Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 5





I said one by one as I was punching the punching-bags at the gym. I needed a reliever from everything that was going on. So after our drama-class thing I went with Katie to our local gym. Which fortunately enough , was right across the road from the apartment complex I moved into with Katie.

I slowly started to take a breath. I took in a breather and off I went .




“OUT!” I punched harder on that last word.

As Katie was holding the punching bag when I hit it , it kinda sorta ..sent her flying a little bit.
I started to wipe away the sweat from my face , then fixed up the bun my hair was in.

“Must’ve really got you bad..” Katie unwillingly said as she got up wiping away fake bruises

“W-what do you mean ?,”

“You know .. how John keeps bullshitting you , its common sense ..there’s no point trying to deny this,”

“I’m not denying anything…well I’m trying not to anyway” I said taking a sip from my over-used plastic bottle

“It’s just that .. tell me what would you do if you found out that Garrett keeps sending you mixed messages and now it’s like you’re just unsure about everything now ?,”


Katie began but slowly came to a halt , mainly because she was picking up our stuff so we could leave.

“Me personally , I’d just shrug it off .. but then again , I’d probably just be straight-up with him,”

“mhhmm..” I replied

We walked out of the gym - The gym no longer fulfilling our needs. It was the first Thursday of the month, that almost always meant that the guys would come over until the weekend finished.

Since high-school , there was no way that we couldn’t all be separated for long . And since The Maine became a band that’s known well-around the world , it was hard making time for each other with touring and all.

7:38 pm The digital clock on the wall clearly projected. Time felt as if it was going slow.

“Where are they ? their usually here by now!” I frantically said.

“Dude , just calm down,”

“They’ll be here don’t worry” Katie said with that worried look.

“Whatever,” I said walking off into the bathroom to fix up my make-up. Just as I was re-applying the mascara , the doorbell rang .. and I hear none-other than John O’Callaghan’s voice.

“SHIT!” I whispered as I realised that it went all smudgy because I was rushing . I closed my make-up bag and off I went into a room full of band-dudes ..and my bestfriend . Great.

“There she is!” Kenny said taking my petite body into a tight-embrace

“Kennedy Brock stop raping my bestfriend!” Katie yelled from the couch where she was just chilling next Pat . They always knew how to waste time them two.
Slightly embarrassed , Kenny let go.

“If I was raping her then why didn’t she react,”

“Didn’t give me enough time to yell rape ?!” I joked

“eh whatever” Kenny shrugged .

Time was slowly passing and beside’s the normal small talk , not a word was said between John & I. There was between everyone else , but that’s because their all close-knit , y’know ?

Beside’s Katie , Kenny and I have been pretty close. It all started when Katie & I had a rough patch. He helped us fix things up.

I was just sitting on our bay window staring down my blackberry , just for something to do whilst the others got comfortable for the weekend ahead. In the corner of my eye I see none-other than Kennedy Brock asking to sit .. not directly , but you could see it in his eyes.

“Hey” he said quietly

“Hello” I said in return

A conversation between the two of us hasn’t been this awkward in God knows how long.
I couldn’t even focus properly , all I really wanted to do was be with John and just tell him how I feel. But I know if I wanted to do something as risky as that , I’d need some moral support.

“Garrett told me what happened with you and John,”

“Kenny ?” I asked re-adjusting my position so that I was leaning on his shoulder

“What’s wrong Vee?,”

“What should I do?,”

“Umm .. have you asked Katie ?,”

“She just said to talk to him..”

“That’s exactly what you do, it’s not hard if you know what you wanna talk about,”

“That’s the thing I—“

I had to stop once I saw everyone giving me looks for leaning on Kenny .

“What ?” I nervously laughed

“Careful John, looks like you have a bit of competition” Jared said softly , but not soft enough for me not to hear it.