Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Eleven (continued).

I stepped out of my car into the surprisingly chilly air. It was almost eight.. I was a little early but I couldn't wait to get over here. My parents had been fighting, yet again, and so I just needed to get out of that place and clear my head. I needed to see Alex. He helped me through things like this.
I walked up the pathway leading to his front door, my hands shoved in my pockets to try keep some warmth in them. When I got to the door I took my right hand out and rang the doorbell. I re-entered my hand into my pocket, standing on his porch, awkwardly waiting for him to answer. After a few seconds I kind of heard footsteps from the other side of the door and my stomach did flips. I hadn't seen him all day, for some reason he had left at lunch. He said he was sick but I kind of don't believe him. I pushed the thought from my head and concentrated on calming myself down. I heard the door handle turn, and the creak of the hinge pulling back, and there he was standing in the doorway. His hair was messy but styled that way, kind of spiked up a little at the back. I couldn't see properly what he was wearing as his clothes were covered by the apron he had on. I laughed as I looked at it. It was pink and had a women's body on the front, very tanned and skinny, in black lingerie, making it look as if Alex has that body. He smiled the most beautiful smile at me as I stopped laughing, and I grinned back, feeling slightly dizzy from his gaze.
"Come in, come in," he said loudly, putting on an English accent as he pushed back the door giving me enough room to enter.
I stepped inside and instantly the warm air hit me. It felt so good, slowly heating up my toes and fingers. I took off my leather jacket and hung it on the bottom of the stairs. I turned back to face Alex and realized how close he had moved to me. His body was right up to mine, our faces inches apart.
"Hi.." He whispered, before gently pressing his lips up against mine. I ran my fingers along the nape of his neck, playing with his hair a little. I pulled back after about a minute or two, and smiled.
"I'm gonna be expecting a greeting like that every time I see you from now on you know." I told him jokingly and he chuckled a little.
"Hey, hey, no problems with that on my part." He removed his hands from my waist and I removed mine from around his neck. He headed towards the kitchen and I followed him down the hall. He opened the door leading into the kitchen and I was instantly hit by the most delicious smell. I followed him through it, and came into the usually bright lit kitchen which was replaced with a dim one, the only light flickering from a candle set on the table. It was perfectly set for a dinner for two, a special white table cloth spread across it and everything.
"What's all this?" I grinned and he briefly turned from where he was setting something up across the counter top, plating the dinner I think it was.
"A special dinner for two.. If you call dinner in my kitchen special." He motioned for me to sit and I did, being careful not to touch anything. There was cutlery and napkins carefully laid out, two different glasses for both of us, a little bread basket in the middle of the table with Italian sliced bread inside, the beautiful smelling purple candle, the works. He took off his apron as he said,
"Now Jack, I hope you like Lasagna..That's about all I know how to make, but I make a pretty darn good one." He turned away from me and picked up two plates, then walked towards the table.
"Actually, Um.. I kinda hate Lasagna.." I made a disgusted face and he stopped in his tracks, his face going ghost-white.
"I'm just kidding," I giggled a little. "Lasagna is like, my favorite food."
He sighed a sigh of relief and smiled again, setting the plate down in front of me.
"I was gonna make you eat it anyways." He chuckled as he put his plate down opposite me, and then grabbed a bottle of wine and a jug of water from the counter. He placed them on the table to the left, so it wasn't blocking either of us out, and sat down in his seat opposite my own.
"Dig in!" He grinned.

* * * * *

"They always do it, and I'm so fucking sick of it. I can't wait until I'm going off to college and get to move out of that place." I was confiding in Alex. Explaining about my parents and their constant fighting, letting it all out. We lay hand in hand on a blanket in the middle of his back garden on the grass, with another warmer blanket covering us. His legs were intertwined with mine, out bodies keeping each other warm. We lay looking up at the sky, which was clear and star-filled. His thumb ran along my finger, back and forth in a comforting motion.
"It must be hard to have parents that fight a lot." He replied quietly, his lovely voice husky and deep.. soothing to me.
"It is sometimes. It can just get a little much you know? You know they would probably be happier if they just split up. We all would be." I sighed, and then I remembered the question I had been meaning to ask him.
I let the silence pan out for a few minutes before speaking again.
"Alex.. can I ask you something?"
"You know when you first came out?"
"How did you're parents take it?"
"Oh." He looked at me and I gazed right back at him. "They didn't really care that much, I mean at first they thought it was a little weird.. but in the end it didn't matter to them."
"You're so lucky you're parents are so understanding."
"You're's wouldn't be?"
"Don't think so. Not my Dad anyways. He's real into being a manly man and all that shit. He wouldn't respect me if he knew."
"Well don't worry Jay. I'll always be here for you, no matter what ok?" I grinned and nodded saying,
"I know Lex."
"No but really, no matter how late or early.. No matter where, I'll be there for you."
"Thank you.." I could only manage to quietly say, my voice almost a whisper. I was getting a bit over whelmed by him. I mean this night was so, so perfect. I've never had some one go to all this kind of trouble just for me. And now here we are, so happy and care free. This is how it should be. I feel safe just laying here beside Alex, so close to him. It's the nicest feeling in the world.
He softly kissed me on the forehead and I pulled him closer to me. I nuzzled my head into his chest, rising and falling with each breath he took.
"Jack.." He whispered in my ear softly, sending shivers down my spine.
"Yes?" I answered softly.
"Do you want to go upstairs?" I realized what he meant after a few seconds. I had thought I'd need much more time to adjust, to get myself ready for this. But lately, all I've been thinking about is being with Alex. Like properly being with him. I have no idea what it's gonna be like, but I'm ready to find out. As I thought this I was hit with a sudden wave of love. It was like a whole new realization of how much I need him now. God damn, I love him.
"Yeah.. Yeah I do." I sat up slowly and he smiled that beautiful smile of his. As we stood up, and left the blankets lying in the middle of his garden, he took my hand and before leading me inside said,
"Let's go."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for not updating for soooo long D: i hope this is long enough to make up for the wait! <3