Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 2


This is actually kinda fun , y'know ?

Lining up at starbucks , just like a regular person ?

No fan-girl's approaching me on my day off , I can get used to this.

"..Katie if you don't want cold coffee's , get your own fuckin' coffee" The girl infront said.

I chuckled at it..theres something about her voice that's full on familiar. It can't be who I think it is , because the last time I saw her, we were in high-school, she had her natural dirty-blonde hair and now its a two-tone blonde that brings out her eyes .

The suspense was killing me. I need to find out whether or not this is her.

"Violetta ?" I called out from behind. I tried to put on my best smile and what was only 15 seconds felt like forever.

My heart was racing more than 1000miles a second ;God I hope this was her , if not then..fuck.

She finally turned around , her hair flicking at the same time.

"Yea--" She paused.

"Oh dear God,"

"Nice to see you to Vee"I disappointedly let out

The one chance I get at seeing someone who I haven't seen in ages and its blown. All because of one fucked up move in High-school.

"Likewise O'Callaghan , likewise" she smiled almost walking out.

"WAIT UP!" I yelled out to her , it caused people to stare , but I didn't give a fuck.

I got my iced-coffee , and guess what ? she stayed.

Yep , for the first time in so fucking long , Violetta Stephenson stayed; at my request.


"Earth to John O'Callaghan , I repeat EARTH TO FUCKING JOHN O'CALLAGHAN!," Tim yelled right into my left ear , ever so slowly ..becoming deaf.

"Wha--what happened ?,"

Everyone chuckled at this whilst I became slightly embarrassed

"Dude , just stop drifting off. We'll never get these tour dates fixed up if you keep this up,"

"Bro what's gotten into you?" Kenny asked looking away from his phone for a few seconds.

"You mean who's gotten into you.." Garrett interrupted slightly laughing

"What.." everyone looked at me then Garrett .

"Who the fuck told you ?," I laughed .. then it became a straight face.

"John , dude , this is my girlfriend's bestfriend were talking about,"

"Do you not think I hear about this shit ?"

"Wait.. who ?," a clueless Pat asked.

"Remember Katie's & John's old bestfriend Vee ?" Garrett began.

Great .. the one thing that Ididn'twant the guys to talk about.. and it’s happening.

"Vee ? as in the one he fucked over ,?" Jared laughed

"Are we done poking fun at me, guys?," I angrily made this apparent.

“sorry bro,” Garrett mentioned

“It’s cool , don’t worry about it”




The sound of my phone vibrating on the bed-side table woke me up .

“ugh , GO AWAY!” I yelled at whoever was calling me , grabbed my pillow over my head , took my phone and finally answered at the third ring.

“Hello?” I sleepily answered the phone.

It was none-other than Katie . She always chose the best times to call me.

“We’re coming to your’s in 20 , be ready” I heard her say into the phone

“Who’s we—“

Before i even had the chance to say anything she hung up. What a great friend right ?

After my fifteen-minute long shower , i then realised that i didn’t have much time to raid this wardrobe of mine. I looked at the mirror that hung on the wardrobe door. I was actually quite proud that I could pull this off in less than 5 minutes .

*doorbell rings*

“COMING!” I yelled from my living room fixing up my beanie .

There at the door stood Katie , Garrett & John , who looked like he’d rather be somewhere else.

“Hey guy’s” I welcomed them into the apartment I once shared with my now ex-boyfriend James.

“You ready to go ?,”

“But you just got here,”

“Don’t you wanna rest first ?,” I offered

“NOOOOOO!” Garrett whined.

Katie shook her head .

“Garrett insists on seeing the next screening of that new zombie movie” she filled us in.

“Wouldn’t you rather see it at night? , it’ll be more scarier,” I offered

“We’ve got something else planned for tonight” Garrett winked at us.

“Okay , eww” John & I both grimaced at the same time .

“When do we tell them it’s just a band-party ?”

“Don’t , I’m enjoying this” Katie laughed

After about 5 minutes of small-talk , I grabbed my bag and off we went .

We took Garrett’s car to the mini-mall that we always went to back in high-school ; that still stands today.

It’s almost like tradition to go there. Even if it’s only for a movie.

“So where are the others ?” I asked John; Hoping to break deafening silence between the two of us whilst Katie & Garrett were off in their own little world.

“Jared’s off with Halvo & Loren – dude’s day out as he likes to call it. Kennedy’s spending the day chilling with his folks and Pat’s spending the day with Heather,”

“Who’s Heather ?,”

“His new girl”

“So that’s why they couldn’t come with us today ?.”

“Yep” replied showing no emotion.

“You look great today” John complimented as we entered the shopping-mall

“Thanks , so do you”

“Hey after the movie , we gotta talk properly alright ?,”

“Something’s been bothering me for so long , its un-fucking-believable “

“Sure , I guess”

Whatever John wants to talk about , he must be serious about it considering he hasn’t cracked a stupid joke yet. Or am I wrong ?