Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 16



“Hair Products?”



If it wasn’t apparent already, Katie & I made a list on what needed to be taken on tour considering ; oh I dunno , we go the day after tomorrow. But that list got ransacked by the only male human being in this apartment.

“Better safe than sorry Vee” he laughed as I chucked it at him.

“I’m not that desperate, Garrett” I replied rolling my eyes – going through the suitcase again -double checking everything.

“You never know..John might be after a couple of drinks” he added.

“Very funny Garrett”

Then there was a bit of silence.

“I don’t get why Katie couldn’t do this with me”

“I don’t see why Katie couldn’t of done this with you” Garrett replied going through a pile of crap I dumped on my floor.

There was a bit of tension-filled quietness. Curse Katie and her inability to do school work in groups. Hence the reason she’s not here.

“Vee can I ask you something?” Garrett began.


“ you think Katie’s acting kinda strange?”

“As her bestfriend , I’m obligated to say..that I do on a day-to-day basis and even she know’s that” I joked folding one of the bed shirts I’d be bringing with me.

“No , but’s kinda odd..if y’know what I mean,”

“Yeah..I know”

“But unfortunately Garrett..this is something she has to tell you herself,”

“Wait you know?,”

“Of course I know, I’m her best –“

“And what I’m nothing?” he shouted in paranoia.

After that happened it almost feels like I don’t even know him anymore. Sure, I don’t have that same bond with Garrett like Katie or the others have...but I dunno; it’s kinda distancing.

“I-I’m sorry Vee,”

“It’s fine..really,” I lied.

“Can you tell me one thing though?” he asked looking hopeful.


“She’s not..She’s not pregnant is she?”

Hearing that made me laugh. Not hysterically, but almost there.

“What? I’m serious” he nervously chuckled at me.

“That’s the same assumption I made..Trust me she’s not – she’s really not”

“Good..I’m too young to be a dad” he stated getting up from his cross-legged position on the floor.

“Well that’s assuring isn’t it?” I joked around for a second “So if Katie went up to you and boom you find out she’s knocked up what are you gonna do”

“Well that’s different Vee”

At that second, none other than Katie calls to be picked up from ASU. Apparently she can only take so much of the first years going on about how some girls from this school are dating band members and aren’t shutting up about it.

“I’m going with you” I told him, leaving no room for argument.

“Alright lets go..” he said grabbing his keys off the table.

We walked down the stairs to the apartment car-park. But on the way to the stairs I noticed that they were finally doing something about the fucked up lift.

We got closer and closer to the car which made me notice how badly damaged his pride and joy was.

“Well isn’t this beautiful?,”

“It was worst Vee”

How could it possibly be worst? I mean, it’s practically in the worst state ever! But of course I didn’t tell him that, he might get all protective over it.

The car was onto the streets when I decided that I wanted to text somebody. I mean it was either that or listen to Garrett terribly sing along to Ryan Adams.

Vee.S -> Katie.E.Reeves
You’re gonna have to tell him soon-
he won’t stop bugging me about it

Katie.E.Reeves -> Vee.S
Fine, I will

Vee.S -> Katie.E.Reeves
Good girl (:
..Let’s just say that he kinda
thought you were knocked-up
okay bye~

Katie.E.Reeves -> Vee.S
fucking hell.

Vee.S -> Katie.E.Reeves
Sure Katie...and I haven’t seen a bump or anything ;)

Katie.E.Reeves -> Vee.S
Fuck you.

Vee.S -> Katie.E.Reeves
Love you to <3

“Texting John again?” he asked as we came to a stop at the traffic lights.

“Nah, your girlfriend,”

“Lemme guess you told her I thought she was—”

“Yep” I evilly smirked.

He just shook his head in embarrassment and formed a tiny bit of a smile, at that second the lights changed colour and he made a sharp turn into a road leading to ASU.

“She’s not gonna live this down,”

“Probably not ,”

“Don’t worry about it though.. I told her that she has to tell you so yeah , you’re welcome Nickelsen “

“Thanks Vee”

“Don’t mention it! , all I’m gonna tell you is that it’s kinda big for Katie..”

“You’re not making this any easier” he chuckled.

Luckily I avoided more conversation as we got into the ASU parking lot. Sometimes staring at your phone’s start-up screen can do you wonders.

We waited a good 3-4 minutes until Katie was in clear sight. I got out of the car so I could greet her and warn her of how pushy Garrett was over finding out what’s up. Also because I was switching over – I was gonna go to class, she was gonna go back home and continue her lot of packing.

