Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Six.

"You sure you're gonna be okay on your own?" I asked for the third time as I fixed my hair in the mirror.
"Dude, I'm not a kid. I'll be fine!" Alex replied, starting to sound slightly annoyed for asking him the same question.
"I know, I know. Sorry." I turned shyly away from him and walked over to where my jacked was lying across my bed. I was going over to Hayley's house and probably would end up staying over at hers, and I didn't know what the hell Alex was gonna do. For the past four days he's just kinda hung around me or at my house. He's going off on his own, wandering around I guess, and I don't know why but I just feel... worried about him. I have no reason too, but.. I dunno.
"You worry too much." He said from the opposite side of the room. "Go have fun."
"I'll try. See you tomorrow?" I asked as I pushed down on the door handle, but he didn't answer. He just went out through the window, and waved at me before floating off into the night. I sighed, pulled open my door, and, reluctantly, headed for Hayley's.

* * * * *
(Later That Night)

"C'mere babe." Hayley said from her bed, while I sat on the couch beside it, watching what ever crap she was watching on the TV. I got up and went over to lay down beside her. Although I didn't really have time for laying, once I got beside her she rolled over onto me and starting pretty much eating my face. . She was just kissing me all over, like crazy. I can't say I was as into it as she was. Not half as into it. But I thought I'd just put in the effort for her sake. She made her way down my neck, knowing it usually gets me going once she kisses my neck, but not this time. She started undoing the buckle on my belt. In my head I sighed, but of course I didn't wanna be rude and do it out loud, so I just helped her with taking off my pants, and then when she sat up helped take off her shirt. She cheekily grinned at me and I fake grinned back. I tried looking at her the way I had looked at Alex, really looking at her. But I didn't feel half the same as I had with him. Nothing tingled.. no butterflies.. I just felt.. empty.
She sat back and pulled off her mini skirt, revealing a very bright pink pair of panties. I didn't even feel like taking them off her. We were just mindlessly going through these motions in my head. . Nothing we were doing even meant anything. It wasn't special.. Just pointless sex.
When she took off my boxers.. That's when I knew it. I didn't get that usual heat before the boner comes along. I was completely flat, and she noticed. She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow.
"Woah Jack, usually you'd be practically off by now.." She sat back and started looking panicky. I tried thinking of all the dirty, sexual things I could.. but nothing worked. I just couldn't get it up. And I knew exactly why.
I rolled off the bed, found my boxers and pulled them on.
"Jack? Jack what the fuck are you doing?" She sounded angry. Probably never been rejected like that. I began to feel bad so I turned around and said,
"Hayley I'm sorry, but I just can't do this. I'm pretty sure you saw why.." I continued to dress myself as she yelled random shit at me about me not appreciating her and how I was acting like she wasn't good enough. I hadn't really been listening but then she said something just as I was putting on my shoe that made me listen up.
"What are you now, some kind of fucking faggot? Huh?"
I stood up and looked at her and chuckled a little.
"You know what Hayley?" I started edging towards the door while speaking.
"What?" She retorted angrily, and I just smiled stupidly.
"You're a bitch." And before she had the chance to get up and slap me, I walked out the door and left her house, leaving her sitting there in her pink panties, to go home and hopefully see Alex.
Only one thing left to do now.

* * * * *

"I don't really know if this even fucking works, but I've seen it in the movies. . so um... Alex? If you can hear me.. we need to talk.. so get the fuck over here please." I sounded stupid pretty much talking to myself, in my back yard in the darkness.. but I really needed to talk to him.
Almost instantly he appeared, sitting down right at my feet. I jumped back and he laughed at me.
"You gotta stop sneaking up like that Alex." I said as he fell back in fits of laughter.
After a few seconds he regained himself and spoke "So you need to talk to me?"
I sighed and sat down beside him. He looked at me right in the eyes and I held his gaze.
"Alex.. I realized something tonight." I began.
"Oh yeah? Why aren't you at Hayley's anyways?" He interrupted. He was great at interrupting.
"I was getting to that. I realized tonight that I don't like Hayley anymore. She's a bitch.. I don't even know why I liked her in the first place. But I realized something else." My words got caught in my throat then, I just couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence.
"Which was...? Come on, don't leave me in suspense!" He smiled a warm smile at me, and I was reassured that I had to tell him.
"Ok. I'm just gonna tell you. . I think I'm.." I hesitated for a minute but continued. "I think I'm g-gay Alex."
He wasn't even surprised, He just nodded and said,
"I know you are."
"Um.. what? I didn't even know I was until like 20 minutes ago.. How could you have -"
"Oh silly, silly Jack. Don't lie. You've known you're gay for WAY over 20 minutes."
"How did you know that?" I stood up as he did, and he just smiled that same smile, trying to keep me calm.
"I've gotta go now Jack."
"What? Why? Alex, don't... Wait, I don't understand this?"
"You will soon Jack." He turned away from me and was about to walk away, when he turned back again quickly and said,
"Oh yeah, before I forget! I advise you to tell Alex about you're um, new found sexuality. You need to hurry though, you won't have much time before it's too late."
"Wait, Alex don't go, just wait and tell me what the fuck you're talking about!" I've honestly never been so confused in all of my life.
"Don't be so impatient! You'll find out soon enough Jack. Just remember. . HURRY!" And with that he completely vanished.
"ALEX? ALEX WHAT THE FUCK?" I stood there calling out into the darkness
I called his name over and over, I begged him to come back, I just stayed out there for ages trying to get him to come back to me and explain everything that just happened.
And suddenly, everything went completely blank. I could hear myself in my mind, but I couldn't see my body. There was nothing, it was all just darkness. I tried yelling, but no noise was made.
Everything became nothing but black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wouldn't say this is my best chapter so far. I know that most of these chapters have been from Jack's POV and It's pretty confusing and I'm sorry again for the cliffhanger, but don't worry all will be revealed in the next chapter :)
thanks to anyone reading, and subscribing. please comment and tell me what you think? <3