Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 3


Tempe Union High-School 2006

“Violetta!” A voice streamed from far-behind lingered as I walked with Katie by my side to lunch.

“Nice to see you to John” a left-out Katie joked

“Sorry Katie, sup?” John said completely disregarding Katie and focused mainly on me.

“Nice to see you’ve finally came back..”

“Well I wasn’t gonna leave my sophomore besties forever! .. come to think of it I—“

“Shut it O’Callaghan” Katie punched him in the arm jokingly

“That’s the thing , sophomore besties .. that means you’re gonna leave us soon” I frowned

“Don’t worry , you’ve still got Pat & Garrett .. they’re in the same grade as you”

“Nah shit , but you .. you’re gonna be gone soon” I fake-cried onto his shoulder .

Doing so earned some ‘Aww’s’ from the people walking by. Thankfully it didn’t last long. Eventually we got to the table where we were greeted by John’s friends – Eric (also known as Halvo) ; who was a long-time friend, Jared, Pat Kenny & Garrett who were in his band.

“How awkward is it..” Halvo said with a mouth-full of pasta

“Being one of the only girl’s Johno talks to without stumbling through his words?”

“Ahem .. what about me ?” Katie asked

“You’re not a girl…you’re practically one of us!” Kenny interrupted

“Thanks Kenny .. means a lot”

“Well Mr Brock , if you’re so smart , how come she’s my girlfriend and not my boyfriend aye ?” Garrett stopped Kenny as he said so Katie slowly leaned on his shoulder.

“Bro! know I’m only kidding!”

Slowly after , I could see that Kenny had a come-back.

“Well…do you see us walking around in skinny-jeans looking like a fucking-hipster band chick? ..well we do have an exception for you Garrett”
After saying that , Garrett was dead set flicking us off for what Kenny had said - I wouldn’t blame him though.

We all started laughing up until everyone noticed a pause in John’s laughter

“Oh great …”

The seniors started to walk by .. one by one picking on the innocent.

I had a feeling we were next – no longer then 3 minutes after picking on the freshmen , yep.. it was our turn.

There stood the captain of the hockey team , James Cook and his friends Mikey & Zyron. It was known for James to have a new girl on his side claiming that ‘He’ll never leave me’ when really he will..
He’s known as the school’s senior love-rat.

No one in the group liked him. Whenever he talked to me , John would always get as pissed as anything. I honestly thought he was a good guy – we used to talk a lot ; me and James . We were almost besties before we discovered other people .. and by other people I mean the crowds we hang out in now.

“Sup loser’s?”

“Vee” he usually , almost always said my name after.
I guess that’s why I didn’t mind him

“James” I smiled back

After sharing a small smile with him he walked off with Mikey & Zyron.

“I think somebody likes him..” Katie nudged

Both John & I turned red , I couldn’t really understand though . I mean I understand me , but John ?

“maybe..” I let out blushing

“omg I knew it”

“Seriously Vee ? him ? you might aswell date Johno for all we care” Jared joked

“So what if I like him ?”

“Vee , he’s a fucking love-rat”

“—He has a reputation” John interrupted

“since when do you care who I like ? you’re not my fucking dad, John !”

Suddenly the room became just a little smaller when I noticed the look on John’s face. It was the face that only someone who’s known him for a long-time could pin-point and realise something was up. His facial expression was as blank as a canvas but you could see a little glisten in his hazel eyes. He was really only ever like this when he was upset.

*after school*

“John!” I rushed to my bestfriend after school so we could walk home like we almost always did.

“Hey Vee ,”

“Where’s Katie, ?” he asked just as a conversation starter

“I think she left already, y’know for work”

“Y’know...,” John began then trailed off

“nevermind .. it’s stupid,”

“What ? No!,”

“Tell me John Cornelius!,”

“NO! you’ll think I’m stupid..since when do we use the full name ?,”

“Don’t you think I already do ?” I joked

John grimaced as he turned into the frozen-yoghurt place we’d always go to after school ..well mainly because Katie worked there ; but we’d always get discounts on some frozen-yoghurt .. I guess that was a plus!

We walked off to our usual table after greeting Katie by the counter. We would often stay here to finish our yoghurt , and basically just chill.

“So..” I trailed off

“So what ?,”

“Lunch .. explain now , John,”

“Vee , I just don’t want you to get hurt,”

“W-What do you mean ?”

“Vee , I love you – I can’t stand to see you hurt,”

I couldn’t help but notice the little twinkle in his eye after he said that. It was almost like he meant it.

“Love you to John .. but like , since when do you care who I like .. I mean I’m not even dating him! ..yet anyway”

“He’s only gonna break your heart”

“You say that about every guy that I like”

“But it’s true ..“

“and like you’re any better” I interrupted

“Oh believe me , I know”

“Up ourselves are we ?”

“You know it” he winked playfully


It was a Friday. Every Friday , both Katie & I would go to band-practises with the guys.
“..THANKYOU AMERICA & GOODNIGHT!” John yelled out through his mic once finishing a Death Cab cover

Everyone then put down their instruments and had a good laugh.

The practise today was at Pat’s place. Whenver it was at Pat’s , we'd always have pizza and watch a movie. Generally we’d take turns on who’d pick the movie .. this time it was Kenny’s turn to pick the movie.

“What did you get ?” Jared asked from across the room whilst strumming random strings on his guitar

“Uhh .. couldn’t decide between "Fight-Club" and “That Thing You Do!”

“That Thing You Do!” John yelled the couch

“Maybe Pat will actually stay…”

“shut up” Pat defended himself.

20 minutes into the movie and people were already distracted .
Jared was off texting every few seconds , Katie fell asleep under the safety of Garrett’s arms , Garrett had no choice but to watch the movie with Kenny & John.. I ended up just chilling with Pat.

“This feels so awkward ..” Pat honestly let out

“What does ?”

“You know .. you & John”

“…its obvious that he likes you Vee,”

“You really think so ?”

“Dude .. it is so freaking obvious that he likes you .. he’s never talked to Katie the way he talks to you!”

I slowly felt my cheeks becoming red. I hope Pat was right .. I can’t risk having someone messing with my feelings . Especially someone as close to me a s John.