Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[10]

Marissa's P.O.V:
I had watched the whole thing. I had so many emotions going through me though. I seen Jackie and Patrick kiss again, and then I seen her go try to get Joe back. Who did she want?
I had anger building inside of me, I just grabbed Pete's pillow and screamed into it.

"You ok?" Gabe asked me, he was doing a little better.

"No I'm not!"

"Ok, sorry for asking."

"No, I'm sorry for being rude. I'm so confused. I just want to leave but then I don't because of you guys and I'm so in love with Patrick. I'm like some homewrecker though," I frowned.

"You mean tourwrecker."

"Gabe..." I whined, I was ready to cry.

"Oh sh*t don't cry, I'm sorry."

"No it wasn't you," I reassured him "for once."

"Go talk to Patrick."

"He just got kicked in the balls, I doubt he wants to talk."

"Go rub them to make them better," he suggested.
I just started laughing.

"No Gabe."

"Then go give him ice, he's still outside on the floor crying."

"Gabe, he kissed Jackie. Twice I might add!"

"How many times did you kiss Suarez?"

"I kissed him once, the second kiss was totally uncalled for."

"Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Tell Patrick that."

"Go talk to him please..."

"Fine, but for you only Gabe."

"Yeah yeah."
I went out the bunk area and seen Jackie coming in.


"Save it, you kissed Patrick twice!"

"I didn't-"

"Oh really then what were you doing with Patrick out there when your lips touched? Was that some sort of accident. Cause I was watching and I didn't see you push him off, it looked as though you liked it."
She was speechless.

"You were trying to make me feel bad about Patrick loving me, apparently he doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't kiss you three times."

"Twice," she corrected me.

"Oh and who said you were counting."

"You can't be mad that I may have feelings for him."

"Jackie, I wasn't mad when you kissed him at the party when we were in 9th grade. I wasn't mad when you kissed him on Christmas. I wasn't mad when you kissed him the day he left after I did. Now, Jackie, I'm pissed!"

"You knew about all those?"

"I seen, Pete showed me," a tear falling from my eye.

"Its not like you're perfect!"

"I never said I was! It just hurts that you kissed my loves all those times!"

"You made out with Joe!"

"That was before you ever told me you liked him!"

"Well I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are," I was crying more now.

"Don't leave the tour though. Patrick still loves you," she said.

"He loves me so much he kisses my best friend," I left the bus, I was sick of talking to her. I wanted to hug her and ask her if she was ok though, I mean Joe did hit her.

I went out, Patrick and Joe were laying by each other now.
I went over, I think Patrick thought I was going over to him, I just went over to Joe.

"Joey Trohy, you ok?"

"I've been better," he groaned.

"Aw you'll be ok."

"I'm sorry about Jackie," he said.

"I should be telling you that."

"I mean she kissed Patrick and..."

"Joe, it wasn't just her though. We shouldn't just blame Jackie."

"I know."

"I'm going to talk to Patrick ok?" I whispered softly. He just nodded. I kissed his forehead quickly.
I walked over to Patrick, which wasn't very far.

"How are you doing?"

"My nuts hurt..."

"Oh well my heart hurts, I win."

"How do you think my heart is?"

"Patrick you never let me explain. I kissed Alex because you were flirting with Jackie in the room. Patrick that hurt me, I kissed him because he wanted to know if I actually had feelings for him."

"And did you?"

"No. He kissed me again to make sure and I still didn't. Thats when you and Jackie came out. Then when I went out to see you and Jackie kissing..."


"I wanted to kill someone! I didn't know who, just someone. Patrick I'm so in love with you. I know that may sound like a weirdo, but I don't care. I'm madly in love with you. Maybe Jackie is too though."
Patrick just stood quiet.

"I guess I have my answer for who you love..."

"I'm just confused alright!"

"You shouldn't be!"

"But you were!"

"No I knew who I loved. Alex was a petty crush. For you not to love me back and to love my best friend, Patrick...I hate you! I can't believe you would do this to me!"


"No, I'm sick of being screwed over now! All day! Patrick I love you, Joe loves Jackie, Jackie loves you-"

"She told Joe she loved him though."

"I don't believe it! Why should I? She kissed you back and she may have liked it. Patrick she stuck up for you. If she loves you thats fine. I'm done with this band though!"

"Joe you can't quit the band," I said.

"Why not? My girlfriend loves my so-called best friend who is the lead singer."

"Joe its not my fault."

"Patrick you've always been confused! Why is that?"

"I have not always been confused."

"Patrick, you were in love with Marissa your whole life! But every so often you would go after Jackie, make up your mind."

"I want to be with Marissa."

"Maybe I don't want to be with you," more tears were coming out of my eyes. I could hardly see. Patrick and Joe sat up. Patrick scooted closer to me.

"Please say you're lying..."

"Why? If I was you wouldn't care you would just go out with Jackie."
Patrick was speechless. The next thing I knew Joe punched Patrick in the face, Patrick just took it, he didn't fight back, I guess he knew he deserved it.

"Your the a**hole!" Joe spat "I wouldn't expect this from you Patrick."
I was still crying my eyes out like an idiot. Joe stood up, and helped me up as well.

"Lets go to the bus, you need to sleep. You can have my bunk, I'll take the couch," Joe said.

"Patrick, you got your wish, Jackie is in your bunk."
Patrick didn't say anything.

"Joe, I don't want this to happen."

"What?" he stopped us both.

"I want to be with Patrick. I have ever since the day I met him."

"You should try to work it out then."

"I got my answer though, he wants Jackie and thats it."

"I want Jackie though! The feelings you have for Patrick, thats the same amount of feelings I have for Jackie. I love her so much, she doesn't love me, she loves Patrick."

"Love sucks," I said, another tear falling from my eye.

"Maybe this has to do with sex," he laughed, I think he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Jackie doesn't want sex from you," I laughed.

"What about Patrick?"

"Thats none of your business," I rolled my eyes.

"Well can you just answer this...have you ever, uh you know, with Patrick."

"Again, thats none of your business."

I was glad Joe was trying to make me feel better, but honestly, I didn't like him that way, at all. I wish I could say I do, but me and Joe had our little thing back and high school and that was it. Now we're just best friends.
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Thanks to the two people that commented. You guys are awesome.
So hope everyone is liking this story :]
