Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[6]

"Gabe," I yelled to him from Alex's bunk.

"Hmm?" he groaned.

"You sicky?"

He laughed, "Yes. Can't you tell?"

"Kinda...," I giggled.

"Why were you making out with Suarez last night."

"I was not!"

"Well you should have," he tried to yell but his voice was all scratchy "we video taped you guys and you were just talking about Patrick."

"So..," I turned over so I didn't have to face his bunk.

"Just get with Patrick!"

"Just make out with the Kirk Cameron picture in your bunk!"

"Leave him alone."

"Stop arguing you two!" Jackie yelled at us from the kitchen.

"He started it!" I yelled.

"I don't care who started it! Knock it off!" she was quiet after "Marissa I sound like your mom."

"Yeah you really do."

"Your mom is so annoying," I heard a voice from the doorway say. I turned to see Patrick. He walked over to the bunk.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure..." he laid down next to me, putting his arm around my waist.

"Just listen ok?"
I nodded slowly.

"I really do want to be with you."

"Aw!" I heard Jackie say.

"Get out!" I yelled.

"Sorry...," she laughed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Aw," it was my turn now.

"Is that a yes?"

"Thats a h*ll yes!" Gabe tried to yell.

"Gabe eat some soup," I suggested.

"Sorry," he groaned.

"So.." Patrick said.

"Yes," I smiled. He kissed my lips lightly.

"Oh isn't this a pretty picture?" Alex and Ryland said in girly voices. We didn't pay attention to them. That is until we heard a click, it sounded like a camera.

"Hallmark moment," Nate gushed.

"The tabloids will love this," Ryland smiled.

"Give that to us," I said, climbing over Patrick to get out of the bunk.

"No way."

"Come on you guys, we don't need the tabloids in this," Patrick said.

"Give us a 100 dollars each," Alex said.


"Hey I'm broke."

"I want in on this!" Gabe said eating his soup Jackie made him.

"If you guys don't give us that camera right now I'm going to tell Pete what happened to that hoodie he loved. I'll also tell Vicky-T what happened to her food the other day," I smiled.

"Here," they handed us the camera.

"Good boys. Come on Patrick," he grabbed my hand and we walked out to the living room area. Jackie and Joe were making out.

"I thought he was sick?" I laughed.
Jackie pulled away from Joe, looking embarrassed.

"Oh uh well..."

"I lied, I was really hungry and I just wanted soup," he smiled.

"I see you two are together," Andy said, he was concentrating on his game.

"Yes we are," I kissed Patrick's cheek lightly.

"Joe gets lips from Jackie and I get a cheek from you. This isn't fair," he whined.

"It took me weeks to get this going. You've been kissing her since we seen them again."

Patrick led me to the bunk area, he got in his bunk and then pulled me down, I landed on his lap. I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"I'm glad we're together," he smiled.


" come Alex let you in his bunk and not Jackie?"
I had barely thought of that. Why did he?

"He was just being nice," I didn't want Patrick to be overprotective around Alex now.

"I just don't want him stealing my love away," he whispered.

"Your love?"
He didn't answer me, he just kissed my forhead.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I smiled. I was so sure of myself, how could this be? I hadn't love since...well since Patrick left Jackie and me to go touring. "Just promise not to hurt me."

"I won't."

"You said that before, then you left," a tear started to slide down my cheek.

"We're together now. I promise not to hurt you again."

I nodded, what else was I supposed to do? I trusted him, I loved him, what was the problem?
I didn't know myself, I just kissed his lips, that usually solves all the problems.

"PDA!" Pete yelled into the bunk.

"Pete you do worse with Ashlee," Vicky-T laughed.

"Do not."

"Yeah you do," she said.

"Can you guys please leave?" Patrick asked nicely.

"But I wanted to make out with you!" Pete whined.

"You have that Ashlee picture for a reason."

"Speaking of her..." Andy said coming into the room.

"Is she coming?" I asked.

"Yes!" Pete screamed like a girl.

"Hemingway is coming!" Jackie yelled.

"Hello! Ashlee too!" Pete said.
I was glad everyone was happy. It was the best thing ever, I just hope we can all stay like this.
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So comments would help....yeah.
