Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[14]

I was sitting on the couch, Patrick was sitting next to me.

"Patrick are you ok? You've been acting weird all day."

"Yeah I'm fine," his hand was on my stomach, he was rubbing it. I was mad at him for missing my appointment this morning, he came over late though.
I hadn't seen Jackie all day. You would think so since we live together, but no. I worked all night last night and didn't get home til later this morning, so I didn't get to see her last night either. We were just so busy these days.
It was so quiet between Patrick and I. Until Jackie came bursting in through the door, she was crying. Joe came in after her, crying too.

"Whats going on?" I asked.
Jackie stood quiet, biting her lip, I knew something was wrong.

"Answer me someone."
Joe's eyes were full of rage, Patrick was sitting there, quiet and pale.

"Jackie f*cked Patrick!" my eyes welled up with tears.

"Thats why you missed the appointment! You f*cked my best friend- correction ex-best friend," I had hate in my eyes.

"Marissa I'm so-"

"I'm done," I cried. I couldn't stop crying. "I'm sick of both you."

"Marissa let me explain please," she begged.

"Fine," I got up from the couch, waiting for her to talk.
She had nothing though.

"Nothing huh?" I asked, tears still coming down. The tears coming down were filled with everything, from saddness, to anger, to revenge, no happiness whatsoever though.

"I made a mistake."

"You always do. I know I'm not perfect, and you're no f*ck up, but you slept with the man I love. You slept with the man who's baby I'm carrying. He means so much to me and for both of you to sleep with each other. Jackie our friendship is just done with. Patrick our relationship is just done with. Its like everytime you to start talking you just have to f*ck something up, it usually my heart." Patrick and Jackie were crying by the time I stopped talking.

"Patrick, when I have this baby, don't come around."

"Its my kid!"

"It was! I don't want the father to be some cheater."

"What are you going to do then?"

"I'll help her," Joe piped up.

"Marissa I love you though. I never meant for last night to happen. You're the only girl I want to be with, no matter what I say at times, I want you more than anything," he stepped closer to me, I just backed into Joe.

"Leave me alone. Don't speak to me, don't call me, don't try to come around me. I love you so much, but there's just something inside you that doesn't understand at all!"

"I guess I'll leave," Jackie said.

"No, don't. I don't want to be in a house where you and Patrick had sex in. Oh and I owe you both a little something." I walked over ot Patrick and kicked him in the balls.

"You should thank me both of you, Jackie now when you sleep with Patrick again you won't get pregnant like me," I smiled. "Oh and Jackie this is for you," I punched her in the face, her lip started to bleed. I would think Joe would help her, but he didn't, he was ready to leave.

"What the f*ck was that for?" she yelled.

"Did it hurt?"

"H*ll yeah!"

"Good, now you know how I felt when I found out you slept with Patrick," I walked away and went upstairs to get clothes and anything I may need. I didn't want to be stuck here. I went back down the stairs, Jackie was standing by the door, trying to talk to Joe, he didn't want to talk to her.

"There now you guys are free to have your life together."

"We don't want to be together," Jackie said.

"You were together last night," I smiled "I think that just proves it."

"It was a mistake. I don't want to be with her Marissa! I've told you over and over again, I'm so in love with you..."

"I just can't-" I walked up to him, I don't know why though.
He wrapped his arms around me, his lips went to my neck. Its like I had no control over myself. His lips went up to mine, kissing them softly, then deepening it more.
I finally pushed him away lightly. Tears were in both of our eyes.

"I can't. I thought I could trust you, but I can't."

"Please one more chance."

"You've had so many already, Patrick I'm sick and tired of giving you all these chances. Love shouldn't have to be chance after chance."

"Please," he begged, tears streaming down his face, it made me cry more.

"Give me time to think about it..." I must be an idiot.
I heard the door slam, Jackie was sitting by the door crying.

"I'm leaving now. Patrick, I don't want us to be through" I'm whipped "But I want to know I can actually trust you."


"Don't kiss, sleep with, or anything like that with any other girl. Especially her!" I pointed at Jackie.

"I promise," a smile on both of our faces. "I love you," he said.

"Prove it," with that being said I walked out the door, passing Jackie. I wanted Patrick to be faithful to me. I don't know what Jackie did that I didn't do but he always hurt me with her.
I walked out to Joe's car, he was crying.

"It'll be ok Joe," I whispered, he just started driving. I seen he had some sort of box in his hand. I knew that kind of box, it was for a ring.
I started crying, not just for me, but for Joe too. He didn't deserve this. Neither of us did.
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Comments please.
Thanks XxsmoresxX [i think i spelled the username right] for all of your comments :] <3
