Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 11

I still left John’s question un-answered , I didn’t think it needed to be answered considering I now know the only reason Katie & Garrett were late , was so they could pick him up because he ‘so desperately wanted to go’.
It was reaching on 1:30, we were still there. Garrett, Katie, Tessa & Gabi left me out of boredom (beforehand claiming I was boring) and decided to do shots with twenty other unknown’s. So yes, it meant I was left with John. To my surprise , he only had one drink , which honestly surprised the shit out of me.
Not that there was a problem against it, it actually refrained myself from doing something I’d probably regret later on.
“So what are you doing crashing girls night?”I broke the tension that’s been hanging around our two-seater for the past half-hour. I thought it was time to do so as John’s looks was grabbing most of the girl’s attention here. Saying so, I took a sip of my passionfruit-based vodka and crossed one leg over the other.
Running a hand through his hair, he honestly spoke “Vee, it wasn’t exactly my idea to crash your chick’s day out or whatever you wanna call it”.
“Well that’s a relief .Only one guy’s gonna go home with his innocence and it’s you so far” I told John , giving him a small look before crossing my eyes over to the others who were if I counted correctly , on their 10th round of shots.
How those guys could drink so much and not John , was beyond me.
“I don’t get it John, you’re as much as a drinker of any of us – you’re still here and you’ve only had one drink..You’re practically sober!” I gave a small laugh , it was enough for him to return a smile that could drive girls crazy in an instant.
“Walk with me” was all he said. We didn’t bother telling the others were we’d be going. They’d be too wasted to care.
We walked out to the front of the building. Nothing much had changed, except the line of people trying to get in and the occasional couple that made out on the side of the road. You could still hear some of the music from inside, but it wasn’t as deafening out here. The lights out on the curb gave us a sense in direction, so we wouldn’t end up that far from the club, we spotted Garrett’s car (kinda hard not to miss) and stood against the wall closest to it.
“A few things Vee” he began. I couldn’t quite understand why I was the one who seemed just as nervous as John. This could either equal as one of the worst, or the best moments of my life depending on what road this goes down. That was all that was running through my mind.
“First of all, I wanted to be sober so I could actually remember what I was doing tonight,”
“You, wanting to be sober? I’d—“
“Let me finish” he scowled but there was a hint of laughter.
I felt chills just as he said that. He’s never cut me off like that, at least not for a good reason. I could feel the tension slowly fading, he was being a little bit more open – which was something totally un-like John.
“Vee, I’m completely jaded. This whole ‘just friends’ thing, just isn’t working out for me”
I tried speaking; yet again I was cut off. It didn’t bother me entirely, aside from the fact that I felt my heart in my throat.
“Don’t tell me that you didn’t feel anything when we kissed, because believe me, I wouldn’t be trying to have this conversation if I didn’t feel anything”
“Wh-what are you saying?,” I asked , feeling a reign of stupidity taking over.
“What I’m saying is...What I’m saying is if you wanted to go out sometime...with me” he paused to take a deep breath. “I mean, I totally understand if you don’t I mean – we don’t have to if that’s too weird for you” he started to stumble on his words.
“You mean like a date?” I asked staring into his eyes, slowly forming a smile.
“I like to think of it as two friends hanging out without the others, but I guess you could put it that way”
“I know that this wasn’t exactly set out like a normal ask-out thing but—“
“John!” I yelled loud enough just for the two of us to hear it. “I’d like that, I’d like that a lot”
After that was done, I wouldn’t say things were that awkward. Awkward enough , to say the least. Luckily, Garrett’s car wasn’t that far from the club – and it was probably a good idea that we stood by it so we’d have a good idea as to where we’d be dragging some drunk-messes..
“I gotta hand it to you though, it took a lotta guts to pretend to be my boyfriend then ask me out for reals, weeks later,” I smirked as we started to walk back into the building.
“Well you know me, Vee. I aim to please” He said giving me a cheesy grin.
As I suspected , yes John & I did have to take Garrett’s car home – dropped Gabi off at Kenny’s , Tessa off at Jared’s , leaving John to spend the night in the apartment because he didn’t wanna drive all the way back to his place.
We had the privilege of practically nursing Garrett & Katie until their hangover’s disappeared – well until they fell asleep. I fell asleep half-way out of my bed and John fell asleep on the couch wearing nothing but a pair of shorts exposing nothing but his inked-chest.
“Good morning” a male voice groggily spoke as I drew the curtains that exposed a glimmer of light into the apartment. My eyes were directed straight towards him as he sat up “Well isn’t this fantastic first-date material?” he laughed softly.
“You’re telling me” I joked, moving over to the kitchen where it seemed like I was in charge of making breakfast this morning. I opted with the easiest choice in making French toast.
Taking out the implements I’d need to make breakfast – John semi-joined in by getting what I’d need but instead of actually helping out with the cooking , he sat back down again..such a gentlemen.
“Y’know ,you shouldn’t even be seeing me until we go out on that date,”
“Well, you should know by now; I’m not one to follow tradition”
“Oh really now?” I smiled placing the aftermath of my actually successful breakfast on two plates. There was still enough there for Garrett & Katie if they wanted any, which I don’t think would be any time sooner.
Instead of answering my question , he just gave me a little smirk. Noticing the food laid before him , he gave a look as if he was recalling something.
“Remember when we were in middle-school, that morning I had breakfast at your place...” John began, trying to re-jog his memory as he spoke. “I remember it was after your first boyfriend dumped you...Keith”
“Ugh…don’t remind me, one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done,”
“..Yeah, I hated the kid” he replied, sparing no gap between the last sentence. I chuckled at that, it was obvious that John hated everyone I went out with that wasn’t him or the others.
