Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 12

So. Apart from my life being perfect at this moment – there is really no other way to describe my life at this moment. The new record’s just about out , tour dates have been fixed up and I kinda have the girl of my dreams. Well kinda..Maybe.

But I got to hand it to Garrett and Katie , they maybe last people I’d go to for tips on asking out , but c’mon , it happened didn’t it ? Even if it didn’t, I still would’ve scored – if not with Vee , then at least some chick for the night.

Driving back from ASU with Garrett – gotta admit , I miss the place.
I wouldn’t trade it for the life I have now though.

“So finally did it” Garrett smirked as he drove off from the second set of traffic lights , with that happening – the radio blasting a bit of Tom Petty.

“The boy’s a genius,”

“Shut up dude , just a convo starter”

“I know I’m only messing with ya,”

“ that you got what you wanted, don’t fuck it up, she’s a girl – she won’t live it down”
There was a bit of a pause. I couldn’t exactly explain the atmosphere. It was sort of a pause for thinking.

“Wh-What’s that supposed to mean bro?”

We came to a stop – mainly because some stupid fuckers just cut across the street. It was all sudden , so when Garrett replied; it didn’t really shock me – I’d be pissed to.


“You alright bro?” I said panting slightly.

“Yeah , just- just great..”

At that second, everything was a fucking wreck. Because the car stopped in the middle of a busy road , yep.. I’m sure we can all predict what happened next. I felt a small jolt from the back of the car.
This just keeps getting better and better.
Resting his hands on the steering wheel and his head faced down, Garrett began speaking, and it sounded both ashamed and annoyed.

“Fucking wonderful”


“Katie , I’m fine..yes John’s okay..Guys, were alright – it was just a..KATIE! if you love me, you’d calm the fuck down alright?”

I basically stood there helplessly as Garrett told Katie & Vee of our little car accident. I mean, it’s nothing that big..Apart from that car being Garrett’s other pride & joy.

After Garrett got of his phone , we walked up to the car that dented the car.
“Look, man I’m sorr—“

The guy took of his dark shades and placed them on his head. The light from the Arizonan sky reflecting strongly on the pricey black lenses – beaming into my own eyes.

“Shit, what a small world” he began speaking and started to direct his eyes on me.

“O’Callaghan..what’s this , no Vee?”

“Ah and Nickelsen, what are you doing with the douche bag?, I thought you would’ve ditched these idiots by now”

“H-H-Hey , we’ve got actual names” Garrett began, it looked like he wasn’t in the mood for bullshit.

“And I’m not in the mood for another fight over Vee , so get some balls and grow the fuck up”

All the passer-by’s kept looking at us , yes there was a bit of a commotion , but it didn’t mean they had to look. Thank God we didn’t have important shit to do today.

“Alright..Garrett ,just having a bit o’ what are you doing with the douche bag?” James smirked over at the both of us now.

“Look , you listen to me Cook. I’ve got a hangover , my girlfriend’s restless over this & I don’t need your shit. We either do something about the cars right here, right now or I’ll see you in court. ‘Right bro?”

He looked over at me , I didn’t want to get involved with what could’ve become a punch-up.
Sure , it pissed me off a little when he called me a douche bag , but it takes one to know one.

“Fine…let’s just fix this whole detail thing yeah?” came out of James’s mouth. For the first
time ever , something that wasn’t an insult finally came out. I honestly don’t see what Vee saw in him.

After writing down his car info on a small piece of paper we found in the back seat , that no good son of a bitch started to speak again.

He shook his head and formed a small but disgusted smile “I can’t believe you’re still dating that whore”

“Oh that’s it..” Garrett started to become red with anger. His blue eyes becoming bloodshot by the millisecond.

“It’s one thing to call one of my friends a douche, yeah; I’d be pissed and shit if I found out my ex-girlfriend left to be with one of her best friend’s..” he moved closer to him and pushed him to the ground , getting dirt and asphalt onto his fancy-dress clothes.

“But.My.Girlfriend.Is.Not.A.Whore.” in between every word , Garrett threatening and almost punching him even more.

I had to be the better man and pull him away from James. Even though James did deserve what was coming to him , Garrett could get into a lot of shit because of it ; and as a band – that’s bad press that we can’t afford.

After about 2 hours we ended up driving home with a dent at the back of the car; and by dent I mean half of the back completely ruined , scratched and discoloured , you name it – it happened.

The car ride back to the apartment was semi-silent. Silent & awkward.

“Well Garrett.. I must say , I’ve never seen that side of you before”
He gave a little chuckle as he reversed into the parking spot allocated for their apartment.

“Like I said’s one thing to call you a douche and start a fight over Vee. But when they start to bring my Katie into this and call her a’s on”

Grabbing the keys out of the slot , we got out of the car and started walking off to the temporary solution to a fucked up lift.

I looked at my feet as we were walking , well most of the time anyway. I know I’ve said this so many times before , but I gotta admit – while I’ve been sleeping around waiting for that right one..Garrett’s been faithful for seven years with one and only one girl.
It would be an understatement to say I wasn’t jealous of him and Katie.

