Anyone Else But You

Anyone Else But You[9]

“Ok, so what happened, my lovely girlfriend?” Joe asked.

I looked at Patrick.

“Before I tell you, I think you,” I said, pointing to Patrick, “should back up a few feet and get ready to run.”

Joe looked confused and crossed his arms.

“So, what happened?” He asked.

I gulped and took a deep breath.

“Patrick and I sorta…um…you know…” I said, trying to not look Joe in the eye.

He got angry really quickly. He took a deep breath and sighed.

“You,” he said, pointing at me, “are a whore. And you,” he pointed at Patrick, “should run for your life, because you sir, are a manwhore.”

I gulped and bit my lip. I felt sick to my stomach. I looked at Patrick and mouthed out the word “run.” I knew how fast Joe ran when he was pissed.
Patrick walked backwards slowly, keeping his eye on Joe, and turned around and ran. Joe sprinted after him and caught up to him. He tackled him and started beating the sh*t out of him. I walked over to them. I don’t know what possessed me to do this, but I did it anyway. I pushed Joe off of Patrick and punched him in the face.

“Don’t ever hurt Patrick again,” I said.

I bent down and kneeled. Patrick was on his back and his nose was bleeding. I wiped the dirt and sweat off his face.

“You okay?” I asked him.

He could hardly move. He slightly shook his head.

“Poor baby,” I said.

I looked back at Joe. I had hit him so badly that I knocked him out. Patrick sat up. I wiped the dirt off of his back. He was crying because Joe hurt him so badly. There was blood on his bottom lip. I took out a tissue and wiped it off. His glasses had fallen off. They were laying a foot or two behind him. I crawled over and picked them up. I crawled back over to Patrick. They were broken. I handed them to him. He put them on the floor because they were useless now. He looked back at me. I wiped the tears from his cheeks. I felt so bad for him. I moved in closer to wipe the blood above his eye. He kissed me again. I liked it. Because I liked him. But I knew it wasn’t right. We pulled apart slowly. He was still crying and I started to cry, too. Seeing him hurt like this made me feel sick. I was pissed at Joe. He did this to Patrick. He doesn’t know how to control his anger. I hugged Patrick. I got up and went over to Joe. I had given him a black eye. I looked down at him. I kneeled down. He started to become conscious again. He opened his eyes and squinted. He sat up and looked at me.

“Done letting you’re anger out on me?” Joe asked. He was still pissed at me.

“Yes. I am. I’m so sorry, honey,” I said.

He touched his eye and felt how swollen it was.

“This doesn’t look, nor feel like you could ever be sorry anytime soon,” He said.

I gulped.

“But I really am sorry. I don’t know what possessed me to make me do that. I guess I was just pissed that any of this is happening. Alex and Marissa kissing. Patrick kissing me.
Marissa’s leaving. Gabe’s sick. Everything is just going wrong,” Then I told him something I never said to a boy before. “I love you,” I said. I kissed him on the cheek. He pushed me away.

“Yeah, well, I don’t think I really love you,” He said, getting up.

He wiped the dirt off of his pants. I looked up at him. I was still on the ground. I got up and so did Patrick. I frowned and I started to cry.

“Don’t give me this crying crap. I’m sick of the f*cking waterworks, kay? I’m through with you. I’m through being friends with Patrick. I’ve had enough. I don’t think I could on through with this show,” Joe said. He started walking back to the bus. I followed him.

“Sweetie, I--” I said, but was cut off by Joe.

“No. I’m done with this sh*t. Done with you. Leave me the f*ck alone,” He said. He stopped and so did I. we looked each other in the eye. “I hate you,” He said to me.

My mouth dropped open and my heart broke. I dropped to my knees and broke into tears. I buried my head in my hands. Joe turned around and started to walk back to the bus. It was far away. Patrick ran over to him, put his hand on his shoulder and turned him around. Joe stopped and turned. Patrick punched him in the face.

“You’re an a**hole,” He said, in the most serious tone of voice.

Patrick had hit him in the jaw. Now Joe was rubbing his mouth because it hurt like hell. His mouth was bleeding. Joe got angrier and kicked him in the balls. Patrick’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he dropped to the floor.

“Oh, God!” Patrick yelled.

I was pissed more than ever. Joe was just standing there, watching Patrick rive in pain. That was the last straw. I got on my feet and walked over to Joe. I slapped him across the face. He snapped back and punched me in the eye. I wasn’t gonna give in. I kicked him in the balls and then punched him in the same eye I punched before. He dropped to the floor. I was the only one standing.
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