

I picked a small yellow stone and rubbed my finger over its smooth surface. It was circular, the best for throwing. I pulled my hand back and shot the rock, watching it skip across the lake's calm water. When it sunk, I felt my heart go with it.

It's been two month since I took those stupid pills. It was all my father's fault for giving them to me instead of sleep meds.I didn't want these...beasts! Or the other parts! I didn't want to be here! I wanted to be called Porcelain by my Gleek friends and Fag Bag by the others! It didn't matter what they did to me! As long as I could pee standing up again and could see over my chest.

I picked up another rock, big and brown, and pulled my hand back. It collided with something and I dropped the rock. I whirled around and saw Asher standing behind me. Seeing him in in his school uniform-black blazer, white undershirt, black tie, and stripped black slacks- with a camera around his neck made my heart race. I've always loved Asher, ever since I was thirteen, just before he moved away. It hurt so much to see him here now.

"Are you alright," Asher asked, rubbing his forehead, where I hit him.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. He wouldn't understand if I told him. No one would believe me. No one at all. Not even my best friend. Who would believe that a boy would be able to grow breasts and of those over night? This was frustrating. Completely frustrating and I wanted to die.

"Just fine," I muttered and picked up the brown stone. I felt bad for hitting him with a rock but I didn't want to seem clingy. Last time I worried about him I was pushed away. If he wanted to be distant, then so be it. It did not matter to me.

"Why does it sound like you aren't, Lee," Asher said softly, as if speaking louder would some how break me.

I hated it when he called me Lee. It told me that he didn't want to call me by my real name. I was not Harley anymore. Harley was his best friend. I was just some replacement. I didn't even deserve to be called by my real name by him.

I tried to hold them back, but tears spilled over my eyes like liquid fire. I turned away from Asher and tried to wipe them away. They just kept coming in a river. Great. Crying was the last thing I wanted to do in front of Asher.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and Asher pulled me close to him. I tried to claw away from his back hug. I wanted to yell at him, to scream, to howl, but his arms held me where I was.

When I finally calmed down, Asher let go of me and ran his hands down my arms until he was holding only my hands. He was most likely the only gay boy alive to ever hug someone like that. I mean, we knew each other but I've been trying to avoid him. So we were like strangers. I just wished that...he could see past the girl and touch the boy inside.

"Come one, we are going somewhere," Asher told me and started pulling me towards the school's front gate.

"Where?!" A stand of my long curling hair blocked my sight as we ran. I shook my head and flipped the hair away. "Asher, where?"

Asher glanced back at me and grinned. "To Wonderland."
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the first part of the story. It's actually a based on my other story Turning. I'd like to say that it is a slash, but I honestly don't know.