Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 4


“Soo…tell me –why exactly did you not talk to Vee ?,” A confused Garrett asked as took a sip of Jaeger I offered him at the local we were at .

“I just .. I can’t do it,” I let out.

It was true. I can’t even talk to her without something getting the better of me. I’ve been given so many chances to properly fix up this friendship and yet again..I ruin it. Good job John , you sure know how to plan things.

Setting down the alchahol , Garrett made that drunken-squinty-eyed face and began speaking .

“What the fuck dude ? , this isn’t high school—”

Garrett paused for a few seconds ,fucking hell this shit is intense.

“C’mon dude, we’ve known Vee for so long bro..she hates it when you do this to her.”

“I’ve noticed that , its just whenever I’m with her I just – I just –it’s just everything I think of saying either doesn’t come out or some shit like that” I stuttered

“Fair enough dude , but tell me this ..why did you do what you did to Vee ? It fucking ruined her and now you wanna sort shit out , five fucking years later ?”

Y’know , sometimes this kid always gets to me.

Why ? I dunno , How ? I wish I knew.

But there is not one situation where he can’t not always remember when I fucked up. Did I mention how much I needed the other guys in this time of interrogation ? , why oh why were we the only ones that had to fly back down to NYC for recording ?

“Since you asked .. Violetta Stephenson..How do I even begin to explain what we had? For so long , I played the sister card. Nothing more , nothing less. But we all knew that wasn’t gonna last long…”

“Then out of the blue , the sister-card doesn’t play a part anymore. I started to fall for my bestfriend, but I was too late. Why ? because I then find out , she’s always been in love with me , but I was too blind to see it and boom! James comes along out of nowhere and …”

“And..” I stopped .. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“John , it’s all obvious again..” Garrett pointed out

“You’re still in love with her , aren’t you ?,”

“What? No! .. I just don’t want her to not be with me…”

“John, you’re a terrible liar bro,”

“eh , can’t blame me for trying” I joked drinking from my Jack Daniels


Oh the joys of being in NYC with John O’Callaghan. I could easily be back in Arizona , Chilling with my friends and shit , but nope. One small recording glitch and here we are again.

I can’t believe John got me to go drinking with him. Things can only go downhill from here. I just know it.

So we pulled up at the local Irish pub , nothing against it.. let the guy get in touch with his roots , y’know , drink up. But when we go to an Irish pub , this guy wants to ball his eyes out .. fucking predictable.

I start this heart-to-heart , he somewhat confesses his love for Vee. I mean , its not the first time that he’s done this.

Hours had passed , next thing I see is my watch flashing 1:30 am .. We’ve been talking about the same thing for more than an hour..slowly , but finally getting somewhere

He’s had all the opportunity , but something always gets in the way. It could be anything but I just wish I knew so Vee wouldn’t wind up hurt.

“John , you can’t keep doing this to Vee”

“Dude , stop saying that I know!,”

“If you know why aren’t you doing anything about it?!,” I spat

I paused to take a breath. But that was no use , the only thing I inhaled was cigarette smoke and the smell of Jaeger ..

“If Vee keeps getting hurt , I’m gonna get into just as much shit with Katie for letting it happen”

“Not to mention that you just might fuck up again , y’know..put this friendship in jeopardy again”

“Just remember that Vee could do heaps better”

“You done, Gare?”

“How the fuck do you think this up ?” John asked

I chuckled , I honestly can’t believe I give advice .. love advice to someone two years older than me

“Let’s just say that I might be younger than you , but I to have had my fair share of fuck-ups .. Definitely not as bad as yours though...”


The sun shun through the windows. Woke up with a massive hangover , should’ve expected that. But I haven’t been this wasted since God knows when.

5 missed calls : Johno

2 messages : Katie

2 voice-mail : Katie ; Johno

And a note on the table .. so much like a fucking one night stand O’Callaghan. Sitting down on the couch , keeping the iPhone as far away from me as possible (sound travels far when your hungover ..ugh)

Five missed calls from John .. nice to see Katie cared ..Eh

Fuck the rest of the messages , it can wait…until after I get ready .. never have I hated the smell of Jaeger in my life.

I chucked on a pair of skinnies , a grey-print t-shirt and wore my converse and out I went to the studio where John wanted me to meet him. How he had the energy to get to a studio before I even woke up is beyond me.. he fucking drinks more than me!

“Hey John , how the fuck did you get here without a hangover?” I asked a somewhat awake John

“A little thing called Advil my friend , you should try some” He replied chucking the little box with the little tablets in it

“Good idea bro,”

“So why are we here ?” I asked pointing my finger around the room

“I was writing up this new material for the new record”

John handed me a piece of paper that had song lyrics and chords back to front.

“Listen to Your Heart & Inside of You” the piece of paper read.

Crossing my knees on the couch ;looking at the piece of paper , I started to ponder ; would this have anything to do with Vee or merely just a song for the sake of doing so. I probably shouldn’t over think …but fuck it.