Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Five.


"Fuck Alex you scared me.." I whispered in the middle of maths class. I had been taking down the notes the teacher was writing on the board when Alex casually appears beside me and yells "BOO!!" in my ear.. as you do..?
Being the only one that can see him is gonna be a problem. This morning I forgot he wasn't there so it looked like I was talking to myself on the way to school, and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy.
If you haven't already gathered, Alex is now a ghost. Fucking weird right? I kinda still don't believe it myself but I'm coming around to it I guess. I know what you're thinking, how is this possible.. well to be frank, i have no fucking clue. But all I know is what Alex told me that day at the grave yard.
He said "Well I don't really understand it myself.. But I remember at the very last second, when I took my last breath, I remember thinking 'oh fuck.. why did I do this? i wish i could go back and stop myself..' , and i think that made me like I dunno, not cross over to the after life or whatever. So now I'm kinda stuck in between the real world, and the after life.. I guess that made me a ghost."
And we still don't know why I'm the only one that can see him. I don't think he's being fully truthful with me though, I think he may be hiding something.
"I would hate to be you right now Jack. I remember this shitty class, the teacher's a prick." I watched as he ran up behind the teacher and pretended to squeeze his ass, and then ran his fingers along it which, even though his fingers weren't real and were a kind of pale illusion of fingers, made the teacher itch scratch at his bum. I tried so hard not to laugh, and people noticed I was about to and gave me funny looks.
I signaled at Alex to come over to me and within a flash he was at my desk.
"Yessum?" he said loudly. I looked around to make sure no one else had heard it. Obviously, they hadn't.
"Would you mind fucking off for a while? I can't concentrate with you molesting my teacher.." I whispered as quietly as I could, practically mouthing the words out. But he heard me.
"Fine... You're not much fun are you? I'll be at your house." And with that he walked right through my desk, through the two desks to the right of mine, and through the wall.
This is fucking creepy.

* * * * *

"So this is weird huh?" Alex said as he sat.. well no not sat, more like floated in mid air, across from me as I lay back against the head-board of my bed.
"Specifically what is? Cause for me this is all fucking weird." he laughed a little before speaking.
"Me, being here in your room. For what, fucking four years we hated each other? And now.. here I am chillin' in the Barakat home. Never thought I'd see the day.. Well technically I'm not seeing anything cause y'no, i'm dead."
I shook my head and sighed. "I don't know how you can just openly talk about it like that.. It's not exactly a happy thing to be dead is it?"
"If I'm not positive about it, I'll just slump around being sad all day. And who would want a depressed ghost? Not me anyways."
"Well it's good that at least one of us is being positive about this situation."
"I don't know what the fuck you have to be depressed about here Jack, you're not the dead one!" He looked amused.
"I know, I know.. I just feel so so bad for this. Alex it is all my fault that you're like this. You know I am so sorry.."
"Would you stop telling me that? I forgave you yesterday remember? That is why I am here. I'm not one to hold a grudge.. I never was." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but give a small smile back. And that's when I got those butterflies again. This time, I didn't care. I didn't try push them away.. I embraced them. I liked feeling like this. When I look at Hayley, my supposed girlfriend, i never feel like this. I just kind of.. force myself to like her. Maybe that's telling me something I should have realized a long, long time ago. . I dunno maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing. And even if I was ... gay... I couldn't act upon it! I mean when I look at any of my other guy friends, I don't feel at all like this. Not at all. And if Alex is the only one that makes me feel like this.. well that's a bust, cause he's dead.
I let out a deep sigh and Alex just looked at me. I looked back at him, and I mean really looked at him. I looked at his, as always, perfectly styled hair, his blink 182 shirt, his dark skinny jeans fitting just right around his long legs. His face was flawless. Even as a ghost he was.. I can't believe I'm saying this.. but he is so hot. Like so, so hot.
No. Hot is the wrong word.
He is beautiful.
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this ones a long one. hope it explains the cliffhanger from the last chapter clearly! comments would be amazing. thank you to anyone reading or subscribing <3