this beautiful lake near park I didn’t know. It’s already dark but I still could tell that park was beautiful. We just enjoyed the view when suddenly her phone rang and broke the silence.

“What is it?”

“Nah, nothing. It’s just my friend. She said that I still have to wait for a moment cause she’s now hanging out with your band buddy named...” she looked back at her phone, “...Patrick!”

“Oh him. He plays bass on my band.” I smiled and she smiled back. So beautiful!

“I think you’re a really good singer.”

“Thanks. I got that a lot.” We laughed and we looked at each other. I couldn’t help it.

We’re like face to face then I cupped her face. I slowly pressed my lips againts hers. It felt really good. I went harder and tried to get her mouth open. She finally did. Our tongue met. I could feel the electric while we’re making out. She started moaning and so did I. My hands slowly moved down from her face to her neck. Made her moaning even louder. I kissed her neck. Her fingers slid into my hair then slowly moved down to my waist and took my shirt off. I laid her down on the grass. Our lips still locked. But then, it suddenly doens’t feel right.

“No, no. It’s not right.” I stood up as I grabbed my shirt and wore it.

“Petie!” she stooded up and took my right hand.

“Sorry, I can’t. I don’t know you and you, I didn’t think you’re this easy.” Before she replied, I heard a girl moaning. I walked into the source of that voice, it’s behind a tree. My jaw dropped when I saw Patrick making out with this girl I didn’t know. They’re suprised when they saw me. That girl stood up and looked straight to the girl behind me.

“Alice?” tha girl called the girl behind me, the girl that just made out with me.

I helped Patrick stood up.

“Lets go, Pat.”

He did nothing but agreeing in confusion.

“What was that?”

“I made out with that random girl named Alice who stood behind me. Just like what you did.”

“...and they knew each other.”

“Yeah, before we made out, Alice got a text from her friend saying that she’s with you. I bet that girl is the girl that just made out with you.”

“Band sluts.”

“I know. I’m so stupid.”

“Me too.”

And that’s how my and Patrick’s first day of tour went. Gotta be more careful with random girls or fans. I would never let that happen again. Stupid lust.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sucks, I know :| but whatever, I sure hope you like it!

and uh, if you haven't listened to Amely's music, you better do it now! They're really good! <3 :)