Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 15

“So, you made decision yet?” Katie asked as soon as I walked through the front door.

So I kinda texted Katie straight after John invited me to go on tour with them. No, I’m not one to kiss and tell - It just kinda sorta felt like the right thing to do.

Dropping the bags filled with clothing by the door ,I walked over to the table where I left Katie & Garrett ages ago and sat myself down.

It didn’t surprise me that they were still working – well Katie working and Garrett helping out and—you get the idea.

How? They were the type to easily get distracted.

“Yes Katie, I did make a decision that would make or break my career” came out – unintentionally sarcastic of course.

“What’s this all about?” Garrett asked all confused as he looked away from his laptop for the slightest second.

“Tour, John asked her” Katie said before I could even speak a word.

I just sat there and nodded my head. I couldn’t at that moment exactly process my thoughts well. This explained my phasing in and out of reality. I started to stare at that little dog that somehow grown to like me – just lying in its back , living carefree. I could hear a lot of faded words – but I paid no attention to it.

After a while I snapped back into reality - mainly because Garrett & Katie were trying to grab my attention.

“Vee!” Garrett snapped at me.

“Yes” I quickly said, leaving no time for thinking up something.

“Well what I was trying to say before staring at my dog got the better of you , was that you should totally come with,”


“Yeah! It’ll be fun” Katie tried to assure me.

“Think about it Vee – friends , parties & your boyfriend all under a moving roof.”

And then I got to the thing that was stopping me from making a straight forward answer.

“What about school? “

“What about school?” Garrett mimicked – trying to copy my voice.

“That’s easy for you to say – you don’t need to go” I sighed.

I knew I wasn’t exactly helping this entire situation by bringing up my education but it just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t.

“C’mon Vee” Katie looked at me hopefully.

“Don’t let me go on tour alone with him” she then groaned– but ended up laughing straight after
Garrett gave a small grimace.

“Katie; I am hurt,” he said moving his right hand to his chest.

“I thought you loved me..”

Amongst my best friend’s fake quarrel , I couldn’t help but laugh. Just something I’ve grown to do whenever something as fake as this happens.

“Anyway Violetta as I was saying” she said trying to completely change the subject.

“Please come...if not for John for me”

After that she mouthed something which I couldn’t exactly pin point. It looked like; well from what I could interpret something about Kennedy, although I could be wrong for all I know.


For the past 4-5 hours , I’ve just been laying on my bed. Who knew something as easy as being asked to go to tour was this confusing? I sure didn’t. How does Katie do it? How can she not worry about college? For all I know , I’m probably thinking too hard.

I haven’t exactly been sleeping – but every few seconds I’d feel myself dosing off. I took a few seconds to convince myself to get up – but I opted just laying on my side and stare at the alarm clock which flashed 6:00pm.

I didn’t care that I had things to do at that moment , sometimes you just need to spend time doing nothing and processing your thoughts..which was exactly what I did.

But the serenity didn’t last long. It never does in this place.

“Veeeeeeeeeee” Katie’s voice sang through the pine door as she knocked on it.


“It’s open” I yelled out.

She walked in softly shutting the door behind her. She was still her ASU campus shirt with a pair of sweats from earlier. It looked so comfortable compared to what I was wearing.

She got onto the edge of the bed and laid down head first.

After a few seconds, I could see she was getting all fidgety.

“So…the double date’s soon” she started to mumble.

“Katie what’s wrong?” I automatically said. Something bothered her and I wasn’t gonna stop
until I got an answer.


I looked her straight in the eye. God help me if I have to use the full name on her.

“Katelynn Ellyanna —”

“Alright! Alright!” she interrupted. If there was another thing that drove Katie insane was using the full name. She once told me that she thought her parents were on crack when naming her.

That’s why she’s always goes by Katie.

“I’m kinda...not going to many shows” she said. It didn’t sound like the only thing she wanted to say though.

“But I thought you wanted me to go with?”

“Yeah I do it’s just that...”

Luckily there was no Garrett in sight so that must’ve meant that he went to see some mechanic for his car or doing something tour related like getting some suitcases from his parents place.

That genius kinda didn’t bring it with him when he moved here.

“What’s going on?” I chuckled nervously.

“Okay on three , you tell me if you’re coming on tour and I’ll tell you what kinda happened”



And at the same time, we said what we’ve both been anticipating to hear.

“I’m going on tour!”

Yes, I finally made my decision. What are a few months without business studies anyway?