It’s a win-win situation.

Well kinda.

From the distance I was standing away from the car, I waved over to the others as I walked closer to one of the main buildings for a wonderful hour and ten minutes of work! How fucking exciting.

It’s that I don’t like going to BUS – it’s having to explain to my professor the reason of me not going to lessons. On the way to the lecture room, I started to think of the worst possible scenarios of what might happen if my professor gets all bullshitty about it.

The lesson was pretty good if I say so myself. All we did was joke about the reliability of owning a credit-card. It wasn’t much – but it took up the lesson.

At the end of the sermon, I walked over to main desk. There , he was – Professor Lewis; a man who looked not much older than the lot of us – though he could have been older. He was cool ; but he had his moments.

“Sir, I’m not going to be here a few months on end” I told the professor as calmly as I could.

“According to college authority; the choice of being here is up to the student and students only.”

“I understand its –”

“Eh… I’m not gonna put this bullshit on you” ..and this is why he’s my favourite professor; he tells it like it is and he’s not afraid to swear to and with students.

“I’m curious though – you’re a straight A student, according to my roll, your absence level quite lower than the average student; where are you going? – or this merely an excuse for the sake of not turning up?”

“You’re gonna think this is insanely stupid..”

“Try me.. I’ve got a daughter your age. I don’t think I’ve heard it all”

My professor is that fucking old?

Shit he doesn’t even look it.

“Have..have you heard the rumour of some girls who go to this school…” I paused to build up the courage to tell my professor – of whom I don’t even know if I should trust; about a rumour that’s ..well true.

“I hear a lot of things Violetta,”

“I’m sure you do sir..have you heard of the rumours of the girls that are kinda going out with band-members?,”

“I believe so?,”

“Yeah.. I’m kinda one of them,”

He raised an eyebrow at me in disbelief – sure he’s not a fanboy or something; but who can believe this shit nowadays?

“Yeah...and I’m banging a Victoria’s Secret model”

I rolled my eyes. Sure it wasn’t exactly a good career move , but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

“But seriously, what does you dating a musician have to do with you not coming to my classes?”

“Tour, Professor; my boyfriend wants me to go with them on tour. But I swear I thought about classes and stuff”

We stopped talking for a few seconds – mainly because it looked like he was thinking something up.

“What did you say your boyfriend’s name was?”

“Uh..I didn’t?’s John, sir. John O’Callaghan?”

“He doesn’t..happen to be from Tempe does he?”

“Yeah?” I started to worry immensely.

Can it get anymore awkward than this? Seriously ?

“Alright – tell him I still never got that business paper from a few years back” he laughed.

“Because he’s totally gonna remember that sir” I laughed as the conversation came to a close.

“Anyway ,I can give you work if you wanna but wouldn’t someone your age just wanna live it up for a few months?”

“Professor, believe me I live it up quite a bit..and sometimes almost too much”

“Look, Violetta come by my office tomorrow after class; if you’re that worried about BUS; I’ll organise something for you”


So there’s a few things that I’ve learned today.

I’ve learned that my business professor is old enough to be my father, I learned he was a father& John has a paper he still needs to hand in even though its years overdue.

A part of me regrets telling him about John.

A part of me also regrets telling him the truth about a rumour that could easily ruin my rep.

Not that I even have a rep.

I decided to call John to pick me up. There is no way I’m going back into Garrett’s car when he’s just gonna keep begging like a dog for me to tell him about what’s happening with Katie.

Pressing speed-dial number 2 , I started to walk around the dimly lit campus grounds to find somewhere to sit whilst I talked to John. I eventually found somewhere, there I sat cross-legged and kicked around a pebble that was only centimetres away from my feet.

“Pick up , Pick up , Pick up!” I thought aloud.

Suddenly the ringing came closer and closer and I couldn’t exactly understand why. And from behind, a set of arms wrapped around my torso and kissed my cheek.

“Hello beautiful” a familiar voice said.

I turned around to face him , placed my hands on both sides of his face and kissed him back.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I smiled swivelling my body so that it was facing him.

“Well, y’know I thought that because I used to go to school here that I’d check it out..see how much this place missed me”

“And the real reason, John?” I smirked.

“I wanted to see my girlfriend ?”he tried to say acting innocent.

“Awww but seriously John”

“Alright, Alright , you got me” he started.

“Vee we need to talk”
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe..I've had this for a while and I sort of..forgot ?