Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 13


“God, just answer the fucking question, Kennedy. Quit stalling”

“Look this was the last thing I wanted...” he said turning a corner. Its times like these I wish I drove here instead of them picking me up.

“Dude, you didn’t answer the question”

I started to get pissed. I knew exactly where this was going and it didn’t sound or look good.

Waiting for a response from Kenny, I looked out the window. Nothing but streetlights and other
cars. You’d think after what happened earlier, I’d be traumatised to even get in a car. If I knew it was going to be a tension-filled car trip , I would of taken a god-damn bus.

“Well what do you want me to say , John ? My girlfriend was right?” he paused.

“You want me to just walk up to her and say ‘Gabi , you were right all along? I never had feelings for you and you were just there so I could get over a girl that means a lot to me?’ “

“Now that wouldn’t be so bad wouldn’t it?” I said without thinking this through. It was the first thing that came to mind so I just let it out.

Come to think of it , it probably wasn’t such a good idea.

The rest of the car trip was awkward. Not only did I find out that another guy has feelings for Vee , but I’m slowly starting to lose my touch.

I also seem to be attracting the wrong crowd today.
But one thing’s for sure, I’ve gotta make Violetta officially mine & mine fast.


We got to Tessa’s and I must say , the apartment that she lived in with Jared , looked pretty damn good.

It was neat & tidy and the mere colour scheme of white with the dark floorboards really made the apartment look bigger then it already was.

She gave us a small tour of the apartment just as we put our things down for the night. There was a whole floor full of pillows and comforters ranging from baby blue to hot pink. I can see that were in for a lot tonight.. a part of me wishes that Katie was here though

“Honey, I’m back with the girls” Tessa finally said after we reached the room that the two of them shared.

“That’s nice” we heard Jared say.

Because the door was open, Gabi & I took a small peek into the room. Jared wasn’t doing anything we’d get all fussy about. Why? He was just tuning and playing an old acoustic from back in high school. He spotted us so he just lifted his hand up in a welcoming gesture and gave us a little smile.

“God Jared could you be more social” Tessa joked as she walked out of the en-suite with her hair in a loose pony tail and wearing a pyjama set that both Gabi & I remember her getting a while back.

“I..yeah” he said moving from his position to get an gym bag from their wardrobe. It was a black ‘Vans’ one and he just stuffed it with crap that he’d need.

“Where are you going?” I asked with a tiny bit of a laugh

After he finished packing the bag he was using for the night , he put his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. Finally replying to what I said , he directed his eyes in our direction.

“I dunno..I guess wherever I end up” he chuckled. Before he could do anything else , Tessa gave him a look which looked like it meant for him to answer it truthfully.

“Fine..maybe Johno’s or something.

When I heard Jared mention his name ,I suddenly felt my heart beat a little faster. It must've been obvious because I felt my cheeks burning red.

"Can you uh..tell him I said hey?" I smiled over at Jared who just gave me a smirk in return.

"No need to play shit with me Vee, words travel fast in this band"

"Sorry then Mr Know-It-All"

"Should I let him know you wanna fuck him to ?" Jared added before he finally left the room through Tessa's demands.

Within the time span of half an hour , we prepared snacks , chose movies , got into pajamas and Jared left for wherever. Every one was keeping their cool , aside from Gabi - something looked like it was bothering her but she wouldn't tell anyone anything.

We were halfway into watching Easy A ; y'know when Micah finds out he has chlamydia - when I finally had the guts to approach Gabi about why she was acting funny tonight. I thought I knew her..turns out I didn't.

Luckily we weren't interrupting anything .. Apparently we had no ice-cream and beauty products so Tessa went out to get some.

Bringing the pillow I clung onto for most of the night , I moved over to Gabi. We gave each other a small smile - but it wasn't sincere.

"Hey" I began to speak. "You alright ?"

"I'm's just..never mind,"

"Gabi.." I raised an eyebrow as I said so. "pretty please tell me?" I pleaded like a little kid.

"It's's stupid" she protested.

I can tell she wanted to say it but something was stopping her

"C'mon Gabi , try me" I laughed assuring her that everything was fine. As I said that , I paused the movie so I could listen to her more thoroughly.

"Fine" she smiled slightly.

"I don’t know how I'm gonna say this.." she started.

"I'm..I'm uhh in a bit of a rut with Kennedy,"

My gut instinct got the better of me. The last time I remember she as in a rut with Kennedy was well..when they were on tour and he kinda cheated on her. At least that's what I remember he did.

"God fucking damn it - did he cheat on you again ?" I nearly shouted.

"WHAT ? No! .. He cheated on me?,"

When she said that I could she her facial expression changed from broken to shattered. I had no idea that she didn't know.

Moving my hand over my mouth I started to mumble.

"Oh God , I thought you knew!,"

"Well I obviously didn't!" she said bursting into tears. "What I was gonna say earlier was that.. I'm breaking up with Kennedy,"

"What ? Why?,"

"Originally I was gonna break up with him because I found out he had feelings for another girl , oh - then I found out he cheated on me" she sighed.

"Besides..there's just no more love in this relationship,"

"But you said that last time you broke up with him.." I started to ponder.

After a few seconds , my brain started to focus on the part where she said how he has feelings for another girl , I mean I would've thought that he'd tell me.

She looked at me funnily. "...He told me the last time you guys broke up"

"Oh of course he'd tell you!" I could see sarcasm taking over her.

At that second , we could hear Tessa coming back into the apartment.

There was a tiny bit of silence. "It's you Vee.." she finally spoke up.

Usually hearing my nickname doesn't get to me ..and it shouldn't for all I know. But tonight , there's an exception.

Well this is fucking brilliant.


"Violetta Elizabeth Stephenson" a male voice called out.

"Kennedy Brock" I smiled as I was embraced into a small hug.

"Sorry..I kinda forgot you didn’t have a middle name since.."

"'s cool" he replied.

I went over to Kenny's out on a whim. I hardly ever do this but I just wanted to make sure everything wasn't as problematic as I was expecting it to be.

"Well this is awkward..," I began

"Well it hasn't exactly been just the two of us for quite a while,"

"True that," I said taking a seat in his sitting room. Well not his sitting room , Gabi & His sitting room.

"I'm glad you came over today Vee" he smiled ; his eyes landing on mine.

"Before you jump into anything Kennedy"

I gave him a small but simple look. He understood it and looked almost embarrassed.

"Gabi told me.."

"She told me everything, the breakup , the love-loss..the uhh feelings "

"Are you mad ?" he asked.

"Kennedy, I truly am flattered that you like me--" I was stopped in my tracks.

A set of lips just came crashing onto mine. Lips soft as a feather. I couldn't pull myself back , no matter how hard I tried. Something about it seemed so right. But everything about it was wrong.

"Kenny..I-I can't" I said pulling apart from him.

", John doesn’t have to know..a thing"

Well Kennedy , I don't know about you. But I'd be pretty mad if my newly appointed boyfriend found out about this.

Yes , that is right.

As of yesterday - John & I are officially dating as boyfriend-girlfriend.

Only one day and I'm already fucking things up.

Some girlfriend I am.
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comments :)
sorry for the late upload