“Hey, y’know before we got into that whole thing with James..”I stopped

He knew exactly what I was gonna say. It was apparently that obvious.

“Ju-Just don’t lead her on and leave her hanging..that’s the mistake I made with Katie..”

After walking up too many stairs , we finally reached their floor. Luckily the apartment was getting closer and closer. I couldn’t be more thankful. I still pondered on what Garrett told me. He didn’t really say much after that.

Sure he stopped speaking there, but it didn’t’ mean that I wasn’t gonna go without a fight.

Garrett slid the key into the slot , before he could open it – the door opened. Katie attacked him with a hug. From what I could see from being set behind the two , inside the apartment was Vee , Kenny & Gabi.

All looking concerned.

“I’m glad you’re okay” I overheard Katie tell him in a worried tone.
“Katie , once again..I’m fine” he replied with a slight angelic smile.

I chuckled a little bit before I casually excused myself to get into the apartment so I could get my stuff packed so I could get home. I mean , as much as I’d like to stay here. I can’t have the folks getting worried..okay my mom.

I walked into the apartment and sat myself onto the couch. Out of no where , Kenny and Gabi were giving each other looks.

Not the looks that you’d give when you’re ..y’know in the mood or some shit , but the ‘I’m not happy’ look.

“You alright dude?” Kenny asked leaving Gabi sighing in disbelief of their relationship.

“Y’know..I’ve been better – today it was Garrett that got in all the ruckus though,”

“How ‘bout you Brock? Look’s like you could do with a pick-me-up”

“John , I’ve been doing my head in way to much lately..” he paused.

We watched as Gabi moved off with Vee & Katie so he could start talking again.

“I’m not happy anymore ..with Gabi – I can tell this is mutual,”

“What..but you guys are made for each other” I chuckled with a hint of sarcasm

Truth be told , I could see things were going downhill.

“Not helping..” he sighed.

“Well what are you gonna do ?,”

“I dunno dude..a part of me still loves her; just not as much as I used to..” Kenny stopped for a second.

Amidst all this , I saw that Garrett had the look of an aftershock on his face , but he tried his hardest to subdue it. And Katie , Gabi & Vee were off in their own little world – in other words leaning against the island counter in the kitchen (how they had one in this apartment is beyond me) and eating sushi.

“Why are you telling me this ?” I asked in the nicest way possible.

“Your possible girlfriend – Gabi thinks that I –“

“Gabi thinks what ?” Gabi asked interrupting our little dude talk sesh.
“Nothing ...just don’t worry about it”

“Well..I’m uhh.. I’m actually gonna go – we’re actually gonna go to Tessa’s”

“Y’know , since you guys crashed; I mean spontaneously appeared at the club” Vee added.

“So you girls are having a little sleepover or something” I chuckled

“Yeah , I mean why not?,”

“It’ll be like high school sleepover’s minus my own bestfriend” Vee frowned

“I’ll take that as a you’re not going , Katie?”

“aha,” she replied moving over to Garrett and leaned against his shoulder

“aww , the couple with a hangover just gonna ‘hang out’ at home tonight aye ?” Vee poked a bit at fun at ‘em.

“I don’t think so.”
“Maybe.” They both said at the same time. Katie gave him a grimacing look and Garrett just looked at her like a little kid that was forever hopeful.

“Nuh-uh , Garrett – you’re not getting lucky tonight you sexist pig,”

“Oh tonight...” Vee looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “So you guys have..”

“I’d rather not talk about my love life with everyone here”
Showing no shame, Garrett just bit his lip and started to at the same time smile & nod.

Both Kenny & I gave him a hi-5. The typical man thing to do.

Amongst all this , I built up the courage to bring this up :

“Maybe you should tell her what happened this afternoon..” I stopped as I picked up my clothes from last night and put them in a bag so I could go home soon.

“What —“ Katie looked at me then at Garrett with a confused face.
Moving over to Garrett and I patted his shoulders “You just might score again” I chuckled.

Shaking their heads , Gabi & Vee left and it left Kenny wondering how they were gonna get there. We soon found out that because this was somehow planned beforehand , Tessa picked them up.

“Babe I gotta tell you something” Garrett looked at Katie concerned

“Oh no, don’t ‘babe’ me” she said. She knew that Garrett only called her babe when something bothered him.

They walked off into their room so that they could talk in privacy. I looked at Kenny and we took it as an incentive that we should leave. He offered to give me a lift back to mine and I gladly accepted it. I mean , I would have no other way home

“What were you trying to say earlier..y’know before Gabi cut you off” I asked as Kenny finally got into the driver’s seat of his car.
Scratching his head before putting the car in ignition , he looked out the window and then he started to move off onto the road.

“Promise me you won’t think this is too fucked up?”

“Uh , it really depends on what it is bro..”

“Gabi..Gabi still thinks I have feelings for Vee”

I looked at him in disbelief. The obvious ‘What’ was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“Well…well do you?” I asked , a part of me hoping for the answer I wanted , but another part expecting the worst.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this when I was sick (and I still am) so sorry if it makes no sense at all.

comments ? :D <3