Open Your Eyes and See The Sun Rise

Chapter 7

I hopped on my bike and rode to the grocery store. I walked in and was greeted by Mary Beth. A sweet
60 year old lady who owned the store. She loved me...Not in the creepy sense...She was more of a 3rd grandma.
"Hey kiddo what do you need today?" Mary Beth asked.
"Just some stuff to make cookies" I declared.
"For those boys?"
"Yup...There going to be famous Mary" She laughed at me.
"We're all famous in our own heads"
"But they really will be"
"Alright kiddo, whatever you say"
She went and grabbed me stuff for every cookie imaginable. She made these things called cookie bags.
They were these dish towels like bags filled with everything needed for one dozen cookies. I grabbed the bags I needed.

"How much" I asked.
"For you $2 and a promise to bring one of each back"
"ha-ha aright ma'am" I smiled as I waved goodbye.
I flung the bags into the basket of my bike. Same bike since I was 12. It was hot pink with a white basket on the front and
fake daisies in it. There were streamers hanging from the handle bars. The only difference was I added pegs freshman year.
I peddled home where I began baking. A little less then an hour later I was done. I showered and curled my hair. Then I grabbed the cookies
and took them over to practice.
"Hey guys" I screamed. No reply.
"Helloo" I said again. Nothing...
"RYAN! BRENDON! JON! SPENCER!" Nothing. Then out of no where Jon came and told me they were out back.
Stupid boys hiding.