Status: updates will NOT be frequent



When I got home the house was in complete chaos. One of my younger brothers, Joshua, was having his birthday party tomorrow, and he needed everything to be perfect. And in that case, all my other brothers had to be out of the way. We had a big family, that’s why our house was so big. I was the only girl of sixteen children, in other words, my mom needs a hobby, the oldest at twenty-seven, Mark, and the youngest, Jackson and Kyle, are one and a half. They were twins. Luckily not identical, you could tell, even with them that young they would be troublemakers.

“Fefe!” Sam, called running up to me and jumped into my arms.

“Hi Sammy, and how are you today?” I asked tapping his nose with my finger, he giggled.

“Joshua is going crazy wazy.” He laughed, and I chuckled slightly, leave it to a four year old to brighten up your day. “Fefe, why is Joshua going crazy?”

I laughed, “It’s his birthday party tomorrow remember?” He nodded, “He wants to make sure everything is perfect.” I smiled at him placing him down and he ran away to bug Joshua.

“I’m going to do my homework stay out of my room!” I yelled through the house hoping everyone heard me.

Once I got upstairs I shut my door knowing that in less than twenty-four hours Joshua and twelve of his six year old friends would be running around the house. I loved birthdays when I was younger, back then you invited everyone and everyone went. Those were the good old days. Now I hate them. I can stand for my brothers having them but me, never. I always went through the same torture every year at then end of June. ‘Firework, honey don’t you want to have a big birthday party like your brothers?’ My mom would ask, every year I came up with the same excuse, I don’t like attention being on me. It was clearly a lie, I loved the attention, as long as it was attention that I wanted, which these days it never was. I was soon done my homework when David came up to my room, knocking before entering.

“It’s time for dinner, common down.” He said cheerfully, and I wondered why, he was never this happy.

“Um, sure I'm coming I just have to finish up this last bit of my homework and I’ll be down.” I smiled at him. He nodded and walked downstairs. I quickly and quietly went to his room and found his phone, looking at him past messages. All to some girl named Rachel. Someone has a girlfriend, this will bug him. I walked downstairs when the phone rang, I ran to get it, and picked up.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, um is David there?” I shy voice came out of the phone. This must be Rachel.

“Yeah he is, may I ask who’s calling?”

“Sure, it’s Rachel, a, um, a friend form school.” She stuttered.

“Well I'm sorry Rachel,” David’s eyes got wide, “We were just about to start dinner, I will make sure David calls you back.” I said and hung up the phone and sat down in my spot across from David.

“Do you have a new friend you should tell us about, Rachel, she seems really nice.” I bugged him and he through a pea at me and I laughed.

“She’s just a friend from school,” He answers a blush creeping on his face.

“David! You’re too young to be dating.” Nicholas, my nineteen year old brother who has yet to move out of the house, teased him.

“Hey I'm fifteen, I'm old enough, right dad?” There was silence, and Nick laughed.

“See, you are too young,” Nick said smiling widely.

“I'm just teasing, you your fine David, invite her over for dinner next week.” David’s eyes went wide.

“Invite her hear, to meet you? Not going to happen!”

“Girlfriends always have to meet the family, David, it’s the way life is.” Ethan said placing a hand on his shoulder. Ethan was eighteen and graduating this year. He has already been accepted into a college and everything.

“Whatever,” David mumbled.

“So, Fe, I heard about your serve in P.E, congrats.” Ethan said changing the subject. “I also heard about your spill in the hallway.” He laughed.

“She tripped me, and for your information it broke my glasses.” I added in.

“Gives you an excuse to buy new glasses,” Tommy and Kevin spoke together. No they weren’t twins, but only a year apart. Tommy is eleven and Kevin is twelve, but they do everything together.

“I happen to like my glasses pipsqueaks.”

“Who tripped you?” Ethan asked.

“Sadie,” I mumbled.

“Seriously that chick who you beat in P.E?”

“Yeah, she wanted to win. But she wasn’t the one who broke my glasses.”

“Then who did?” Ethan asked.

“Bieber, grabbed them and accidentally dropped them.” I answered.

“You mean that kid who can’t sing, that moved back?” David asked I nodded.

“Oh Firework, did you know the school annual barbe-” My mom started.

“I'm not going.” I stated.

“Actually this year, you aren’t going, its here.” She finished.

“May I be excused, I want to go ride Tink?” My dad nodded. I got up and headed to the barns searching for Tink, she was my horse. And has been for a while.

“Hey Tink, wanna go for a ride?” I asked when I found her. Her shiny black coat and white star on her face making me forget all my worries. She whinnied in response. I grabbed the saddle and reins, tacking her up, grabbing my helmet and walking her outside. I took her into the field and got on, just galloping around the wide open space. This is one of the places where I'm happiest, me and Tink.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, chapter two. Amazing right? Anywho, if you already haven't check other story, its about JB too. It kinda had a long title. You Don't Need Words To Know That I Don't Like You and don't forget to comment, on this story. tell your friends, who have mibba to read and who don't have mibba to get it. Haha. Thank you so much too x Simply Annie she was my first commenter. She's really nice!! Comment and Subscribe if you want an update!!!!