Light on Light

one of one

No one builds stained glass windows of me holding lambs with swollen tummies and wearing leathery sandals. I'm not a shepherd, nor can I find the desire within myself to be one. Bethlehem, Judea, Galilee, can you tell me where they are? I wasn't harrowed (executed/nailed to the cross, I know you don't understand big words). I want to change you, but I am not Christ.

I'm not Jewish. My mom was a rebellious Amish woman with a beauty mark somewhere on her lower extremities, and my father was Welsh. He was boring. I'm not a king, I can't be a king. I can't wear a jewel-encrusted crown, I'll make my own wreath with gold leaf, from what I hear it's very light. I want to change you, but I am no Josiah.

There is no way that I could have created a religion. Could you even imagine it? I'm not a 'Supreme' and I haven't been awakened or enlightened, hell, I haven't even been saved. Karma, I can understand that, what goes around comes around and nips you in the ass. But rebirth, no no no no. If I did believe in it, I would beg to be a tadpole, not a person. I want to change you so much, but I am no Buddha.

You try hard to redo yourself. I just want to change you.