Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[4]

Marissa's P.O.V:
I woke up with Patrick's arms around my waist. I told him I didn't want him getting all touchy while I slept in here.
I rolled out of the bunk, falling on the ground in the process. I heard some giggling, I knew it belonged to Jackie.

"Get out of the bunk."

"I don't want to," she groaned.

"Lets get something to eat before the whole bus gets up."

"Good idea," she jumped out of the bunk, she fell too, making me laugh.
We went to the kitchen area and got some cereal. After we ate we started getting bored.

"We should wake everyone up," Jackie suggested.

"How about just Pete?" I suggested.

"Sounds great!"

"We need the blow horn," I pointed out.

"No, we can just scream thats louder than any ol' blow horn."

"True," I smiled.
We tip toed over to Pete's bunk, I laughed at his picture of Ashlee Simpson hung up on the side, it was from some teenie bopper magazine.
Jackie started mouthing

"Pete wake the f*ck up!" we yelled, Pete screamed and then rolled off the bunk, hitting the floor hard.

"Morning sunshine," Jackie and I laughed hard.

"I hate to love you girls," Pete was now laughing. Patrick, Joe and Andy looked over their bunks.

"Crack heads," they all mumbled then went back to sleeping. We all knew they couldn't though.

"We made you guys breakfast," I smiled.

"Really?" Joe asked.

"No," Jackie and I teased, we both started laughing.
Patrick threw a pillow at me.

"Jerk," I said through the pillow.

"Hey you f*cken crazy people!" Vicky-T said.

"Hmm?" we all asked.

"We were trying to sleep!" Nate yelled.

"Its already 11, its time to indulge the morning," I smiled.

"Why are they on the floor?" Ryland asked.

"Cause they're dirty whores," Pete laughed.

"Your mom is," I laughed.

"Pete would know what a dirty whore is," Jackie laughed.

"What are you implying?" Pete asked.

"That you're a dirty whore!" she laughed.

"We need to give them sleeping pills," Alex said.

"We need to kill them," Gabe said. Cobra Starship members had left to their bunk area. I thought it was crazy how big this bus was.

We were all sitting around watching Joe and Gabe play some video game.

"The two jewish boys playing games," Pete laughed.

"Hey do you guys know what sex is?" Jackie asked, I knew what she was getting at.

"Uh..." everyone said.

"Explain Jackie," I smiled.

"Well," she said "S-E-X is better when your blindfolded, handcuffed, with whipped cream," she sang.
Everyone burst into laughter.

"Where did you come up with that?" Andy asked.

"Dareen and I made it up one day. Speaking of her! I must call her!" she jumped up and called her.

Everyone was chilling out now, the show had just ended and everyone was cleaned up and to themselves.
Except for Pete and I, he was chasing me around right now. I went to hid in Gabe's bunk, he was there though.

"What the f*ck does no one get about me having a girlfriend?!" Gabe yelled.

"Please, you should be glad you at least have her. You're such a loser," I jumped out of his bunk and stuck my tongue at him. I then went into Alex's bunk, even if he was there, he wouldn't care.

"Hello Senior Suarez," I smiled.

"Hey Marissa," he smiled.

"Mind if I hide in here?"

"Go right ahead," he smiled. He was playing with his phone.

"Hiding from Pete?" he asked not looking away from his phone.

"Of course."

"You weird insomniacs," he shook his head.

"There's nothing better to do," I shrugged.

"Make out with Patrick."

"Now why would I do such a thing?"

"As I recall, while I was getting something to drink last night, he was stealing little kiss from you."

"You seen!" I hit his arm.

"Of course, who didn't?" he laughed. I hid my face under his blanket.

"Don't be ashamed. Be glad you have someone like that."

"I am, but we're not official," I sighed "to much work."


"Found you!" Pete said.

"Oh well isn't this just the place I wanted to find you," Patrick said. I had barely noticed Alex and I were both under his blanket. Patrick just stormed out of the Cobra Starship area.

"Whats his problem?" Ryland asked.

"I would guess this," Nate said pointing to Alex and me.

"We didn't do anything!" we both said, I got out of the bed to talk to Patrick.
I found him in his bunk, he had headphones on.

"Patrick talk to me," he just ignored me.

"Patrick!" I yelled. I hated when I was ignored, I felt belittled
I decided to take the headphones out of his ears.

"Ow!" he shrieked in pain.

"I said talk to me."

"For what? Go talk to Alex or go back to do what you were doing!"

"Don't make me the bad person. All we were doing was talking about you. He seen us last night when we were on the couch alone!"

"He seem us kissing?"

"Yes, he was saying that its great that I have someone like you. But I don't have anyone like you since you're the one that didn't want to make it official!"

"You were the one that didn't!"

"No you said you didn't!"
We kept arguing, we ended up just not speaking to each other.

"What happened?" Jackie asked while I entered the lounge area. She was sitting with Joe.



"Fine. Last night Patrick and me kissed a couple of times," her jaw dropped, "that was it though!"

"That was it?!" Joe yelled, he was sounding like the girl now.

"Then I wanted to make it official and he said no!"

"Why would he say no?! I should kill him!" Jackie said.

"Jackie calm down," Joe said sitting her back down, she just ended up on his lap.

"I'm going to bed."

"Sofa city sweetheart," Joe laughed.

"Yeah," I laughed also.

"Go in Alex's bunk," Jackie suggested, her and her amazing mind. Alex was really attractive, I had a crush on him deep down. Why not go after the little crush when the other love doesn't want anything to do with you?

"Wonderful idea Jaqueline," I smiled.

"Don't call me that," she said.

"Ok well goodnight you two," I smiled, "I'm going to Alex's bunk," I said it loud enough for Patrick to hear.
Sure enough, Alex said I could sleep in his bunk with him.
That shows Patrick. Right?
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