“You cried on the phone, I spared no time getting to your place. We ate the pint of mint-chocolate ice-cream your parents were trying to save for your little brother’s party watching Titanic –“
“You told me that you thought Jack was a douche bag” I laughed
“I told you I thought he was a douche bag – I remember watching it with you downstairs, with your dad watching our every move.” Taking a breather he continued.
“You fell asleep on my shoulder – I remember because the following morning it was as numb as shit, but I didn’t care,”
“…At some point, your folks actually came in and turned off the TV because it was back on the menu, I remember because I was half-awake, you were fast asleep. You-Your dad actually walked up to me and whispered in my ear; and I still remember it to this day `you hurt my daughter, I will personally come and kill you in your sleep’. Good man your dad” he ended the sentence nervously.
“Are you serious?!” I laughed; I slowly felt my cheeks becoming red from embarrassment.
“Swear on my life” he continued – it honestly shocked me that he’d remember all this. He wasn’t usually one for remembering events like this. Usually if he did , something beforehand must’ve triggered it to do so. “I remember so much that it was a Saturday morning and it was just before your parents woke up...we tried making breakfast – French toast and we kinda almost...”
“Set fire to the kitchen” we said at the same time looking at each other, laughing while doing so.
“Those were the days..” he finally finished, taking a deep sigh as he said so.
John remembering all that, saying all that - triggered so many memories. It was true , and I’m not going to go around denying this – without John , I’d be lost. I needed him just as much as he needed me.
At some point during the meal/flashbacks Garrett decided to join us. With that happening , I got the pain-killers ready for them considering it was going to be their bestfriend, at least for today anyway.
“Nice shorts” Garrett drowsily noted taking a seat at the table.
“Thanks, belonged to a friend of mine,”
“I’m not getting those back aren’t I?,”
“No you are not good sir” John replied quicker than usual.
“Here, take this – you’ll need it” I said placing a capsule & a glass of water in front of the guy.
Without a second thought, Garrett took the paracetamol and went to the living space. It reeked of alchahol (which drove him mad) and of John.
“Dude , it reeks of you and alchahol.”
“I like to call it Friday morning-musk” he said sarcastically, giving Garrett a small , tiny hint of a smile.
“Why are your clothes ... and you’re guys didn’t have couch-sex did you?—fuck if you did, God help us Vee, you’re getting us a new couch” Garrett weakly told-off.
“It’s a bit too early to be thinking about making-love on the couch, when there hasn’t even been a first date, don’t you think ,Gar?” I began.
“So wait--”Garrett tried to analyse what happened in his state.
“Remember - you said you were gonna do things differently John, I’ll be waiting – but I won’t be waiting too long” I ended in a suggestive manner.
“Don’t wait up , I’ll be in the shower for the next ..God knows how long” I walked off into the small corridor, leaving no time for persuasion.
For the next twenty-odd minutes , I felt nothing but cold and I loved every second of it. The joy’s of living in Arizona , you don’t need to travel far to get the heat , just go into your front yard. That and, well not naming names, but a certain bass-player with a hangover forgot to pay his part of the rent leaving us with nothing but cold water.
With nothing but a towel wrapped around me, I walked out of the bathroom avoiding any eye-contact with anyone. The thing was I could avoid them, but they didn’t have to avoid me.
“Nice legs” Garrett stirred then chuckled softly, causing John to look over and stare me down.
Still not looking over at the guys and straight to my room, just gave him the third-finger salute.
Got dressed for the day ahead of me, I didn’t plan on doing much today besides going to school for a 2:30 study-hall session with Katie, but that was about it. I wore the floral cami-top that I bought myself when we went on the shopping-splurge paired with faded-jean shorts.
Leaving my hair out to dry – leaving it to form it’s natural curl. I left my room to join the others in the living space. Katie finally joined us and she was as pale as she could get. She still opted to go to study hall, but knowing her, she’d probably just be distracted the whole way through.
Everyone in this apartment went with a more casual look today. I suddenly felt over-dressed. Garrett went with a grey v-neck and a pair of shorts – his intentions mainly set on going back to sleep straight after he dropped us off at ASU, John went with a Glamour Kill’s tank that he got to keep after promoting it with the rest of the band a few years back with that same pair of shorts he was wearing earlier .Katie took advantage of having Garrett around and took one of his old baseball shirts and a pair of her own shorts.
They all topped it off with big pairs of sunglasses that somewhat hid the puffy-red eyes they had. I understood why Garrett & Katie did but, John- he probably just went with the hype of it all.
The drive up to ASU was something I could’ve done without. I can only take so much whining about how much my head hurts , this song is stupid & I’m gonna vomit.
By the end of it , I wasn’t surprised that John gave them lectures about drinking over-board. It was kinda funny when it backfired; he’s usually one to talk when it comes to being hung-over.
“You sure you didn’t wanna just go back home with Garrett & John?,” I asked Katie , who as expected wasn’t exactly work during study hall.
“Positive..I need to work on the thing for that subject; what’s it called..Journalism! that’s it” she replied opening her laptop slowly and tiredly - her eyes barely staying open.
“Really Katie?” I raised an eyebrow, putting my pen down – I moved my hands to her shoulders. One hand on each side. “Katie , look at me and tell me you’re sure that you don’t wanna go home and rest” and before she could speak , I told her “..Without yawning”
“Vee, I’m fine..just do your shit for calculus or something” and with that actually being said , I did do my work for calculus. Not because it reminded me to do something for it , but just for the sake of staying at the campus library – the air-conditioned goodness that it is.
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late upload!
sorry , been caught up in work
comments would be great :D <3