Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[2]

I didn't mean to flirt with Patrick, I actually didn't want to even speak to the guys. Jackie's the one who said it would be a good idea to talk to them again. She was asleep though or at least she was pretending to be.

"So will you guys stay with us?"

"No, we have our own lives," I tried to argue. He put his finger to my lips.

"Please, just put it into consideration."

"I would have to talk to Jackie. Why do you want to us to stay with you guys anyways?"

"Because we miss you," he said, the bus had stopped quickly.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're at a gas California."

"Patrick, you guys said you guys would take us home. Which is in Chicago."

"Well we didn't say your house."

"I hate you," I muttered.

"No you don't," he laughed.

"I'm going to get something then," I was starving. I went over to wake Jackie up.

"Jackie...wake up."

"I'm already up..." she admitted, I heard Patrick laughing as he was walking off the bus.

"Why can't we stay?" she whined.

"Hello, we have jobs and lives!" was I the only one thinking today. Usually Jackie does all the thinking, this tour just went to her head.

"Like the guys can't get us jobs."

"We don't have clothes."

"Pete has so much Clandestine sh*t! We have it made!" she said.

"Fine...lets stay," I was jumping up and down inside.

"But wait...this tour is over," she frowned.

"Yeah but they have a tour coming up with Cobra Starship," I smiled.

"Not that you know or anything..." she rolled her eyes getting off the couch.


"I'm hungry," she said.

"Same, lets go get food."
We ran off the bus but before we could get inside the guys were already coming out.

"Hey we want-" Jackie said but was cut off by Andy.

"Yeah we got you food."

"We need toothbrushes cause-" I said but was cut off by Pete.

"Yeah we got you both one."

"How did you know we were staying though?" Jackie asked.

"You really had no choice," Joe laughed.

"True," I shrugged.
We all loaded back onto the bus and ate.

"Where and when is this tour starting?" I asked while eating.

"It starts in Chicago and ends in New York. It starts in a few days. We're picking up Cobra though." Patrick said.

"We're sharing a bus?!" Jackie yelled.

"Well its going to be a bigger bus," Joe said.

"We need clothes," Jackie brought up.

"Your lucky we have extra band merch," Pete laughed.

"So we can't pick up anything at our house?" I asked, what was I going to do without my laptop.

"Tell us what you want and well get it."
Jackie and I both started naming random items that we would need for this long trip."

"Forget it," they muttered. I missed these boys, as hard as that is to admit it, I really did. I was glad to see them again. I just hope we didn't lose them again.
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So how are you liking this story. You really should, this story is great. Jackie and I are working hard on this story.
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