Status: Hiatus because it sucks

Love , It's Just For Fun

Chapter 9

“We’ve been expecting you two” was the first thing I heard once John & I walked in to the dim-lighted apartment.

John and I looked at each other in slight confusion.

I could see that John began to mouth the word ‘what’ so I did what anyone would do in that position and just shrugged.

A few seconds later this whole mafia-style set-up was ruined.

“YES!” I heard Pat yell from Katie’s... Katie & Garrett’s room.

“…Kirch, it’s not fare! You’re already a drummer!” Katie whined.

Which meant a few things must’ve happened, Garrett won the battle and got his x-box set up in there; they’re playing rock band ; better yet both.

“Well I guess that ruin’s everything” Kenny said swivelling the chair to face us and let Sammy out of his arms.

Sammy then ran up to me and started scratching my legs so she could get some attention from me. Love that dog.

“And there goes my nicest pair of skinny jeans” I baby talked to Sammy scratching her head

She just continued wagging her tail, she must’ve understood …but her face was saying ‘bitch I don’t give a fuck, you love me anyway’

“Where are the others?” John asked taking some left-over Jamba from yesterday.

“Bedroom, Jared & Tim set up Garrett’s x-box and let’s just say they’ve been playing rock band ever since”

“I knew it” I mouthed shaking my head.

“Why aren’t you with them?,”

“Ehh, got bored,”

“So I went to go and help with the boxes...” Kenny smirked

“Oh...” I got slightly embarrassed considering I was the one that bugged him to help in the first place.

“Yeah” he continued

“Where were you guys?”

I looked at John who was still in the kitchen trying to find something, if not anything to eat.

“Uh , we got caught up in something”

Kenny gave a bewildering look, sometimes I think he knows me to well. He could tell something was up .. well most of the time anyway.

“Umm .. I’m just gonna go to Katie” I told Kenny leaving the living room.

This something you talk to your best-girl friend about or the guy who’s practically your brother?

Gonna have to trust my gut... Katie it is.

There was a bit of built up suspense as I stood at the doorway of Katie & Garrett’s room.

“Hey guys,” I started to lean against the doorframe saying that.

I got a small ‘Hi’ from Garrett , Jared & Tim were busy trying to distract Garrett whilst Katie & Pat were just talking , texting and watching the other’s play , sitting on the bed with their back’s leaning against the wall.

Pat had his head leaning against Katie’s shoulder. The perfect bait.

“Aww look at the baby couple” I pouted as I walked in realising that no one was going to the door .

“What?,” Katie looked alert at first , then at me , un-impressed . At that moment Pat moved his head so that it faced up-right; he looked a little humiliated, so he said he was tired.

Not even this distracted Garrett from reaching a high-score in this game - Got a verbal bashing though. I guess that means he was semi-listening.

“I’m right here” Garrett sorta-laughed – still staring at the screen. But the bashing of the plastic drums was getting harder.

“I’m only kidding,” I paused .

“Or was I ..”

“ `Kay why are you here?” she asked

“Can’t I hang out with my best-buddies .. y’know , chill out..,” I stalled .

“Talk , perhaps?”

I ended with that serious face Katie knows so well.

We got out of the band-dude infested room and into mine where I would tell Katie of the whole lot of events that happened throughout moving day. Ranging from running into James.. Let alone running into James with Pat’s ex... That just made everything a whole lot better. But if I’m being honest, everything was fine up until I had to mention the most vital detail.

“James thinks’ that John & I are dating,” I said all in one breath.


“James think—,”

“I heard what you said” she interrupted.

“So what did you do ?,”

“What did I do ?, more like what did John do..” I scoffed

Katie gave me a sort-of shocked; happy type of look. I can’t explain it , I didn’t even know if it was a serious one or not.

I then spent the next 15 minutes expelling everything else that happened to Katie. Within the 15 minutes there was a lot of giggling and ‘what if’s’ and all that stuff - Things that talking to Kenny wouldn’t have happened.

Celebratory dinner.. Did we have one to welcome Garrett into the apartment I now share with him & Katie? Hell no. Instead we had a fucking party.

“I don’t get why you girls have to keep changing everytime we have a party” Jared spoke up
“We need to look good so our guy’s don’t leave us” Jared’s girlfriend Tessa defended us as we were fixing up the finishing touches.

“Tessa” I said plainly.. I was the only one out of the girls that didn’t have a legit boyfriend. I’ve got a fake one that I actually have feelings for .. Does that count?

As of that moment ,Tim opened up 2 packs of whiskey-based alchahol & popped open one bottle of tequila. this party soon became a drunk-fest, the guys thought of everything - Even hired a keg for this one night event.

The apartment was as full as it could get. There were even people in the hallway ; it was that packed .Hopefully the neighbours don’t mind.

“Should’ve remembered you had a photographic memory” I almost yelled to uninvited – un-required house guest as we were getting another one of those paper red cups filled with the righteousness that is alchahol. The music in this place was that loud.

“I guess you should” James replied.

“I don’t believe for a second that you & John dating is legit”

“Oh yeah?” I questioned

“Yeah , Vee .. not one fucking bit”

I might’ve been a little tipsy , but it wasn’t that bad to even judge my next move on alchahol.

Moving closer to the area where John was a definite danger zone. Katie, Tessa , people we used to go to school with mixed with bands touring whilst in AZ and apparently ex-boyfriend’s surrounded us.

“John” I tapped my ‘boyfriend’s’ shoulder.

I looked back to see James staring with his albino type eyes.

“I’m sorry” I mouthed to John who stared into my eyes.

What originally was meant to be a small peck on the lips to convince James of something that’s not true became something I don’t even know if I’ll regret in times to come.

I could feel a little bit of a spark as it became slowly , but never the less passionate. This is ridiculous , there is no way John feels the same way.

Dream on Vee .. wait ,why am I even thinking this way? Great.