Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[1]

There was nothing that was gonna make us miss this meet and greet, no way. It'd been about 7 years since we last saw them. If something, or someone got in our way, I dont know what I'd do, but it wouldnt be pretty.

We pushed through the crowd of people when we finally got near the front. There was some waiting, and some more pushing, but we made it. Marissa and I walked up to them. None of the four of them were paying attention.

"It's been so long," Marissa said.

None of them heard her. I thought about it for a second,and remembered something that might get them to hear us. But it was too cruel. I wasnt gonna kick them. I'd probably get thrown out. Haha.

"Hello?" I asked.

Andy was the only one who looked up. he looked back down and did a double take.

"Marissa? Jackie? Is this for real? It's been like, 6 years!" he said.

"7, actually," Marissa corrected.

Joe was the next to look up, followed by Patrick, then Pete. Smiles grew on each of their faces.

"You two are definitely not the same 16 year old girls we left behind in Chicago," Pete said.

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" I asked

Joe stood there, checking us both out.

"From my point of view and opinion, that's a fabulous thing."

I nodded my head with a creeped out expression on my face.

"Perv," I said under my breath.

We saw two empty seats and went and sat down.

"Don't get too comfortable, girls. We're about to pack up and leave. You know this was the last concert scheduled for the YWTT," Patrick said

We nodded, telling him we knew that.
They packed everything up and got on the tour bus. We followed them on and sat down anywhere. Patrick sat next to Marissa and I was squished in the middle because i was at the end,nect to the wall,with the whole seat packed. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was really tired. Everyone else chatted away. As I started to doze of, there were giggles and i heard pretty much all of them say "yes." or "sure." Then I heard my name. I popped my head up and looked at them.

"What? I heard my name," I said

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Joe asked.

My eyes were half open, because I was so tired. I shrugged,and started to doze off again.

"Yeah...sure..whatever..." I mumbled, my eyes closing, and my head leaning against the wall.

I had fallen asleep. I woke up to Marissa saying, "This is boring. Like, really. There's nothing to do."

I yawned and looked around. Joe was asleep on the seat on the other side of the bus and Pete was climbing into a bunk while Andy was sound asleep in his. I looked to my left and Marissa and Patrick were talking. Well, I could tell they were not only talking. They were flirting. Marissa had her flirty face on and they were both blushing and giggling. The rest of the ride was pretty boring. I slept through most of it. Finally the ride was over.
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