Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Eleven.

i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and waited for when Mr. Sykes would turn his back to the class again and continue writing Geography notes up on the board, to check who the message was from. I was hoping it was..yep, it was from him.
"NEW MESSAGE: JACK BARAKAT." I read across the screen. I hit the 'OK' button to view the message, and when I read it I couldn't help smiling. It said:

So I'm sittin here, bored as fuck in Math.. and I'm just thinking to myself.. You know what?
I think it's time for our 2nd date Mr. ;)
Jay xxx

I looked up from under the desk, where I had slyly placed my phone on my lap, as Sykes turned around and made eye contact with a few of us (you know when teacher's turn around randomly and look at you? it's just fucking awkward..) and then continued droning on and on about climate graphs and isobars and shit I wasn't paying any attention to. I got back to focusing on my text from Jack. Did I have any plans tonight..?
Nope. Thank fuck.
I quickly typed out my message and hit send, and grinned a little to myself.
I had said:

Tonight sounds good to me Jay. This time, it's my turn to surprise you. Come over to my house around 8.30 k? And, does that mean you were thinking bout me in class?
A xxx

I was surprised with how quickly he replied to me, within less than a minute of putting my phone back inside my jeans pocket I felt it vibrate again. I took it out and read his reply.

I'll be there. & course it does.. I'm always thinking bout you Lex.

Sat here, grinning like a mad man in the middle of Geography. Sarah Macready just gave me a really funny look, and I'm pretty sure Sykes has noticed my smirk. But I don't care. No ones ever said something like that to me. I'm aloud to be happy at this moment and time ok?
The things you do to me Jack Barakat.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that this chapter is so short! i didn't have much time to write it tonight, but i felt i needed to update coz it's been so long. next chapter will be longer, i promise ;)
thanks to everyone whose reading! <3