Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 14

Okay so let’s just say that Kennedy’s assuring voice got the better of me. He pulled me in even closer and I couldn’t and I didn’t feel the need to pull back. If I didn’t know any better – this definitely broke the ‘brother-sister’ bond we once had.

I was fully aware of what I was risking. I mean, my original plan was just to go here to comfort him about the breakup and just be there for him like he was for me so many times before.

Next thing I know things are practically almost second-base. Things I haven’t done since the douche was in my life. Things I haven’t even done with John.

My guilty conscience ever so slowly started to take over.

“I’m sorry – this is wrong, this is really, really wrong Kenny,”

He had that look of shame mixed with embarrassment. He started to shake his head.

“You-you’re right,” He stated scratching his left temple in humiliation.

“I’m right? What?” I asked as I fixed up my blouse that somehow shifted out of place.

“You’re dating John; I had my chance ages ago,”

“I can’t just jump in whenever I want to...Well when I break up with Gabi yet again and just kiss the closest thing I have to another girl in my life” he finally just broke down after saying that.


I said as I walked over to him so I could actually comfort him and not get pashed – well this time around anyway.

“We all make mistakes,” I said smiling over at him, wiping away some of his tears using a tissue.“I don’t want this to affect our friendship, alrights?”

He chuckled just before he began to speak again. “God Vee, what would I ever do without you?” taking me into a proper hug – no strings attached.

“Hmm…” I started to jokingly ponder. “Well there’s –”

“Don’t answer that” he chuckled.

After a few more minutes, I decided it was time for me to go. I didn’t really want to explain why I wasn’t at the apartment three hours from now , besides I’ve been at Kenny’s for at least two hours anyway – I don’t want Katie getting all cynical again..Something I can live without.

On the way home, I started to think over what happened more thoroughly. I needed to tell someone what happened and usually in this circumstance I would’ve told Kenny then Katie.

But this time I’m gonna have to go with the obvious.

"Katie. Help. Now!" was the first thing I said when I walked into the apartment.

"Hello to you too" Garrett said looking a little hurt that he wasn't mentioned.

"Hey Garrett..I'm stealing your girlfriend" I said grabbing Katie's hand and walked straight into my room and locked the door.

She sat on the bed whilst I just walked around panicky and helplessly. Many things were running through my mind at that moment.

Katie looked puzzled , where as me - I had a look that proved how I was feeling. Sure I couldn't see , but I felt my face forming into it.

"Vee what's up ?,"

"Kennedy..kiss..I ..we kissed," I panicked as I said that , anxiously waiting for her reaction.

"Oh God" she gasped "That man-slut!,"

"Only days after Gabi & him break it off and he's already getting around"


"Violetta" she said looking clueless

"Not Fucking Helping"

As much as I loved my best friend - who should be a girl ; I swear she has the brain of a guy sometimes. Better yet the brain of a teenager.

"Sorry” she said actually being properly apologetic. So tell me, was he a good a good kisser then?" she gestured moving her hand to her neck, signalling for me to panic.

"What ..?"


For a second I was completely confused on what the hell she was talking about. That was until I saw the mark on my neck that would ruin me.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I said to myself when I saw this wonderfully bruised spot on my neck.

"You are so screwed" she laughed.

"Katie seriously? You're not helping this situation!"

"Sorry..For reals umm, where do you keep your concealer?" she asked getting off the bed to rummage through my makeup bag to find something.

“Concealer? Are you sure that’ll work?” I said in a panicky tone.

“Vee I wasn’t born yesterday.How do you think I got through high-school?”

“I could’ve gone without the visual – I’m trust you with my life, Reeves.” I told her , I truly—honestly did no matter how much it disgusted me.
After about 20 minutes of hustle, we eventually found a way to cover 'it' up. How the fuck am I going to explain getting a motherfucking hickey from someone who's not my boyfriend?

How am I going to explain this to John?

I repeated exactly what I thought over to Katie just before we left the room.

"You're gonna have to fess up to him. Believe you me, this will either make or break the trust in your little relationship here"

"I guess you're right.”

"Dude, when am I ever wrong.Don’t answer that"

I slowly formed my laughing smile “Sure thing”

We got out of my room and back into the main part of the apartment. That part being the living space. I took a seat, well lounged around whilst I was entertained by my best friend's love life and not the t.v.

I guess some things never change.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of this as I heard the incoming text tone on my blackberry go off.

From: JCO.V – To: Vee.S
Vee~ I know you're probably busy at school or something but like , let's go out to dinner tonight yeah ? See if Katie & Garrett wanna come - y'know like a double date or some shit.
-John (:

In Reply: JCO.V – From: Vee.S
You got it all wrong! , I'm not busy at all :) You wanna meet up or something ? , like now ?
p.s , offer gladly accepted for the double date (;

From: JCO.V – To :Vee.S
Alright , alright :) I'll be at yours in like , 10 minutes.
See you soon! :]

Since John was gonna be here in less than ten minute s, I had to quickly think up an excuse for the hickey before I let out the truth and completely destroy the relationship that I've wanted for ages.

I also took advantage of this time and just let the two others in the apartment do whatever they wanted - Which in retrospect was probably a bad idea.

I freshened up , got changed out of the clothes that was infested by the scent of Kennedy Brock , applied more concealer and waited calmly for the remaining four and a half minutes.

It wasn't long after that when the knocking on the door began. Oddly enough it was John. He was standing there restlessly , well from what I could see through the peep-hole.

"Hey John" I smiled as I welcomed him with a hug.

"Vee" he said back. "You ready to go ?"

"Yep , just give me a sec"

I walked over to Katie who at that moment was actually doing stuff for journalism and calculus - with the help of Garrett of course who obviously had nothing better to do.