“I’m..” and that’s all she said.

My gut instinct told me she was knocked up, but then again we can’t always trust our gut.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” I asked.

“Ye-no!” she paused probably wondering where I got that whole pregnancy thing from. “My parents...they finally want to see me”

The thing with Katie & her parents..was the fact they didn’t speak. For a while she was ‘daddy’s little angel’. Fuck that.

(A.N: check out a future Katie & Garrett story if this doesn’t make much sense)

“So..that means you’re required in England ?”I brought up.

“Yep..” she replied showing no bit of emotion.

“..And it happens to be around the time of tour” I sighed.

“Oh! And guess what?,”

“What?” the obvious reply came out without much thinking required.

“They want to see this innocent girl with no tattoo’s and a nose was definitely nice knowing you Vee”

“C’mon, it can’t be that bad..”

Bullshit, even I know it’s gonna be bad.

We both looked at each other in complete silence for a few seconds. I decided to break the ice; to lessen the awkwardness for a short while.

“We need to get ready” I smiled

And so we did. Katie asked me to help her considering she actually kinda liked it when I helped her choose something to wear the night John asked me out. Plus I think she kinda needed the pick-me-up.


“Okay are we ready?” she asked me straight after.

“Yeps” I replied smiling and after that , we walked out of the room and went straight to the living room.

Taking no notice of us Garrett started to speak. He looked at the ground before he yet again (he did this the other day) took off his shirt and walked around the apartment shirtless before
chucking the shirt in the laundry hamper.

“I’m gonna get ready now girls ...Don’t wait up” he laughingly winked at us.

“I have no intention on waiting up on you Nickelsen” I joked as he began to stare at the two of us.

“Shit you look amazing,”

“Thanks?” I questioned.

“Wasn’t talking to you Vee,”

I could see Katie looked both red from flattery and embarrassment.

“I see how it is,”

“I’m glad we understand each other” he smirked.

“Garrett?” Katie stated.

“Yeah baby?”

Before replying to Garrett, Katie just gave me a small look and looked a tiny bit edgy; she replied as she slightly rolled her eyes.

“Not that I’m complaining or anything but can you ...put a shirt on or something? We gotta go soon”

“Admit it babe you love seeing me walk around shirtless,”

“Maybe...Maybe not – don’t babe me Nickelsen”

“Katie!” I scoffed. It didn’t sink in that Katie wasn’t exactly disgusted over her boyfriend being shirtless.

“What?” she whispered.

Amongst all this, Garrett walked off to go and get changed for the double date.

“He was walking around shirtless and you didn’t—”

“Let it go..” she smirked.

“Aww, my best friend’s more of a girl now!”

“Shut it Vee”

Luckily I was saved by the bell.

JCO.V -> Vee.S:
Vee , I’m gonna be at yours pretty soon

Finally reading that I felt relieved. If there was something I was at this moment , it was hungry.
Wow, I felt like a pig thinking that.

Vee.S -> JCO.V
About fucking time John! I mean. I love you?
Ahaha – no but seriously, love and see you soon <3

JCO.V -> Vee.S
You…you love me?

Vee.S -> JCO.V
Not you John..
Patrick John Kirch – y’know your drummer..
Of course I love you dumbass (: <3

“Still texting loverboy ?,”

“Nah Garrett, texting your dad..Kinda got the hots for him”

“Fuck you Vee”

“No thanks I got a boyfriend”

“Oh my god guys really?” Katie paused “Not a-fucking-gain”

Wasn’t soon after this that John arrived. Both he & Garrett dressed alike – well kinda. Garrett just wore a vest over his blue plaid shirt with black skinny’s and John – an orange & red plaid shirt and skinny’s.

“So are we ready to go ?”

“Yes” Katie said quicker than usual.

“Okay..Garrett , Vee ?”

“Yeah” both Garrett & I laughed.

It was probably a bad idea for both Katie & I to walk behind Garrett & John , but luckily they heard nothing we said.

“You gonna tell him tonight ?” I whispered over to Katie.

“Maybe..after dinner though , the whole restaurant doesn’t need to know I’m travelling half-way across the world for bitches who hate my guts”

Long story short – we went to this fancy grill place. How John knows of these places I’ll never understand, but at least it was some place nice.

We stayed there for a few hours, just talking about random shit. I told that I’d be going on tour with them; and his face lit up like Christmas lights.

Times like these I wish would never end.

God I love seeing my boyfriend happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
here it is!
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comments ?:)