Status: updates will NOT be frequent



After walking to class with Claudia, she sat with me. Usually it was the last person to come to class ended up beside me but she sat there by choice. She tried talking to me in class but didn’t get that during class I'm in lockdown. Nothing but educational information comes through my brain. I finally had to explain it to her and she laughed.

When class finally ended we went out to her car. We stopped at the flag pole in front of the school.

“I just have to tell Justin I won’t be coming over tonight.” She told me.

“If you already have plans we can do this another night.”

“No it’s fine he has practice so I was gonna have to wait, and anyway he has Ryan and Chaz coming over so he won’t really care.”

“You sure?” I asked, I didn’t want to interfere in their relationship.

“I'm positive,” She giggled and started walking towards Justin while I awkwardly stood there.

“Yo Fe!” I turned to see Ethan, “Need a ride?”

I shook my head, “Nope I’ve got one.” He shrugged and walked to where his car was parked. I looked back over to where Claudia went to talk to Justin. Justin had a ticked off expression and was glaring at me.

“Kay, we can go now,” Claudia said walking back me. “Sorry Justin was PMSing.” She giggled again and I let out a small laugh.

While in the car she turned the radio on and some pop song came on and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

“I’m sorry what music do you listen to?” She asked turning the volume down.

“No it’s fine you can listen to what you want. It’s your car.”

“Well, I need directions to your house,” I gave her the directions. “Isn’t that where the barbeque is gonna be?” I nodded. “Wow, your mom is gonna be really busy.” I laughed.

When we finally pulled up, all cars were in the driveway and I could hear screaming in the house.

“It’s my little brother’s birthday,” I explained to her. “It’s a big year for him, he’s turning six.” I laughed.

“Aw, that’s so cute.” I laughed again walking into the house hearing my dogs barking at the little kids running.

“Stripes, Juno shh!” I yelled through the house once I got in.

“Fefe!” Sam shouted racing across the room as fast as his little legs could carry him. “Who’s that?” He asked jumping into my arms.

“This is Claudia, one of my friends from school.” He looked at her and attempted a hug from my arms. I laughed, Sam would hug anybody.

“Hi, I’m Sam.” He said to her and she giggled.

“Were gonna go upstairs now okay Sam.” He nodded and I put him down.

“It was nice meeting you Sam,” Claudia called over her shoulder as we headed upstairs. Walking into my room I saw Kevin and Tommy jumping on my bed, each wearing one of my bras.

“Shut the door,” I whispered to Claudia and she shut it with a loud slam causing both the boys to look at us. I glared at them and they innocently smiled.

“If it isn’t our favourite sister, you know the one that never hurts us or tells mom what we do.” Kevin tried I shook my head and walked toward them pulling them into a hug, they squirmed.

“You know what? I'm not gonna tell mom.” Happy looks appeared on their faces. “But hurting you, ehh.” I took the shoulder straps of the bra and pulled it up and dropping it on their skin with a snap.

“Ow!” They cried out together.

“Stay out of my room twerps!” I yelled at them and they ran out of my room the bras still on. I started laughing and Claudia joined me,

“Sorry about that, my brothers are always like this.” I apologized.

“No it’s fine. It’s nice to see you have the typical brother sister relationship down.” I smiled at her.

“Well this is my-”

“Oh my gosh! You have a pool surrounding your bed!” She screamed.

“Yeah, it was a present for getting a letter from Harvard, and getting on the Honors Role.” My room was pretty spectacular. There wasn’t a person I knew of who had a room like me.

“I have a spare bathing suit if you wanna go in.” I looked at her and she started hopping on the spot.

“Really that would be so awesome. I hope you don’t mind but I'm going to be spending even more time with you.” I smiled because she had said even more time, meaning she was still going to hang out with me. I dug through my drawers until I found my spare one and handed it to her.

“Bathroom is just around the corner.” I pointed her in the direction and got my bikini out and quickly slipped into it. I put my feet in the water only, waiting for Claudia. As soon as she came into the room her phone rang she hurried over to her bag pulling it out.

“Hello?” She asked into the phone, and she sighed. “Look Justin I didn’t want to wait at your practice and she offered and I said yes.” She was defending me. “I don’t care what you say she’s being extremely nice and if you can’t accept that it’s your problem. You’re missing out on a wonderful person.” She paused, Justin was obviously speaking. “Justin I have to go were in the middle of something now . . . swimming in her bedroom?” I burst out laughing, it did sound pretty stupid. “Yes now goodbye.” And she threw her phone back into her bag.

“Yeah don’t worry we’re just swimming in her bedroom that’s normal.” We started laughing again.


I said and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

“So what’s she up to?” Ryan asked getting into the driver’s seat in his car.


“Red’s got a pool in her backyard?” Chaz asked.

“Nope in her room I think.” I answered.

“What do you mean in her room?” Ryan asked stopping at a red light.

“She’s got a pool in her room.” My mind wandering while I answered his question, how did someone have a pool in their room?

“Someone’s a rich bitch.” Chaz called out in a sing song voice.

“Well it was obvious her family had money,” Ryan started and I gave him a questioning look as he started the car as the light changed. “The chick who picked her up yesterday had a Ferrari dude, they’ve got money.” He explained.

“Good point.” I added. “But she blew off watching me practice hang out with her.”

“Dude, no one hangs out with her, and you know how Claudia is about that stuff. If you ask me she’s doing the right thing.” We had reached another red light and stopped, both of us turning our heads to look at Chaz in the back.

“Red is a nerd, we are popular this is how life is supposed to be.”

“No it’s not Justin!” Chaz raised his voice getting frustrated. “Everyone should be treated equally. What did she ever do to get this?”

I looked back out the windshield, I didn’t have an answer. Firework had never done anything to anyone of us. Well, besides making some of us look stupid in class she was nothing but nice to you.

“See! She never did anything wrong and we treat her like garbage.” Chaz was on her side not too?

“Fine we will talk to her alone at the barbeque and apologize.” Ryan offered to get Chaz to cool off.

“As nice as that sounds,” I started sarcastically, “Red never goes to the barbeques. She always skips out.”

“Well I heard rumors that this year her mom is making her go, like literally forcing her to go.” Ryan said.

I snorted, “She has a record of not coming to these things! She’s not gonna break it now.” I said.

“No the rumors you heard are wrong.” I looked back at Chaz again. “Her mom doesn’t have to force her to go, the barbeque is at her place.”
♠ ♠ ♠
yay! chapter 4 is out!!!! so happy thanks for all the comments on this story it means a lot, and all the people who are reading and not commenting please comment. dont be shy i dont know where you live i wont bite you. soo whatdya think is gonna happen on the bbq???? i dint know yet either i have to think haha. please comment if you have any ideas or things you want to happen people you wanna see tell me. i would love to know.



never grow up;