"Is it showing?" I whispered so only the two of us could hear it.

"No, it's go - have fun while I suffer in hell" she laughed earning a 'hey' from Garrett thinking that her being in hell included him.

"Okay , now I'm ready" I smiled as I walked over to John parting my hair to the side.

"Cool" he replied as he let out his hand so he could hold it as we walked out of the apartment.

"Chivalry, 10 points John,"

"What can I say, I'm a lady's man" he winked as we began to walk down the stairs to get to his car.

"Yep...Let’s go with that,"

"What, you don't believe me ?," he fake pouted

"And this is the part where you want me to be sympathetic girlfriend?" I joked mimicking his face.

We stopped halfway down the stair well and moved onto one of the bigger steps. He brought me closer to him by moving his hands to my waist. His head was aligned with mine , but still and luckily nothing major happened. Ever so slowly , his lips fell to mine. His lips were just as soft as Kenny’s. Dammit what is it with guys and soft lips?

In between the small kisses, he tried to speak but generally got caught in the moment.

"I..can prove..that I'm ..a lady'" was what I'm sure he said.

A part of me couldn't help but think that this was the second guy that I kissed, let alone pashed today and it wasn’t a good feeling.

Five minutes and another make-out session later and we gradually moved one step.

Y'know taking our time- we were in no rush today.

I had no classes and he had nothing band-related going on.

"Okay we gotta get moving" he awkwardly said as he heard footsteps coming from another passer-by on some steps above.

Being caught up in the moment..let’s just say it has its perks. 'Being caught up in the moment' caused a smudging of concealer and an unwanted question.

"Hey Vee, what's that bruise on your neck?"

"A bruise , what ?," I said trying to play dumb.

"Yeah it's all red and kinda almost purple,"

"Oh that ? Katie was trying to straighten my hair earlier and we kinda thought the flat iron was playing up and here we go , flat iron burn" I rambled and laughed awkwardly.

Hopefully it worked because after that , no more questions were asked.

“Okay..” he replied looking a little confused. I wouldn’t blame him though. I honestly would not.
Eventually we got to the car. And it was definitely cleaner than it was the last time I got in here. Gotta hand it to him , it sure must’ve taken thorough planning just to get this done.
We went to one of the high-end mall’s that’s in our area. He wanted to treat me to something nice before the double date later on. In other words, I wanted to go shopping and well…he didn’t oblige,

Being the shopper that I am , I basically got enough clothes to last me at least a month. It was so much that even John had to carry a few bags.

We both had enough of this for a while so we decided that we’d go down to a Starbucks where even a smallest cappuccino was $10.00 plus. Gotta love high-end shopping districts.
As we were walking to the coffee shop , we came across a newsagent that had some magazines on display - Certain magazines having a certain boyfriend, the pashed, roommate, drummer & guitarist on the cover.

“Hey you didn’t tell me you were gonna be on the cover of Alt Press!” I smiled slightly
“Surprise!” he chuckled.

On this cover , they were all in dress-clothing. It suited them (no pun intended) and it was definitely something different for the guys..Well maybe except for Garrett – this shit is in his daily wardrobe for fuck’s sake.

I quickly diverted my attention to the writing that was underneath the picture of the band:

‘The Maine Headliner #2 – Front man John & Guitarist Kennedy gives us a discreet look on tour must-haves + more!’

The interview itself was what got to me. The ‘+more’ just topped it all off. To avoid further talk on that interview, I decided to ask him about his plans for tour.

I will admit, it did feel strange at first asking about it. I mean, now fate decides to partner me up with him just before tour starts.

“I knew this would come up today..” John smirked as he sat cross legged at the lovely overpriced café.

“Was it that obvious? I mean, it’s practically days ‘til tour,” I said using that worried girlfriend tone. Sure we haven’t been dating long, before it used to be ‘less than lovers, more than friends’ – and now that this is official, it worried me.

“Well…I was gonna ask you tonight but, I was wondering if you’d wanna come with us on tour” he smiled.

“It’ll be the first tour you go to with us where you won’t hate my guts..So y’know, win-win” he stopped speaking after that.

At that moment I had no facial expression. The last tour that he mentioned there was when both Katie & I went to a few shows back when CSWS was released. Back when we weren’t exactly on speaking terms.

“And on queue …” he said just before I spoke, leaving me puzzled for a second. Then I remembered that John knew all my most used but accurate excuses.

“I-I kinda have school” and it killed me to say that .More than anything, I wanted to be with him.. Just saying that made John’s face distort from the hopeful face he began with to the destroyed-emotionally face he’s got now.

Now I can either come to my senses and go with my boyfriend on tour, in a packed bus with one tiny bathroom and limited bunks, being happy...kinda or renting a dorm up at ASU for two-three months with no Katie, Garrett , or that little dog and continue my education like the good girl that I am.

“Oh...That’s...Okay” he paused for a second “I just thought that maybe you’d like to come along...Join the fun with your best friend’s... Your boyfriend”

“John you are seriously making this really hard for me” I nervously chuckled.

“Well the choice is yours, Vee. It’s just a suggestion”

“Suggestion noted” I said taking a sip of my overpriced caffeine.

“Just know that I’m gonna respect your decision – because that’s the type of man that I am” he smirked causing me to laugh.

“Oh really now ?,”

“Tell me John, what type of man is that?”

“A man , that man being me. Who’s true to his word and faithful to a girl who this guy has waited so fucking long for”

For cussing in a public place, John got a few looks. But he’s also the type of guy that wouldn’t of necessarily gave a shit about it.
Hearing that made me give that obvious little smile – knowing that he would stay true to his word. Being faithful – I just wish I could say the same thing.
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making up for lack of updates
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