Status: As often as possible :)

Save Me, Princess

SHE was Miss Popular, everyone loved her, and she was always herself; never putting on an act so that people would like her more. Her friends were there for her no matter what, her parents loved her, and she did great at school. She was friendly to everyone, not just the other popular kids, and she wasn’t one to go out to a party every weekend.

HE was the new kid, no one talked to him, and he was always getting into fights. He didn’t have any friends at his old school, his grades were dropping, and he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. His parents fought, A LOT, and sometimes he didn’t see them for days at a time. And after everything, the only way he felt he could escape was to drink.

What happens when the two of them cross paths, and learn of the history between their families and themselves? They’re from two completely different worlds but seem to have more in common than they would have ever imagined.